"How can this be?"

At the moment when the golden puppet appeared, the old man with a hook nose shivered all over his body, and there was a flirty under his feet, almost unable to stand.

He really can't figure out why Su Chen still has a hole card?

With this golden puppet, it can be expected that his spirit pet and puppet will definitely not be opponents.

What awaits him is a dead end.

How to do?

The old man Ying Hook nose was extremely anxious, and finally gritted his teeth and said loudly to Su Chen: "Friend, as long as you stop, I am willing to take out some precious ores as compensation!"

In order to survive, he could only compromise with Su Chen.

Although extremely unwilling, there is no way.

Su Chen sneered at this and ordered the golden puppets: "Big Iron, kill them!"

"no problem."

There was a sneer at the corner of the golden puppet's mouth, and then he rushed towards the red pupil Tianlin.


After a fierce collision.

The red pupil Tianlin of the fourth stage of the holy stage did not hold on for a few times under the hands of the golden puppet, and his neck was broken and he died on the spot!

"What a powerful puppet!"

Exclamation sounded again all around.

And this time, they all became excited.

Because the red pupil Tianlin died, the old man with Hook nose lost his greatest support, and there was absolutely no chance of a comeback.

So, does it mean that they have the possibility to leave here?

When the red pupil Tianlin was killed, the old man with a hook nose was pale, and his eyes were filled with despair.

He knew that this time there was absolutely no way out.

A few minutes later, the remaining monsters and the puppets of the third stage of the holy stage were all beheaded.

At this time, Su Chen slowly got out of the car, glanced at the holy puppet next to the old man with a nose, and then said to the golden puppet: "Big Iron, that puppet should belong to your mechanical clan?"


The golden puppet nodded heavily, with excitement in his eyes.

Su Chen was not eager to get in touch with this holy-ranked puppet, but instructed the Flame Phoenix: "Homura, kill that guy!"

The old man with a hook nose softened his legs in fright, and fell to his knees, begging for mercy: "Senior, spare my life, I will give you all the ore!"

"No more trouble, I just take it myself."

Su Chen smiled contemptuously and winked at the blazing phoenix.

There was a loud bang.

The old man with a hook nose was directly slapped into meat sauce with a paw of the Phoenix.

"come here."

At this time, Su Chen shouted at the holy step puppet.

The holy step puppet hesitated a little, and finally walked to Su Chen's face honestly.

Su Chen always felt that this holy puppet was different from other mechanical puppets.

The overall feeling is stupid, as if the brain is not very bright.

"Su Chen, his memory should be damaged. I can help him recover, but it will take a while." The golden puppet explained.

"Leave him to you, don't make any trouble."

Su Chen exhorted, walked to the side of the corpse of the old man Ying Hou Noi, and took the storage bags scattered on the ground in his hands.

He can be sure that there must be a lot of precious ores in the storage bag.

Since mental power cannot be used, he is not eager to check.

Later, he collected the broken pieces and looked at the surrounding crowd.

When his eyes fell on a gray old man, his expression suddenly moved.

He could see clearly that the clothes worn by the gray old man were the clothes of the Sun, Moon and Star Palace.

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