Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 835: Purpose of wood leaves

With a touch of sour and **** smell is still everywhere, it is a sneak attack on Chu Han, but the traces of traces left behind by the two tentacles. Copy URL access

This ghost has not gone yet, he is still wandering around!

Just when Chu Han was concentrating and trying to pull out the ghost to give him a fatal blow, the accident happened again without warning.

Puff puff!

Suddenly a series of rapid sounds sounded, accompanied by the mourning of an animal, and immediately seemed to be stopped by the throat.

Chu Han suddenly shocked, almost immediately flashed toward the source of the sound below!

It’s a pity that everything is too late. The road ice comet who came to lead the way has no more left in an instant. All of them are left on the ground with only one dead body. The blood and even the heart in their body have been completely sucked clean. !

What is the speed and how perfect is this deployment?

Everything is like a specially set step, just waiting for Chu Han to come here, walk through this alley full of zombies, and then helplessly jump to the roof of the low house, followed by the sound of the East, by After sneak attacking Chu Han to distract him, he quietly sneaked into the animals leading the way, killing a group of animals that are vital to Chu Han!

And the ghost species is completely exposed at the moment. This is a kind of ghost that rises less than one meter five, but it is covered with black tentacles. His upper body is very inflated, and the exposed skin is completely covered. Covered by tentacles, it slid continuously and made a panicking chew.

When Chu Han saw the ghost, he immediately recognized the order from his body. This is at least a fifth-order ghost. As everyone knows, although the ghost is not seen and the appearance is not changed at all. The possibility, but in balance, is that they are inherently stronger and more powerful than the aliens.

Therefore, if this ghost is in the fifth order, it should be treated with the sixth-order alien!

Just a face-to-face, Chu Han has already sniffed the taste of conspiracy, obviously this is a trap that has been set up by ghosts.

If there is no road ice-small partner who explores the road in Nanducheng, Chuhan is equivalent to the gravel sinking on the bottom of the sea in this huge city. Don't say that all the different species or ghosts are found to stop the corpse tide from continuing. I am afraid it will be direct. Losing the opportunity to let the other side ambush themselves to catch a surprise.

And the most important thing is that this ghost has killed the most important leader of Chu and Han. It is obvious that the ambush and strategy of the other party is not a temporary decision. I am afraid that the plan that Wood Ye has long designed is waiting for Chu. Hook on the hook.

With such a thought, at this moment Chu Han stayed in this southern capital city, it can be described as a crisis!

Binoculars suddenly dangerously picked up, Chu Han quietly stood above the roof, a huge black axe in hand, cold-spoken words directed at the ghosts in front of the first question: "What is the purpose of the wood leaves?!"

I did not hesitate to use a large number of zombies far away in Nandu City, and made such a large corpse attack on the Nandu base, and even completely cut off the advantages of Lu Bingze. In addition to the rigorous strategy of Konoha, Chu Han could not think of anyone else. This can be tolerated.

The gloomy smile of the ghost standing below reveals a tooth that is more disgusting than the different kind of dissimilarity. Not only is it completely tidy, but it is also covered with the sticky flesh of unknown creatures.

Ghosts, they eat everything!

"Sure enough, Chu Han, even guessed so quickly is the idea of ​​our wood leaf adults." The opposite ghost voice is more dazzling than his appearance, because many variations lead to the full development of demonization, the face is more It is more terrible than a rotten zombie.

Chu Han once again looked at the body of the animal that had become a dead body, forcibly suppressed the anger of the clue that was cut off and continued to ask: "Get out of such a big movement, even if it really took the entire Nandu base, the wood leaves What are the benefits?"

Not to mention that Muye is cooperating with the white family of the mysterious family. Most of the large bases in China have been sponsored by various mysterious families. Is it not obvious that the wooden leaves should be beaten in advance to break the balance?

To understand that the current pattern of China is intricate, several large bases in China are almost divided by Baijia and Gaojia. Of course, there may be another mysterious family.

Although Chu Han does not know who is behind the Nandu base, but this time the movement of Muye will cause a great turmoil in the Chinese pattern. Is it necessary to open the war between the mysterious families in advance?

Moreover, Chu Han couldn't figure out how Muye could guess the ability of Lu Bingze, and when he was besieged by the corpse tide in Nandu base, he led himself to Nandu City.

Want to kill yourself?

This does not belong to the style of a different kind of king. If Muye really wants to kill himself, he can't stop anyone who forcibly robs him because he doesn't know how many levels of combat power he now has.

So the wooden leaves have a big circle, what are they going to do?

The ghost again showed a smile, completely covered with a face covered with small tentacles, almost invisible in which eyes flashed a color of appreciation: "You really are a powerful guy, just by my first A move can directly cut the theme, and the wood leaf adults have circled such a big circle to deal with you. It is really a person who is regarded as a rival by Kobayashi. It can kill you all-round and kill you more than killing you directly. More fun!"

Chu Han, who heard this, once again has a dangerous glimpse.

All-round pressure?

"Yes, attacking the Nandu base is actually a scorpion. It can be ruined and destroyed. It doesn't matter if it can't be destroyed." The opposite ghost spoke again, with a bloodthirsty cruelty: "The real purpose is to lead you. Here, but as for the real purpose, you will live and say it!"

After all, such a ghost is suddenly a big drink, the tentacles hidden under the skin suddenly spurt out from each capillary, each with a big mouth full of sharp teeth, like a black snake, there are It is thick and thin, long and short, and the whole picture is terrifying.

Chu Han’s face was covered with clouds for a moment, and the ultimate killing spirit continued to grow in the heart. It was a powerful fifth-order ghost, and it was a full-bodied appetizer!


The huge Weiming swayed in the hands of Chu Han’s Shura tomahawk, and the opposite greed in the eyes of the opposite ghosts, an idea that wanted to take this axe as its own.


Chu Han did not keep the direct landing, so that the low-level zombies around the circle were injured by the death and injury, and even the zombies that could not stand the fluctuation of Chu Han's life and were shaken to the ground.

With the landing of Chu Han, the subconscious black giant axe waved, and a large number of zombie heads burst, resulting in a blank space in the entire lane.

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