Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 804: The troubles of the Mulia

Chapter 804 Troubles of the Mulia Tribe

Hearing the voice behind him, Jiu Silong was taken aback and turned around quickly, but was stunned to find that Ouyang Feng and the others were all standing on the small fighter plane at this time, sneering at him...

"you guys!"

Jiusilong jumped up directly, and just wanted to ask if they were humans or ghosts, but then he saw their shadows on the small fighter plane.

There is a shadow, it should not be a ghost! !

Nine Silong secretly said in his heart.

To their cottages in remote areas like them, they tend to believe in ghosts and gods.

At least what they said before was not something they made up specifically to deceive outsiders, but they themselves believed in the existence of such a mountain god.

After knowing that Ouyang Feng and the others are not ghosts, but humans, Jiusilong has settled down.

Since it is a human being, there is nothing terrible...

"How did you get up?"

Jiusilong asked Ouyang Feng and the others, while slowly moving his body, approaching the cab of the small fighter...

Naturally, he wanted to take advantage of Ouyang Feng and the others not paying attention, enter the cab, and grab the fighter first.

As long as they seized control of the fighter plane, the four people standing on the plane would be dead.

He doesn't need to do anything else, he just needs to drive this small fighter plane to the top of the cliff, and then directly turn the small fighter plane over. These guys who don't know whether they live or die must fall off the cliff and go to see the **** of Tianshan Mountain! !

Jiu Silong thought it was secretive, but Ouyang Feng and others had already seen his thoughts.

Speaking of insidious cunning, Jiu Silong is still far behind the equation and others that Ouyang Feng and the others have encountered.

Only in the kind of environment in the last days can the dark side of mankind be exposed to the fullest...

However, Ouyang Feng and none of them stopped him. Jiuslong was too naive to think that this small fighter could not just sit in the cab.

Although Jiu Silong didn't want to leave a bald head like Jiu Sihu, but with his small flat head, he wanted to drive a small fighter?

Humph! To say something against him: not long enough! !

At this moment, Ouyang Feng suddenly turned his head, looking at the Panshan Road below, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Hehe! This guy has finally come!!"

Xu Mo and the others followed Ouyang Feng’s eyes. There was already a long line of cars on the winding road below, but Xu Mo, Liu Wanting, and Zhang Shiyu did not have the eyes of the sky, so they didn’t know where they were sitting in the car. One.

But from Ouyang Feng's words, it is not difficult for them to guess that there must be Gao Zhixing in this team!

At this moment, Jiuslong had already come to the side of the cab, and then he didn't pause at all, and jumped directly into the cab.

"Hahahaha! You idiots! Wait to die! Even if the king of heaven comes, I can't save you!"

Just sitting in, Jiu Silong laughed wildly, his face full of triumph.

However, he soon discovered that he seemed to be... too happy too soon.

Nine Dragons, wearing a cold sweat, stared blankly at the fighter control panel in front of him.

The dense small bright spots made him feel dizzy...

This... Where's the joystick of the plane? where is it? Shouldn’t airplanes have joysticks?

And, can anyone tell me? How should I close this **** hatch? ?

Ouyang Feng sighed, then came to the side of the cab, and asked with concern:

"Mr. Officer, do you need help?"

Afterwards, Ouyang Feng seemed to know what Jiuslong was thinking, and he reached out and pointed at the two scarlet points on the far left of the control panel:

"Click on that and the hatch can be closed!!"

After hearing the words, Jiu Silong, no matter whether it was true or false, directly tapped the scarlet bright spot with his left and right index fingers.

However, the small fighter did not respond!

"Oh! Mr. Officer, you didn't point it with your finger!"

Ouyang Feng shook his head and sighed:

"Your fingers are so thick, and if you use such a small light spot, can you get it? Of course it won't work? You have to use a thinner one!!"

Jiu Silong was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Ouyang Feng, as if he was trying to distinguish whether what he said was true or false.

But soon, Jiu Silong understood that, whether it was true or false, he had to try it.

He had heard what Ouyang Feng said just now, and when he jumped into the cab, he also glanced down hastily.

Therefore, he naturally knew that his boss might be coming soon, and before they arrived, he had to kill all four of them! !

Because his actions just now have exposed his thoughts, besides, he just gave false orders just now, saying that his wishes belonged to the police inspector.

If Ouyang Feng and the others are still alive after the police inspector and them arrive, then... their own troubles will be great! !

Thinking of this, Jiusilong no longer hesitated, stood up with a "teng!", and then... began to untie his belt...

"Huh? You are..."

Ouyang Feng was taken aback and couldn't help asking.

"Huh! Didn't you say that your fingers are too thick?"

Jiu Silong said with an indignant expression.

"Yes! But what does this have to do with your pants?"

Ouyang Feng looked blank!


A burst of laughter suddenly came, and Ouyang Feng turned his head and saw that it was Zhang Shiyu.

Zhang Shiyu pointed to Jiusilong and laughed:

"It's thinner than a finger? I can't tell, you're such a big man... you are actually gifted! Hahahaha! I'm so ridiculous!"

Hearing what Zhang Shiyu said, Ouyang Feng immediately understood it, and couldn't help but look at Jiusalong with a weird look:

"You...the smallest thing is...where?"

"Just leave it to you!!"

Jiu Silong's expression of anger was so special that he unintentionally exposed his biggest secret, and it was finished.

"Of course it's my business!!"

Ouyang Feng was furious:

"This fighter plane belongs to Lao Tzu. If you use that light spot, will Lao Tzu be able to fly this fighter plane in the future?"

"Fart, this fighter plane was left to us by the ancestors of our Mulia tribe. The place where you got it is the holy land of our Mulia tribe. Everything in the holy land belongs to our Mulia!!"

Jiu Silong yelled hysterically, and now he naturally understood that it was estimated that he wanted to crooked just now, and he didn't use it to drive.

Also, who has heard that someone will use that place to drive a fighter plane? What if the pilot is a woman?

It's a man, but there... is it so hard to control?


Ouyang Feng shook his head, and then, the hair behind his back suddenly floated, directly wrapped around Jiusilong's neck, and pulled him out of the cab.

As an ordinary person, Jiu Silong, in front of Ouyang Feng, is no different from a three-year-old child-eh! Perhaps a certain part of this guy's body is also no different from a three-year-old kid.


After Ouyang Feng pulled Jiusilong out of the cab, he threw it directly to the ground. After turning 720 degrees in the air, Jiusilong's body fell heavily to the ground.

Although Jiu Silong's physical fitness is good, but at a height of more than five meters, he will still be unable to get up after throwing him for a while.

The policemen below were all shocked when they saw the situation on the small fighter plane.

They saw with their own eyes that Ouyang Feng raised his hair, then wrapped his hair around Jiusilong's neck, and threw him to the ground.

Is this guy...is it an octopus?

The policemen looked at me in horror one by one, and when I looked at you, there was an inexplicable fear in their hearts. No one had the mind to pay attention to it. Jiusilong was still lying on the ground and unable to get up.

Seeing that all the policemen were suppressed, and Gao Zhixing and the others were about to arrive, Ouyang Feng simply sat on the small fighter plane, waiting for Gao Zhixing and the others to arrive.

At this time, Jiusihu, who was as fat as a pig's head, walked to Jiusilong against his huge head and slowly helped him up.

"Birds! Five stuffy scum, right?"

Jiu Sihu continued to use his own vague dialect. Ask Jiusilong!

"Shut up! Don't talk! I'm a bit confused now, I don't have time to analyze what you are talking about!!"

Jiusilong struggled to stand up and stopped Jiusihu from continuing to speak.

This fall caused Jiusilong's head to be dizzy. If it weren't for his strong body, it is estimated that he would not be able to stand up now.

Jiu Silong looked at the policemen, and then at Ouyang Feng, his head began to turn quickly.

I am afraid it is too late to kill Ouyang Feng and the others, the police inspector will be here soon.

So now, is there any way to bury the evidence under the cliff?

Denial is definitely not good. After all, what the Mulias do here, others have heard more or less.

It's just that other people didn't expect them to be so courageous and throw so many people down.

Because their buses, every time they go out of Duotian Mountain, they will register them below.

Even if they were not in the car at the time, they would register to prove that they had left Duotian Mountain.

If he disappeared later, he would naturally not be able to find the Mulia side.

But this time it’s troublesome. It’s not possible to communicate with the outside world now, and Jiu Si Pianzi, who left first, didn’t know that they had kicked the iron plate this time. Of course, they would register normally according to the old rules.

In other words, Ouyang Feng and the four of them have now left Duotian Mountain with the bus.

If this is seen by the police inspector, it will naturally think of the missing people before, the relationship with the Mulia, plus the bones under the cliff...

This time, their Mulias may be facing a crisis! !

Jiu Silong still doesn't know that in the convoy that is coming, although there is a police inspector he thinks will come, but this police inspector in this motorcade is at best a little shrimp...

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