Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1671: Crossing China

In a place farther west than the Chuanyu base, there is a rare area here. When the end of the world broke out, it was also the rarest part of the zombie. After three years, some areas were also swept by the new human team in the Chuanyu base. Survivors of the zone survive the threat of zombies.

A small base has emerged from this, or the simple tribes are connected together and depend on each other for survival.

However, the sweeping of the Chuanyu base only solved the zombie problem. There are still huge threats of mad animals, especially in the current three years of the last days, the animals are almost all powerful to a degree of terror.

Small bases do not have the ability to withstand these animals. A group of humans who have gathered together can only migrate to the plateau.

They didn't think about going east to find the shelter of the big base, but it wasn't that high-ranking new humans couldn't afford to cross the jungle full of mad animals, and they couldn't fight the zombies who didn't know where they would come from. Let's not say that the East is in a state of war, humans and zombies, humans and heterogeneous, and even humans and humans.

Survival ** drove these people to go higher and higher, and finally settled at a high altitude that they could not have imagined before.

Among these people, there is the Ye Yongyang family who moved from the far east. This family of generations has encountered many crises during long journeys. When they arrived at the human gathering place in the west, the family There are only a few stars left.

Ye Yongyang, the head of the current Yejia family, proposed the relocation and forcibly took a family of dozens of people to hike, and a large number of family members died on the way, which made him inevitably questioned by his family's anger.

However, Ye Yongyang did not give anyone the opportunity to discuss. The old man showed amazing perseverance on this road, and also broke out the unimaginable energy. He came to this extremely high altitude with the last few Ye family members. Small base.

The head of the small base is named Yang Feijie. The grade is very light but it is already a sixth-order new human being. It is the highest-ranking person in the entire western region.

It is not that there have been no high-ranking new humans before, but those people have not stayed here again. After all, once the order is more than five, they are fully capable of making a living in the east and living a life that is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Yang Feijie chose to stay, here to take care of the survivors of a large number of hands-free chicken.

"You want to live here?" Yang Feijie looked at Ye Yongyang and others who came to this small base. His eyes could not help but reveal a stunned look.

These leaf family members are like ragged clothes. They have experienced unimaginable long-distance trekking at first sight, even the danger of extreme horror, and their eyes are bright and overly dazzling, and people have to be suspicious.

Suddenly a few emigrants, accurately found this base that is not easy to find, successfully passed the cross-examination of the gatekeeper's cross-examination investigation, and even came to his face Yang Feijie himself.

How can you see what is wrong!

"Yes, please the leader to take over." Ye Yongyang is not humble and direct.

Yang Feijie’s eyes swept over several people behind Ye Yongyang, and then frowned and asked: “I heard, are you from the east?”

Ye Yongyang nodded, like a sigh of relief, a smile on the old face: "Yes, from the farthest east, crossing most of China."

Yang Feijie’s heart rushed out with some strange emotions: “You, come over?”

How many people in China are well known, how many kilometers is it from east to west?

Ye Yongyang continued to nod and his eyes were bitter: "After more than two years, a small population of dozens of old and small, there are so many behind me."

Yang Feijie did not expect this to be the case. The look of Yang Feijie and others has changed dramatically. Is this horrible thing really happening?

"You, is this for the sake of you?" Yang Feijie could not understand: "Is it worth it?"

With his perceptive power, he can clearly feel that the few displaced people in front of him are only the most common survivors. Even the first-order new human beings are not. How do such ordinary people without fighting power do it? Crossing most of China?

Ye Yongyang did not explain too much, but he was helpless: "When the whole family is about to face the catastrophe, even if it is difficult, try to protect the family heritage, and lose most of it. It is better to stay in the east than to stay in the east. ”

With the fall of the voice, Yang Feijie could not help but be shocked and admired. Several young men and women behind Ye’s old man were also shocked.

Ye Yongyang never told them the reason along the way, even if they were angry and opposed, the family old man was just silent.

But now, when Ye Yongyang utters this crisis, the young people who have finally saved these Ye family can't sit still.

Yang Feijie did not make trouble for Ye Yongyang. He slightly explained a few precautions of this small base, and vacated a simple empty house in the corner of the base to let Yejia several people temporarily live.

In the face of this narrow house with only 20 square meters, Ye Yongyang was grateful to thank you. After all, they couldn't get anything out. There was a room that was already out of sight. Even if several people were crowded together, there was nothing.

After leaving only the Ye family in the house, a young male in Yejia couldn’t help but start asking: "Grandpa, what is the catastrophe of Ye Family?"

Ye Yongyang reached out and touched a pendant hidden in the chest. His eyes were a little far away: "Your uncle, Bo, has contacted a rich family who is surnamed Bai. Do you know this?"

"Know." One person replied, "The uncle said that at that time, Uncle Bo said that this white family can let our family avoid danger, and can live in a large base to enjoy aristocratic treatment, but Grandpa can hear you after hearing it. Furious, directly expelling Uncle Bo from the family."

Ye Yongyang smiled bitterly: "The white family where the white family is young is one of the major families that our family has been pinned down thousands of years ago."

“Millennium?” The young people of Ye Family were shocked.

Ye Yongyang knows that these secrets are a very long history, so he puts his hand and simplifies: "You only need to know that the white family wants our family to die."

"But, listening to Uncle Bo, said that the white master is sincerely wanting to see you?" There are also young people in Yejia who have some doubts.

Ye Yongyang sneered: "That is what he wants from me, or wants me to be a guide."

"Guide?" Yejia young people found that they could not understand the words of Grandpa.

Ye Yongyang's eyes are twinkling with cold light, and the sound is even more with a cold air: "The guide of the Millennium Tomb."

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