Apocalypse Special Forces

Chapter 805: Man's dream

Chapter 805: A Man's Dream

Before Jiusalong came up with any solution, the roar of the car engine had arrived...

"Huzi! Go back to the Shanzhai quickly, tell everyone what's happening here, and let them prepare to stay behind closed doors. We may be in trouble!"

When Jiusilong heard the sound of the car's engine, his face changed drastically. He knew that the things here should not be covered up. He could only let Jiusihu rush back to the cottage to remind the people in the cottage. Get them ready!

"By the way! You put Biaozi on your back and take him back with him!"

Just now Jiusilong had finished speaking, and suddenly remembered that Jiusihu was slurred now. If he waited for him to clarify everything, it seemed a bit difficult, maybe their cottage was beaten down at that time, so he added.

The Biaozi in Jiu Silong's mouth was named Jiu Si Biao, just like Ji Si Hu, he was also the uncle and brother of Ji Si Long.

This Jiu Si Biao is also with Ji Si Hu, but this guy's bad luck, not as lucky as Ji Si Hu.

After being taken care of by Zhang Shiyu, Jiu Sibiao now has no qualifications to enter the palace.

But fortunately, at least he has not been beaten in the head, so at least he can speak clearly, and he is a participant in this incident from beginning to end, so he can naturally explain the matter! !

Hearing what Jiusilong said, Jiu Sihu was awakened suddenly, so he turned around and ran, ran to Jiu Sibiao, carried him on his back, and ran towards his cottage...

"Old Shark! Go with you too!"

Seeing the two leave, Jiu Silong still didn't seem to feel relieved, so he said to a policeman who came with him.

This policeman is also a member of the Mulia tribe, and is called Jiusi Shark, because the surname of Jiusi is a common surname of the Mulia! So many people are surnamed Jiusi.

When Jiusi Shark heard what Jiusilong said, he didn't hesitate, turned around and chased after Jiusihu and Jiusibiao.

At this time, Jiusilong seemed to relax, turned his head and saw Ouyang Feng and the others looking at him, so he smiled reluctantly and said:

"I asked them to investigate and collect evidence in the cottage to see if there are any witnesses!"

"Okay, I get it now!"

Ouyang Feng nodded gently, without expressing any opinion.

Of course he knew that these people were going back to inform the news, but this was not a big deal for Ouyang Feng.

On the contrary, if he is going to destroy this Mulia clan’s cottage in a while, he really needs some precautions there.

No matter how cruel people are, they should still cherish their people.

Therefore, after receiving the news here, Mulia Village will at least hide the old and weak women and children.

For these people, Ouyang Feng didn't want to kill them all.

It's hard to tell the old ones. It is possible that when they were young, they played the role of Nine Sihu, but at least those children should have never participated.

After destroying the Mulia cottage, those people's arrangements, let's talk about it at the time, in short, this place will not let them continue to stay.

Less than two minutes after Jiu Sihu and the others left, a train team drove in front of them.

When he saw that the first person to get out of the co-pilot seat in the first car was not the police inspector he thought, but the governor of their country, Jiuslong was instantly sluggish.

How is this going?

Why did the Archon even come here?

What made Jiusalong even more collapsed was that after the Archon got out of the car, he did not care about anyone, but immediately turned around, opened the rear door, and then bowed his body halfway, as if waiting for someone to get off.

This... The archon would open the door for him himself, and even bow his body halfway?

Although this person hasn't shown up yet, Jiusilong already knows who this person is.

Gao Zhixing! The Supreme Speaker of the Liberty League Assembly! !

Besides him, who else? Can their consuls show this attitude?

A look of despair shot into Jiusilong's eyes.

If it's just the police inspector, there may be room for recovery.

But now, the consul and the highest speaker of the Liberty Alliance are here at the same time, and their Mulia cottage... is already a catastrophe...

With the terrain of their Mulia cottage and the fact that under the cliff is not exposed, the Republic of Kari will not take large-scale military actions against their cottage even if the consuls come.

At most, they would hand over a few people as scapegoats, and just push all their sins on them! Then things are estimated to be over.

But now that I saw Gao Zhixing, Jiuslong felt that this time the matter was big.

The Republic of Kari will not really tear up their faces to deal with them, but the Liberty Alliance...

Everyone knows that in all the countries on the home planet, the Liberty Alliance is the real power holder.

If Gao Zhixing spoke, let alone their Mulia cottage, even the entire Republic of Kari would definitely be unstoppable.

The corner of Jiusilong's mouth twitched, and he looked back at the people in Mulia's cottage. He wanted to send a few more people back to tell his people about the matter.

But Jiu Silong knew that it was impossible, and even the consul came out, and he didn't have the power to give orders at all.

Moreover, after Gao Zhixing got out of the car, Jiuslong finally understood what kind of gods this Mulia cottage had offended! !


Gao Zhixing laughed when he got out of the car! Then he walked quickly towards Ouyang Feng, and none of the guards around him followed him to protect him personally.

This at least shows one thing, that is, in front of the four seemingly humble people, Gao Zhixing has no defense at all.

And they must be quite familiar, because Gao Zhixing didn't say anything to his guards, and those guards consciously stopped in place.

What Jiu Silong didn't know was that no matter whether Gao Zhixing was wary of Ouyang Feng or not, he would not bring a guard in front of Ouyang Feng.

Because how many people you bring is nothing to use! !

Moreover, now that Gao Zhixing has improved his strength by Ouyang Feng, he can be regarded as an out-and-out master of the home planet if he is not a person who wants to base his combat power alone! !

"Lao Gao! You are slow enough to come, if you come later, I won't wait for you, I will solve it myself!"

After patting Gao Zhixing on the shoulder, Ouyang Feng said with a smile.

"Ouyang! I can't be blamed for this! This Duotian Mountain is a natural magnetic field, and communication and navigation all fail here."

Hearing Ouyang Feng's words, Gao Zhixing said helplessly:

"So I can only take the plane to the town below, and then take the car. We don't have the guts to rely on manual pilots to drive the plane up.

Having said that, Gao Zhixing looked at the small fighter plane still hovering in the air with a look of admiration:

"Oh! We don't have such a good thing that is immune to magnetic interference!"

"Old Gao!"

Seeing Gao Zhixing looking at his small fighter plane reluctantly, Ouyang Feng shook his head:

"This... don't even think about it! It's not that I'm stingy, but that you can't find anyone who can drive this guy at all. Even with us, I can drive it!"


Gao Zhixing shook his head helplessly, then looked at Ouyang Feng and asked with a serious face:

"Ouyang, what you showed me just now, is this below?"


Ouyang Feng nodded, then looked at the people Gao Zhixing had brought over, and saw that among those guards, several of them had been improved by himself before, so he said to Gao Zhixing:

"Go! I'll take you down to see!!"

Gao Zhixing looked back at the Archon of the Republic of Kari, nodded and said:

"Okay! Take him down and have a look!"

Ouyang Feng looked at the consul and guessed his identity, after all, the matter was here, and the great **** Gao Zhixing had come in person! Of course the head of this country will come forward!

Seeing Ouyang Feng's gaze, Gao Zhixing quickly introduced:

"Ouyang! This is the consul of the Republic of Kari, his name is Pu Yisheng!"

"Happy meeting! Mr. Ouyang!"

When Pu Yisheng heard Gao Zhixing introduce him to Ouyang Feng, he hurried forward, bowed deeply, then straightened up, stretched out a hand to Ouyang Feng, and said with a smile on his face:

"Mr. Ouyang is busy with everything, and he can help our country get rid of the cancer! Park Mou is really grateful!!"

"Prostitution... a lifetime?"

Ouyang Feng was stunned, then shook hands with Park Yisheng, and said with a strange expression:

"It's nothing, but... your name... speaks out the dream of most men..."

Hearing Ouyang Feng's words, Park Yisheng was taken aback, apparently did not understand what Ouyang Feng meant.

On the contrary, Liu Wanting and Zhang Shiyu blushed because of their suffocation.

Liu Wanting even reached out and pinched Ouyang Feng's waist, but Ouyang Feng's thick skin didn't feel much.

"Okay, okay! Let's go down!"

Ouyang Feng knew that he had said the wrong thing, because he was almost out of touch with the normal society, so his speech became a lot more casual, and he said whatever he thought.

And although they have been traveling together for a long time, most of the time, they are the four of them together, and basically they have never communicated with others.

Fortunately, this Pu Yisheng didn't understand Ouyang Feng's meaning, and he was not too embarrassed.

Otherwise, no matter how strong one is, it would be a bit too much to talk about a national leader in front of other people's people.

"Right! Go down now!"

Of course Gao Zhixing heard what Ouyang Feng meant, but he didn't dare to laugh, and he hurriedly changed the subject:

"You, keep order on it, no one can leave, wait until we come back!!"


Ouyang Feng took the lead to jump off the fighter plane, then stopped the fighter plane on the ground, and got in touch with Gao Zhixing and Park Yisheng!

As for the others, although they wanted to go up, they wouldn't recommend themselves without Ouyang Feng or Gao Zhixing's words.

I can only stand in place, watching the small fighter jet dive and disappear under the cliff...

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