Apocalypse: Opening All-attributes Fragments

Chapter 1009: Battlefield ancestor

"Old man, are you from the Sun, Moon and Star Palace?"

Su Chen looked at the gray old man and asked.

The white old man was taken aback for a moment, and quickly replied: "Old battlefield, I have seen the son."

Battlefield ancestors!

Su Chen was inexplicably surprised.

There are two holy ancestors in the Sun, Moon and Star Palace, namely, the Zhantian ancestor and the Battlefield ancestor.

When he was in the Xuantian Continent, he heard Shang Caili talk about the fact that the ancestors of the battlefield entered a secret realm, and there has been no news since then.

Never thought, but I was trapped here.

"Senior, my name is Su Chen, and I also belong to the Sun, Moon and Star Palace." Su Chen smiled.

"You also belong to the Sun, Moon and Star Palace?"

The ancestor of the battlefield opened his eyes wide, quite surprised.

The Sun Moon Star Palace is strict in accepting disciples, so there are not many disciples. He has heard of almost every disciple.

But Su Chen's name is very strange.

Su Chen explained with a smile: "Senior, I joined the Sun Moon Star Palace more than a year ago."


The ancestor of the battlefield suddenly realized.

He had been trapped here more than a year ago, and it made sense that he had not heard of Su Chen's name.

"Senior, what is the purpose of the old man with the eagle nose to catch you here?"

Su Chen glanced around and asked.


The battlefield ancestor gave a wry smile and explained: "In this mountain range, there are a lot of top ore, among which is the heart of machinery."

"It turns out that's the case."

Su Chen whispered.

He had known about the mechanical heart and other minerals here.

The old man Ying Hou Noi has captured so many people, obviously to dig the ore in the mountains.

After figuring out what was going on, Su Chen continued to ask, "Senior, are there any of these people who have a good relationship with you?"

There are hundreds of people here, basically all aliens, if you kill them all, you can surely explode a considerable number of fragments.

Of course, he is not a murderous demon.

Those who have a good relationship with the battlefield ancestors must first be ruled out.

The rest must be considered.

The battlefield ancestor nodded and said: "Shang Yun and Shang Fei are members of the Jiu Demon clan, and their friendly relationship is very good, and the Shang family is also the third super family in the top ten hidden families in the void."

The Qi family ranked seventh among the top ten families, and the Shang family ranked above the Qi family.

This shows that the family background must be very deep, maybe there will be the existence of the sixth stage of the holy stage.

"Since they are seniors' friends, let them come first." Su Chen said lightly.

The Shang family has no grievances with him, and if you take the opportunity to save the Shang family and his son, you can also lose a favor.

When the Shang family father and son learned that Su Chen was going to save them, they were very excited.

Come to the front, thank Su Chen for metabolism.

Su Chen gave a polite voice, then turned his gaze to the others.

At this moment, a Yemozu man walked over and raised his voice to Su Chen and said: "Human, if you can save me out, I will definitely give you a reward. Even if you are walking in the void, we also Can cover you."

He thought that Su Chen would definitely not refuse to give these promises, so he quietly waited for Su Chen's reply.

Su Chen sneered in her heart.

The people of the five super races have insoluble hatred with him, and he will not let go of all the people of the five super races here.

"Everyone from the top five super races will stand up."

Su Chen pointed at the place where the Ye Mo clan man was standing, and said calmly.

Suddenly, a large number of aliens flocked to the Yemo people, the number reached as many as seventy or eighty.

There were not so many people from the five super races present, and many of them were fish in troubled waters.

Su Chen could see clearly, but did not break.

Then he squinted his eyes and swept toward these people, and gave orders to a group of spirit pets, "Kill them all!"

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