Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 824: Overall view

At this time, he did not hesitate to kill Zhang Dayong’s Chu Han, but he had already brushed the blood beads on the Shura tomahawk, and then suddenly again raised the black axe that brought great pressure to the man. The sharp axe blade that flashed the black mans was so brightly aligned with the tens of thousands of survivors.

"Who else has any opinions?" Chu Han's black and dark ink scorpion is very dark, and the big voice is in this quiet place, but everyone can hear it clearly.


Many people subconsciously retreated, and their faces were completely scared. They were completely convinced that Chu Han was outside.

What arrogant murder is not blinking, is it a discount?

The real situation is a hundred times more horrible than that!

Huang Shuzhen snorted and spit, although Chu Han did not target him, but he was still scared. The legs are soft, especially the black scorpion of Chuhan. The killing of the person is only a chicken.

Is this still human?

Where is the devil!

"Since there is no opinion, I will line up in the city immediately." In a crowded place but quiet to a terrible venue, Chu Han said again: "I only give you ten minutes, everyone must enter the city, not allowed to crowd. ""

Brush it!

A group of people immediately slammed the team and did not dare to swear. They were not really willing to follow Chu Han’s inexplicable chores, but were completely stunned by Chu Han’s behavior.

After all, no one wants to die.

And how can someone who has the ability to fight with Chu Han be waiting in line at the gate of the city to wait for the city?

Strong unwillingness and dissatisfaction are almost in the hearts of all people, and the gap in strength makes them unsatisfied and helpless.

Huang Shuzhen has thoroughly worshipped Chu Han. The rest of the guards are collectively admiring Chu Han. From the overall situation, just if Chu Han does not stand out, a riot can be foreseen.

Once the riots are up, it is not as simple as the death of a few people. The more people are more and more chaotic, the situation at the gate of the base may be **** when the Shangguan is not there!

But Chu Han grabbed the hatred value of everyone before he broke out, and then exchanged the price of death for the calm.

Huang Shuzhen thought that after this point, there would be no more than two hundred heartbeats. He finally knows why it is also the top talent of China. It can be that Chuhan is a general and others are not.

Overall view!

This is the leadership ability of a high-powered person!

Just when everyone was in a quiet queue to enter the city, because of the orderly speed and the speed of entering the city, Shangguanrong finally appeared in a hurry, and a large wave of combat troops emerged from various places in the Nandu base. I used the fastest speed to come here.

This scene fell in the eyes of a large number of survivors who were entering the city. They all had a heartbeat, and an extremely bad premonition came to life.

What happened?

Shangguanrong, who received a message from Shangguan Yuxin, immediately walked to Chuhan after the appearance. This Chinese veteran general was particularly serious. The first sentence reflected his thinking height: "The corpse tide ?"

Shangguan Yuxin’s words were not mixed with speculation. It was just a dictation of Chuhan’s words, because this intelligent woman knew very well that even a word error at this critical moment would also cause decision makers’ Major mistakes.

So she dare not take risks, not to mention her knowing her father, fully capable of judging!

Shangguan Rong is not a person with a pit in his head. In terms of major events, his ability can only be higher and not worse than Chu Han, because in addition to the highly sensitive reaction ability, there are also seniors' experience.

So after Shangguan Yuxin’s flustered message, Shangguanrong immediately guessed the possibility of a corpse eruption. Although Shangguanrong had always been biased against Chuhan because of Shangguan Yuxin’s relationship, he was actually very similar to Chuhan. The difference in age and strength, in terms of thinking, Shangguanrong's way of thinking is basically the same as that of Chuhan, and even the two should have forgotten their friendship.

At the same time, Shangguan Rong is more aware of what kind of person Chu Chu is. How can a young person who is able to promote the pastoral commander and Luo Lao strong as an admiral?

The various performances of Chu Han in the Nandu base confirmed his excellence. Therefore, Shangguan Rong chose to believe in the unfounded decision of Chu Han Ming.

Because Chu Han will not make such a joke, the base must have a big crisis!

In the more intense atmosphere, two Chinese generals stood at the gate of the Nandu base, firmly blocking the most dangerous roads on the left and right sides, looking at the horizon where there is still nothing in the distance, Shangguan Ronghe Chu Han and the two are really weird foreheads full of cold sweat.

At the same time, after Shang Guanrong’s question was heard, Chu Han looked back at the veteran with a serious look: “The large corpse is difficult to estimate.”

"According to your opinion, how should the combat forces be deployed?" Shangguanrong did not talk nonsense. How much is the culmination of Chuhan? How can it be difficult to estimate the law? Instead, I skip this step directly and use the fastest speed and Chu Han to discuss the countermeasures. .

Because Shangguan Rong knows that the 'large size' in Chuhankou must be an unprecedented situation. The stories that Chuhan has experienced have long been passed down in the summer of China, especially the shock brought by the battle of mountains and mountains is even more shocking.

Chu Han, who has experienced all kinds of big scenes, is so serious at this time. It can be seen that this time the Nandu base is bound to encounter a huge crisis!

Chu Han brows gently wrinkled, not polite because of Shang Guanrong's question, because this time has no time to consider who is the highest sergeant and the highest voice of the base, the most important thing is to pass this crisis.

“Is there a sniper?” Chu Han’s first problem was unexpected, and it was also running at high speed in the brain.

"Yes, two thousand heavy snipers, divided into three teams with a hit rate, the highest team of five hundred, the hit rate is 30%, and the other two teams range from 10% to 20%." Shangguan Rong immediately reported The specific value is unambiguous, and he is not sighed by Chu Han in strategy.

Chu Han's brow wrinkles deeper. The Nandu base is really a big base. There are two thousand heavy snipers, but it is a pity that the number is superior and the hit rate is completely low.

Of course, this is based on the shooting team of the Wolf Tooth Wart. In fact, the hit rate of the two thousand snipers in the Nandu base is extremely excellent even in China.

"The 1,500-seat sniper sniper wall was on standby, and five hundred high-sniper snipers immediately went to the wall to prepare for the battle." Chu Han gave this decision with a slight thought.

Shangguan Rong did not hesitate for a second, and immediately ordered the adjutant who was rushing to the side to order: "Let's do it."

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