Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 823: Have no courage

Huang Shuzhen was even more shocked and sweaty. On the one hand, Chu Han’s inexplicable and powerful command, one side was the outbreak of guards and a large number of survivors. Please search (@¥) to see the most! Novel

How is it now? !

Just when everyone is in a riot, the venue outside the entire base is noisy, and the violent riots are more difficult to control...


Suddenly a loud noise!


Everyone was shocked, and then the collective tacit understanding of the source of the sound, the scene is silent and silent.

Just looking at it, the survivors of tens of thousands of people are shrinking their pupils. The guards are helping their fingers to grab the place where they were at the moment. Huang Shuzhen is a dull face and his eyes are straight.

Because in front of them, Chu Han is looking black, the huge black axe is deeply inserted in the ground, and even the ground is constantly making a strange sound of ‘咔咔’, which is too hard to cause the ground crack!

Chu Han turned out to be strong with an axe?

Just the loud noise, it was Chu Han who lifted the black axe and forced it to the ground!

Just when everyone was shocked by Chu Han’s sudden move, Chu Han, who has done this kind of thing, has already said when everyone is quiet: “All people line up in the city in turn, what team is it? The team, all entered the main city square for review!"

A strong command, an unquestionable tone, accompanied by his chest. The former shining badge suddenly killed a group of people. The guards who originally opposed Huang Shuzhen’s proposal were subconsciously obliged to execute Chu Han’s orders.

But at this moment, there are always people who cannot see the situation and cannot understand the severity of the situation.

"When are you onions? Why do we listen to you?" This is the most fierce survivor of the previous trouble. It seems that the troubles before the trouble have made you feel that it is a part of standing out against Chu Han. Extremely face-lifting things.

The rest of the people did not expect someone to speak at this time. Suddenly a group of people were concentrated on Chu Han and the survivor, and they all watched the crowds.

Huang Shuzhen quickly stood up at this time and screamed at the survivor: "You are rude! The decision of General Chu Han is you can question?"

Then the survivors’ eyes suddenly sneered, and they looked at Chu Han with a sly look. They shouted again: “Admiral? Admiral can make a decision at random, regardless of the actual situation? Now tens of thousands of people are here, You let us swarm into the city gate, what is the shackles in your mind? Just this ability, I think you will let the sages!"

The unobstructed words of the mouth and the guards and Huang Shuzhen both have brains, and each one looks at the survivors with horror. Is your brother's courage too big? Chu Han is a base for survivors in Shanghai, and can make a bunch of big cockroaches helpless!

The rest of the survivors were completely different from Huang Shuzhen and others. Seeing Chu Han’s unspeakable sound, they suddenly aroused their more arrogant emotions, and they couldn’t help but stand up and the first surviving survivor. Together, they continually questioned Chu Han.

"What's right for Zhang Da Ge, who are you?"

“Isn't it an ordinary fifth-order evolutionist? There are a lot of fifth-orders in this world, don’t think you are amazing.”

"That's a decision that can't be compared with practical considerations. Why do we let us do it?"

"We are not the ones you can order at random, you still go home and fight with your little brothers who have never seen the world!"

The taunts that kept silent and kept ringing continued. The first survivor of Zhang’s surnamed Chu Han was as if he had won Chu Han’s generality, his face was full of arrogance and arrogance, and he looked more at Chu Han’s look. It is with disdain.

He felt more and more that Chu Han was a paper tiger. He only made some completely unsuitable actions and orders. The rest of the people were obedient to Chu Han in order to blame the identity of a general. In fact, Chu Han had no food.

At this moment, Chu Han was only a slight glimpse of his eyes, and he turned his hand to the Nan and Song dynasty, and then looked at the surnamed Zhang survivor: "You..."

"I am called Zhang Dayong! The third-order evolutionary!" Chu Han’s words have not yet begun to say that such survivors are suddenly interrupted, and they are unceremoniously open to introduce themselves.


Huang Shuzhen directly wet the clothes, so someone interrupted Chuhan?

In the world of lying trough, some people dare to interrupt Chu Han to speak?

Unbelievable and shocking.

It has always been Chu Han to interrupt others' words!

Chu Han paused, and then suddenly a corner of the mouth: "Zhang Dayong, a good name."

Zhang Dayong looks even more arrogant, his nostrils are all in the air, and the voice becomes more and more arrogant: "That is, I"


Suddenly a strange sound, suddenly interrupted Zhang Dayong's words!

Then everyone saw Chu Han not knowing when he was standing next to Zhang Dayong, with a black giant axe in his hand, and the red blood beads on his face were sprayed in the air, which was scary in the eyes of everyone. .


At the same time, Zhang Dayong’s head has already rolled on the ground for three laps, accompanied by the calm and horrible sound of Chu Han: “There is no courage.”

Almost immediately, everyone was scared of the soul. I couldn’t believe that Chu Han came up and gave Zhang Dayong a sigh. Even some timid people directly fell to the ground and looked at Chu Han’s eyes with fear.

The guards and Huang Shuzhen also did not react. They knew that Chu Han was a big man, but he really didn’t know that Chu Han dared to kill in front of thousands of survivors.

Only Song Yi, who has been standing in the distance, suddenly chuckled.

When I changed Nanton, I was pulled back to the real world by Song Yin’s voice. I was shocked by the look: "What are you laughing at?"

Song Yu’s eyes both smiled and opened his mouth and explained: “Chuhan brother just didn’t exaggerate the name of Dayong?”

"He is so boastful?" Changed Nan did not understand: "When you swear, you will kill?"

"Is Chuhan brother not explaining it?" Song Yi looked helplessly and continued to analyze the change: "So Chuhange killed the man and said, "There is no courage!"

When I changed Nanton, I was on the spot, not only because Song Song was unexpectedly clever, but also because of Chu Han’s thinking mode that surprised him.

Is this high-end ridicule Zhang Dayong to attack the stone?

I go!

Changed Nan suddenly failed to accept this gap. This year, even the words began to take the hidden high-end path?

In addition to the unusually intelligent Song Song and the knowledge of the truth, Nan Nan understood the meaning of Chu Han. The rest of the people, whether they were onlookers or those of the guards and Huang Shuzhen, were all over-stunned and did not react. They were still in shock. in.

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