Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1672: Weird

At the Beijing base, the helicopters on the apron were neatly arranged, and Luo Ming returned to the Beijing base from the **** of several helicopters.

After confirming that he had arrived safely on the apron, all aspects of the Beijing base were relaxed. After the incident of almost losing the two most authoritative old men, the pastoral orders and Luo Ming’s travels became their most stressful things.

Therefore, when Luo Ming left Beijing, he only brought two pilots. When he came back, he was escorted all the way.

A young major walked in front of Luo Ming, who had just got off the helicopter. After the salute, he immediately complained: "Luo Lao, can you say hello before you travel? You can’t say it, you know that we are all I almost got it, but fortunately, there was no accident."

Luo Ming looked around and surrounded him with a sloppy posture. He was quite helpless: "There is something wrong with it, and I am going to have a wolf tooth. What danger can I have?"

The young major insisted: "Fortunately, you are going to go to the wolf and not in other places. You must know that you have just left the Beijing base and have already revealed whereabouts. Although the Southern Alliance Army has completed the North Mission, there are still many chaos. I want to do something extreme at the last minute."

"Okay, okay, I know." Luo Ming waved his hand and walked quickly toward the place where the priest was.

The young major shook his head helplessly, and this gave the order to release the personal protection.

Back to the base of Beijing, Luo Ming all looked a little dignified. When he came to the office of the animal husbandry commander, it was as ugly as swallowing bitter gourd.

The priest ordered to see such a glimpse, but he just asked casually: "Is it back?"

Luo Ming nodded: "Is there a news of the victory of the South Corps base corpse tide?"

The priest ordered a piece of the table: "The battle reports were sent, very detailed."

Luo Ming sat at the table and meditated. He did not go to see the battle report. After all, he saw him at the scene of the war and did not study the necessity of this battle report.

The priests saw this kind of look, and they also guessed that the situation was not simple, but they chatted in the opposite direction: "This is a very interesting group. Because the sergeant is not there, he will not report the news. Lying directly to the ground, the collective sleeps."

Luo Ming drank another cup of tea, and the wrinkled face looked slightly stretched: "The young people are very casual."

"Yeah!" The priest was very open-hearted and then asked: "Why are you going to Spike this time, Chuhan?"

Luo Ming’s action was a meal, and he looked up at the animal husbandry commander: “Chu Han is afraid that it will not help us for a while. He was injured in the war, not the slight injury mentioned in the war report, but the coma has not yet been awakened. ”

The smile of the priest’s order froze, and the atmosphere in the house condensed at once. After a long time, he sighed: “No wonder the face you came in is so bad.”

"My face is not because of this." Luo Ming smiled and continued: "Chu Han was coma, but according to Shang Jiuyi, Bai Yuner went to see it, and told Shang Jiu Chu Chu Han that everything is unharmed. wake up."

The priest made the brow wrinkled: "Since Chu Han is not a big problem, what is it?"

"Because of the cycle theory." Luo Ming said that the body here was slightly trembling, and the lips were white: "The situation may be more serious, and the moment may have happened!"

The priest ordered the hand holding the pen to pause, thinking for a while and then said: "You saw Yuan Xiye? What did she say?"

Luo Ming’s face was pale and his eyes were empty: “The reasoning about the cycle theory that she showed us is just a beginning.”

The priest ordered the pupil to shrink: "The zombies or xenotypes we have encountered at the moment, at most, can be disguised as human beings, but other conveniences and people are still different, the zombie blood color and digestive system, as well as heterogeneous teeth. Eye and blood odor."

Talking about the priest's wrinkling, he thought: "Can these essential things change? Is it not possible to have long zombies?"

"I don't know." Luo Ming held both hands together and said: "But according to Yuan Xiye's reasoning, the zombies and the aliens will become indistinguishable from human beings, including everything you said, not only that. There may be something unexpected that happens to us."

“Fang said?” The animal husbandry ordered staring at Luo Ming.

Luo Ming shook his head and his eyes narrowed: "I don't know, Yuan Xiye doesn't know. When she said this to me, it seems that she is talking about an unusual thing. It is like saying a data, she can't see it at all. She has any fear."

Said Luo Ming a sigh: "In the future, you go, I will not go anyway, dealing with this kind of research monster, my heart can not stand."

The house was quiet again, and for a long time, the two old people were silent, and the priests were digesting the news brought by Luo Ming. Luo Ming was thinking about what he heard from Yuan Xiye.

If the development of the cycle theory happens to be carried out according to Yuan Xiye's inference, then the future zombies, aliens and humans of the earth will probably appear terrible scenes that are difficult to distinguish.

During the time when Luo Ming personally saw Yuan Xiye and returned to the Beijing base, the Southern Alliance Army also expanded the number of people at an incredible speed, and quickly moved toward the Duan base.

These teams were divided into several batches under the leadership of the winner. The first group had a small number of veterans to lead the team, with a large number of new recruits, with a simplified version of the spike training mode, training quickly on the roadside. .

The remaining troops are recruiting recruits all the way. Once the number of new recruits reaches a predetermined value, the victory will replicate the first mode of the first team.

In this way and so on, the Southern Alliance Army has been divided into several shares, walking around the road in batches.

Before the arrival of the first group of Southern Alliance troops, a large number of hunters from all over the world had already gathered at this base and around them. They guarded the base while arranging several people from time to time to go hunting. Zombies walking around.

After the battle of the corpse in the South Base, the zombies that swam around the borders, like the unpopular areas of the city, the zombies were indiscriminately turning around.

The zombies that walked away were sloppy, indicating that there was not a zombie leader in these zombies, and there was no wise super zombies.

This phenomenon is very strange, because the number of zombies that are swimming can be quite large, definitely more than two million.

And when this phenomenon appeared on the Huaxia border south of Duan's base, it was not strange, but weird!

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