Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 802: kill?

Chapter 802 kill?

Seeing Jiusilong walking towards him, Ouyang Feng didn't make any movement, just stood there and waited quietly.

"Sir! Hello!"

Jiu Silong first saluted Ouyang Feng and said very politely:

"I am Jiu Silong, head of the Duotianshan Police Station, and I am ordered to come here to solve the emergency!!"


Ouyang Feng nodded, acting very coldly. From the words of Jiu Silong, Ouyang Feng heard that the arrival of these police officers should have something to do with Gao Zhixing.

But now it looks like this guy might still be on which side.

However, in this case, Ouyang's wind is in the middle of his mind. It seems that the things that these people from the Mulia cottage do are not unrelated to this umbrella, and they should be eliminated together! !

Although Ouyang Feng's attitude is not good, Jiusilong is not in the mood to take this into consideration now. He turned his head and looked at the small fighter plane that was still hovering on the side. He looked at Ouyang Feng and asked:

"This...is yours?"

"I picked it up!"

Ouyang Feng's answer surprised Jiusilong!

Afterwards, Jiu Silong looked at the people lying on the side, then looked at Ouyang Feng:

"These people... are your hands?"


Ouyang Feng confessed very happily!

"Sir, wait a minute, I'm going to their side and make a confession!"

Jiu Silong said, and then waved to the policeman he had brought:

"Come here and give them a confession!!!"

Hearing what Jiusilong said, the police hurriedly took out some first aid kits from the car, and then ran to the people in the Mulia cottage.

After all, these people are from Mulia's cottage, so they basically know each other. How can they stand by when their partner is injured? ?

Seeing that they were taking a confession in name but actually treating those people, Ouyang Feng just sneered and didn't intervene.

He decided to wait a while, and if Gao Zhixing doesn't come after a while, he is ready to do it himself!

In the process of treating those people, Jiu Silong and the others finally learned the details of the matter from the mouths of the guys whose limbs were broken.

Knowing that Ouyang Feng jumped off the cliff, not only did he not die, but also came out with a fighter plane, Jiusilong shot a trace of murderous intent in his eyes...

Although I don't know why Ouyang Feng didn't fall to death, but at least Jiu Silong can be sure that Ouyang Feng should already know the following situation.

In other words, what they have done in Mulia cottage over the years has been exposed to Ouyang Feng.

In this way, Ouyang Feng is absolutely irresistible!

As for the small fighter plane, Jiuslong believed that Ouyang Feng had obtained it under the cliff.

After all, no one of them has ever gone down to the bottom of this cliff! !

Now Jiusilong feels a little annoyed. If he knew that there was this fighter underneath, then no matter how difficult they were, they would have to go to the end! !

This is a fighter that can fly within the magnetic field of the Tianshan Mountain. Once you get it, Mulia Cottage is really fearless! !

Because of the location of their cottage, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If they gain air supremacy, then even the country they are in needn't be afraid of.

Although it is said that the Mulias have always been autonomous, they only belonged to the Republic of Kari in name.

They never paid taxes and other things, and the successive consuls of the Republic of Kari could only turn one eye and close one eye, and ignored them at all.

Now that Jiusilong looked at the shape of the small fighter plane, it was obviously the same as the small fighter planes piloted by those people in the images of the ancient human race they had seen! !

There is no doubt that this small fighter plane should have been stuck in the valley below the cliff before. I don't know if this guy stepped on **** or something, it was so lucky.

Jumping off this cliff, not only did not fall to death, but also got this fighter!

However, this fighter will soon change ownership! !

In Jiusilong's view, no matter how powerful the four of Ouyang Feng and the others are, they are definitely not their opponents to so many police officers.

You know, they all carry guns. No matter how good you are, can you be faster than bullets?

And this guy can be considered short-sighted! After the fighter plane came up, instead of sitting in the fighter plane and pretending to be coercion, the fighter plane was stopped there and the people came back! !

Jiusilong has confirmed that there are only four of them, so among the small fighters, there is naturally no one now.

After a while, while they were not paying attention, I directly let other policemen shoot at them, and jumped onto the fighter plane. Then the fighter plane belonged to them?

Maybe! There is not only this fighter below. After getting this fighter, I will kill Ouyang Feng and the others, and then go down and take a look.

If they can find a few fighters again, then it is definitely their Muria tribe, the moment they are about to rise! !

As for the issue of not being able to drive a fighter plane, Jiuslong simply ignored it.

That guy shouldn't be able to do it before, didn't he just drive up the fighter plane?

Thinking about it this way, the operation method of that fighter plane must be very simple, it is estimated that it is similar to driving a car.

Anyway, Ouyang Feng and the others can't live anymore! !

Otherwise, waiting for the police inspector and them to arrive, once they know what they have done in these years, they will definitely want to destroy them.

Although they are easy to defend and difficult to attack here, they will still be in great danger if the state machinery is ruthless.

A pile of missiles is enough to destroy their cottage. Even if the guidance of the missiles is not accurate due to magnetic force, but if you put more, there will always be times when a blind cat hits a dead mouse, right?

The Republic of Kari had always tolerated their existence before, and ignored them, one because, at least on the surface, they obeyed.

The other one, the Republic of Kari, and even the Freedom League, do not want to destroy the beautiful mountains and rivers of the Tianshan Mountains.

This is also a kind of rat avoidance device, right?

But once the things under the cliff were exposed, I'm afraid this Tiantian Mountain would not be enough to protect them.

So whether it is for fighters or to protect the Mulia! Jiu Silong will kill Ouyang Feng, so that they will never be able to tell what is under the cliff...

As for the orders the inspector gave him?

Ha ha! Just drop Ouyang Feng and their corpses off the cliff, then drive the fighter back to the cottage, and then say that no one has been encountered here.

Without that evidence, let alone the police inspector, even the consul Piao Yisheng, it is estimated that he would not be willing to fight against them easily, at most he would be punished a little.

After solving this matter, the cottage will definitely reward himself greatly. This small fighter plane alone is of extraordinary significance to the Mulia cottage.

At that time, would Jiu Silong still put his current small official position in his eyes?

Moreover, even if it is a substitution, they have to change their copycat, and it is no different from sitting in this position.

Of course Jiu Silong didn't know that the person who asked him to come was not the police inspector, nor was it the consul Pu Yisheng of their Kari Republic.

It's the man with the greatest all-out effort on this planet-the highest speaker of the Freedom League: Gao Zhixing! !

Moreover, Ouyang Feng has also passed the scene below the cliff to Gao Zhixing, so what they have done by the Mulia has been completely exposed! !

Even if Ouyang Feng was killed, the catastrophe of their Mulia cottage would also come.

Therefore, in fact, no matter what decision Jiuslong makes, there will be no change in the ending of their Mulia cottage.

Because Ouyang Feng has now decided that they must erase their Mulia cottage from the Mount of Heaven! !

The most children stay, and they will not be annihilated, but they must also be transferred to the outside world, mixed with other races, and they will no longer be left in Duotian Mountain, a place where they have not known how many generations they have survived! !

"Brothers! Listen carefully! These four people must not stay!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity of "recording a confession," Jiusalong gathered all the policemen he had brought together and whispered:

"You guys will be ready for battle soon! Listen to my command, when I say: Take the Tianshan Mountain God, when I say this sentence, you draw your guns together and shoot at the four people. Remember, as long as you die, don’t live. of!!"

"Head! Why kill them? I think it's better to take them home?"

After hearing what Jiusilong said, a policeman couldn't help but frowned and asked.

Among the people brought by Jiusilong, only most of them were members of the Mulia tribe, and the other policemen had nothing to do with the Mulia tribe.

They also knew that the seriously injured people on the ground were all members of the Jiusilong tribe, and even his relatives.

Therefore, these policemen mistaken this order of Jiusilong as a public revenge.

The Superintendent’s phone number was made directly to Jiu Silong’s office. Therefore, only Ji Silong knew about the Superintendent’s orders. The others were just called by Ji Silong to perform their tasks! !

They also found out about this when they arrived here, and they didn't even know about the others...

"What? Thought I was going to avenge my personal revenge?"

Jiu Silong sneered and said:

"To tell you the truth, this order was not issued by me, but the Inspector Supervisor!!"

"Remember what I said when we set off? What I said was, go on the mission with me, and the Superintendent has an order."

"Killing these four people, the police inspector called me, and then personally issued to me, otherwise, you think I have the courage to kill people?"

"Don't worry! No matter what, there is a police inspector standing in front of you. We are the little people who carry out orders. The upper-level game should not interfere with us!!"

Hearing what Jiusilong said, the other policemen were half-believing, but because Jiusilong had indeed said to carry out the superintendent's orders.

Therefore, in my heart, these non-Mullian police officers are also inclined to Jiusalong in their hearts.

"The task of the inspector, you can do it if you want, but when the inspector arrives, don't put the responsibility on me!!"

Jiu Silong looked at these policemen and said...

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