Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 834: Who is behind the attack?

This week's time for the Nandu base, especially slow, a wave of corpse-like rushing into the bottom, so that the defense team at the gate is completely in a state of constant fighting, and the residents inside the base are also coming. The more people spontaneously join the battle, because they know that once the gate is compromised, the base is finished, and everyone will die!

Of course, there are more people who choose to leave the wall and think that they can be saved by escaping from this base. But the result is that a large number of zombies that have not been known for a long time just after going out, a swarm of bees have become white bones.

The entire base was surrounded by a large number of zombies, and it has become a place of isolation!

The gate passage that was set up by Chu Han as the main battlefield a week ago was even more ruined. The passage was filled with zombies or human corpses. It continued to burn and continued to resist. The land outside the gate was filled with potholes. It was muddy and could not see the prosperity of the past.

The whole base is full of smoke and smoke everywhere, so that a few residents who have stayed in the base for a year have finally felt what is called the end of the world.

There is no permanent happiness, no absolute security, and any time anywhere, there is a possibility of a crisis that will make the entire base unprotected.

Throughout the week, everyone was sleepless all night, and the snoring of zombies came from all over the ear. It seemed to be nearby, as if they would attack at any time to destroy the entire base.

Chu Chu, who rushed out of the base a week ago, after disappearing for a whole week, there are many people who started to speculate, but the direction of guessing is completely at the two extremes.

Some people think that Chuhan is dead and died in a massive corpse. After all, there is no replenishment in a week, and no one can live.

The other person shouted loudly, saying that Chu Han was just taking advantage of the corpse tide at that time. It was not serious. He ran out to escape first, and maybe he waited for the base to fight at the last moment. Invited.

It’s just that no matter what kind of remarks, at the moment the Nandu base situation can’t cause too much turmoil, because it’s completely gone to hell!

Under the gloom of this desperate atmosphere, Chu Han has used the fastest time to pass through the layers of zombies, and rushed to Nandu City all the way. The animals leading the way changed a few times in the middle, and even ran several times. .

Chu Han gasped, Shura tomahawk in hand, because the horse runs non-stop and the eyes are red, the whole person reveals a sense of tiredness, the black axe blade is constantly dripping thick black zombie blood, rendered on the ground Blossoming black blood flower.

He quietly looked at a group of miscellaneous animals in front of him. He didn't know which corner to run out of, the probes gathered together, and then quickly separated, and several of them rushed in a certain direction and ran wildly.

Chu Han looked at his heart and immediately picked up the axe to catch up.

Sure enough, the news of Lu Zheze has been opened up. These animals have long found a general direction. However, the distance between Nanducheng and Nandu base is too far. There are too many accidents in the middle, which will lead to the news being passed back.

However, these are not important. If you want to solve the corpse tide, you must solve the alienation of the ghosts in Nandu City. Otherwise, any invincible base will not be able to withstand a steady stream of corpses.

It is only the heterogeneity of these huge-scale corpses, whether it is equal order or quantity, it is enough to keep Chuhan at the same time to maintain 12 points of vigilance.

After walking along with several leading animals rushing ahead, Chu Han has already come to the depths of Nandu City, and the sky is gradually turning black. It has seriously hindered Chu Han’s line of sight, and the zombies around him have come. The denser, and even the piles of crowded signs, it is clear that this is a prelude to another wave of corpses.

Suddenly encountering so many zombies is definitely not a good thing for Chu Han, especially in the middle of the night he is still extremely exhausted...

Just thinking a little, Chu Han is a jump immediately, hands and feet directly climbed to the top of the short building next to it.

A group of animals leading the way in front of the collective, too simple brain seems difficult to understand Chu Han's behavior pattern, but then see Chu Han although highly variable, but the speed of follow-up is still non-stop, this group of leading animals They continue to rush forward.

At the same time, Chu Han, who ran and jumped over the roofs at the same time, had raised a bad premonition at this time. Lu Bingze was not here, no one could communicate with these non-human animals, and these animals There was only one order in the head that was issued a week ago, and they have continued to implement them until now.

Chu Han wants to control and choose his own road and time is a problem, let alone ask him to rest and prepare for war. He has just discovered that the heads of these animals have pits, and there are quite a few zombies next to them. Instead of following the smell, he took this road full of zombies.

Isn't there a choice of nerves?

Just as Chu Han vomited in the heart, while staring at the leader in front of him, suddenly a rapid voice behind him sounded from the air, with a loud sound, accompanied by a The ultimate sense of chill.

Straight to Chu Han!


Chu Han immediately raised the Shura Tomahawk with lightning speed. He didn't even return his head. The arm picked up a sturdy and perfect angle in the air, and relied on instinctive reaction and precise talent.


The extremely black axe blade crossed a subtle trajectory in the air, and it was accurate!


A slump with an extremely slippery sound rang. At this time, Chu Han, who had already finished hitting it, turned back. It was just a moment to look back and see where the sacred person was, and then he suddenly smashed again. Shura war axe mentioned.


Look at it again!


Another sound with a slippery sensation, two broken bodies like black otters at the feet of Chuhan, still squirming in the same place, the head is a strange thing with no head and no face and only a huge gums The sound of 'Kaka Kay' is still being issued.

Looking at the two things on the ground, Chu Han suddenly sinks into the bottom of the valley.


It is completely beyond the unexpected situation of Chu Han, so that even Wang Cai, who has been in his pocket, is caught off guard. Isn’t it a stranger to stay in Nandu City? !

The leaves of the leaves, even the ghosts have, and it is so early!

At this moment, the roof in front of him is empty, as if everything that had previously attacked Chuhan was an illusion, Chu Han and his axe '哐哐' two sounds, casually smashing the ghosts of the ground, and constantly observe the surrounding conditions with perceptuality. .

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