Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 803: Are you looking for us?

Chapter 803 Are you looking for us?


A non-Mulian policeman gritted his teeth and said:

"I obey the order!!"

With one person taking the lead, the rest is naturally much easier, and other police officers have also expressed their views one after another, expressing their willingness to obey Jiusalong's orders.

Anyway, Jiu Silong had already pointed out the words just now, even though he said something wrong, the Superintendent would carry it.

But the meaning of this sentence is naturally telling these policemen--

To do this, I have a police inspector on top of me, and you have me on top of you. Anyway, if something goes wrong, I will carry it. What are you worried about? ?

With this promise, the other police would naturally not matter. Since Ouyang Feng and the others are able to beat people like this, they are probably not good birds.

Will good people kick everyone's life into meat sauce? Especially it is said that it is the very beautiful girl who did it?

When they were treating these people, of course they also saw their injuries. Even these policemen had a numb scalp at this time, and they felt chilly under their hips.

The feeling of those injured is naturally even more needless to mention! !

In fact, it is said to be a treatment. They can't do much in this way. Although there are some medicines and bandages in the first aid kit, they are definitely helpless for such a serious injury.

The best way now is to lift all these people into the car immediately and send them to the hospital.

Because there is no signal here, even the walkie-talkie on the police car has become a display, so calling an ambulance is definitely no use.

But now Jiusilong doesn't want to do this right away. Even if it does, it has to wait until Ouyang Feng and the others are killed, and the aftermath here is done well! !

Anyway, these people can't die now. Send them early and send them a little later. They are all the same. At least, their thing is definitely lacking...

They are now like this, after being cured, they will spend their entire lives lying in bed, and they are not even qualified to be eunuchs.

After all, to be a eunuch, you only need to cut off the "one limb". All of their limbs are broken, and they are permanent, and the whole person is completely abolished! !

Seeing that everyone else had agreed, Jiu Silong nodded gently, and then whispered:

"I'll go there first, you all get ready and listen to my secret signal!!"

Afterwards, Jiusilong gently patted Jiusihu on the shoulder, stood up, and walked towards Ouyang Feng.

"Sir! Excuse me, your fighter... was it found below here?"


Ouyang Feng nodded.

"Then...is this fighter plane below? What else did you see?"

"I don't know, I didn't look carefully, the following scene is too scary, so I didn't look carefully, and I just fell into the cockpit of this plane, so I just drove it up!!!"

Ouyang Feng said faintly, he now found that he also seemed to have some talent for lying, and he said it was the same as the truth, and he almost believed it himself.

However, after Jiu Silong stopped Ouyang Feng's words, he frowned. He didn't fully believe in Ouyang Feng's words. It seemed that Ouyang Feng had overestimated himself.

But Jiu Silong did not continue to ask, anyway, no matter whether Ouyang Feng saw anything, they must die.

Jiusilong has already made up his mind. Besides, he has already told the non-Mulian police that it is the police superintendent's order to kill Ouyang Feng and the four of them. Now he wants to change his mind, too. It's impossible anymore.

"Sir, I need to take a look on this fighter plane, because I need to fully understand the situation on the scene so that I can understand the truth of this incident."

Jiu Silong said, looking at Ouyang Feng:

"Sir, don't you mind?"

"of course not!"

Ouyang Feng shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently:

"You are a policeman, representing the law. You can't... wear this suit and don't do personnel affairs, right?"

"Of course! Thank you for supporting my work!"

Jiu Silong was overjoyed, and then walked towards the small fighter plane. He didn't even think about the implicit meaning in Ouyang's wind talk.

However, when it was under the small fighter plane, Jiusilong was a little dumbfounded...

Because Ouyang Feng hovered the small fighter plane at a height of five meters above the ground, he couldn't get up at all! !

For Ouyang Feng and the others, this height can easily jump up.

But Jiusilong are all ordinary people, how could they be able to jump so high?

"Sir! How did you... stop so high? Did you go up?"

Jiusilong looked back at Ouyang Feng and asked with a weird look.

"Can't go up! I was flustered at the time, so I just jumped down, and didn't think about how to go up afterwards."

Ouyang Feng pretended to be a little embarrassed and said.

Seeing Ouyang Feng's serious acting, Liu Wanting and Zhang Shiyu couldn't help but want to laugh. They had never seen this side of Ouyang Feng!

This kind of thing, if the Martian trio were to do it, they would be able to perform quite freely.

But now Ouyang Feng's relatively poor acting skills can actually fool Jiusilong, but Xu Mo and the others are a little surprised! !

Jiu Silong now has no time to observe Ouyang Feng’s acting. Seeing that the fighter plane is on top of him, but he can’t get up. It’s just like a beautiful woman lying naked on the bed, but he can’t get up. It’s not a little anxious. Half a bit!

"You guys! Get all the cars here!!"

Because he was anxious to get on the fighter plane, Jiu Silong was not in a hurry to kill Ouyang Feng and the others, and quickly turned around and shouted to his men.


Those policemen who had secretly held their pistols in their hands were all taken aback.

What's the situation? Do you want to save people first?

But since your own hair is out of the question, then drive the car over quickly, don't talk nonsense.

As a result, all six police cars drove under the small fighter plane according to Jiuslong's instructions.

"You two, park your cars side by side here!"

Jiusilong commanded loudly:

"Then you! Get out of the car, everyone else, together, lift his car and put it on the roof of these two cars!!!"

Only then did the police understand that it turned out that his head was not in a hurry to save people, but because he couldn't get to the fighter plane, he wanted to use a car to step his feet...

However, their police cars are all large SUVs. It is not easy for these two dozen policemen to lift such a heavy car onto two other two-meter-high cars. Things.

Ouyang Feng can do it with just one hand, but obviously the current Ouyang Feng does not possess the Lei Feng spirit of helping others!

So, Ouyang Feng and the four of them were there watching Jiusalong directing the police there, sweating profusely playing "car building blocks."

It was considered hard work to pay off. After almost half an hour of tossing, they finally successfully stacked a police car on top of the other two police cars.

This time, after jumping to the roof of the top car, Jiusilong was finally able to enter the small fighter plane!

"Fuck, I knew it earlier, I should stop a little bit higher, I'm exhausted by these bitches!"

Ouyang Feng secretly regretted that he stopped the small fighter too low!

However, at this time, Nine Dragons had already been on the small fighter plane.

But instead of entering the cab directly, he turned around and shouted at the policemen below who collapsed on the ground due to excessive force:

"You guys! Don't rest anymore, now is not the time to rest!!"

Hearing what Jiusilong said, the police would not understand what he meant, so they got up from the ground one after another, and then secretly held the pistol that had been put away just now in their hands...

Seeing that they were ready, Jiu Silong finally breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Ouyang Feng below, and asked loudly:

"Mr., do you know who owns this plane?"

Without raising the limelight, Ouyang asked in an indifferent tone:

"I don't know! Do you know? Whose plane is this?"


Perhaps because he felt that victory was in sight, Jiusilong laughed loudly:

"Of course I know, the owner of this plane! It's... the God of Tianshan Mountain!"

As soon as Jiu Silong's voice fell, the policemen who heard the signal raised their guns at almost the same time and pulled the trigger at Ouyang Feng and the others.

Because they knew that Ouyang Feng might be very powerful, and since he had shot at them, he had to kill them.

Otherwise, they will definitely be retaliated against. Thinking of the **** horror between those people's legs, these guys all tightened.

Every policeman, whether it is from the Muria or other races, is desperately pulling the trigger of the pistol at this moment.

Until they lighted up all the bullets in the pistol magazine, the trigger has made a soft "stomping" sound...

But in the next moment, after these people saw the situation in front of them clearly, they were all dumbfounded.

The expressions on their faces are quite wonderful, because Ouyang Feng and the four of them... disappeared from their sight! !

As for the place where Ouyang Feng and the others stood, there is no bloodstain of harmony, which proves that their attack just now seemed to have no effect...


Standing on the fighter plane, Jiusilong, who thought he could see four corpses like a hornet's nest, couldn't help but sucked in air.

Since he was the only one who didn't shoot before, he was also the one who watched the most carefully.

He clearly saw that when the gunfire sounded, Ouyang Feng and the other four people seemed to have a look on their faces... as if they were funny.

Immediately afterwards, these four people all disappeared.

The condescending Jiusilong looked left and right, but there were no four people.

"Are they... ghosts?"

At this moment, Jiu Silong suddenly remembered that when he was in charge of the work of Jiu Sihu, those who were thrown off the cliff by him, the moment he fell off the cliff, cursed him:

"I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go..."

Jiu Silong suddenly felt cold all over his body, and at this moment, behind him, Ouyang Feng's somewhat playful voice came:

"Mr. Officer, are you looking for us?"

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