Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 976: Crazy head

"Why do I go where I am, and there will be disputes. Am I a moving star?"

As soon as I heard those fighting voices and shouts, Li Jiayu screamed and smashed 黾ち椋窘杳 carboxy 竦 じ じ じ 芘 芘 芘 涮僭 涮僭 涮僭 涮僭 涮僭 涮僭 涮僭 涮僭 故 故 故 故 故 故 故 radium 氐 氐 often?


What is this doing?

The last time I met in the city of Lucheng and the "Louis Hunting Magic Group", the hunting magic group was almost swallowed, and even the head of the group was drilled into the body to lay eggs, and the situation was in jeopardy. [..]

How come this time, when Li Jiayu wants to marry the hunter group where Wu Tengyun is located, he has encountered a trivial matter?


It was another explosion, followed by the cracking of the wall of "Kerala", and the sound of the collapse of half of the house.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Kill me! Kill me! Don't kill me, you will be crushed by me into a meat sauce... Fast! I can't control it... oh ah Ah, ah~"

Hong Liang, like the screaming sound of the copper bell, thundered in the sky, and the water on the ground shook a lot of silk, making this gloomy drizzle night quite scary.

In the repair shop, it was already a mess, and the whole room was like a tornado. Beds, vases, tables and chairs, chandeliers, air-conditioners, and sofas were all destroyed into powder. Even the tiles were on the floor. a pothole.

"Not good... Uncle is crazy again, Big Brother, you think about it!"

A girl with a pink jade, wearing a purple-brown insect coat and two pretty horsetails, although not very beautiful, is also very kind and sweet, placed in a peaceful era, certainly It is a colorful flower. If a sweet photo is sent to the Internet, it is likely to attract a large number of otaku.

just. At this time, the girl who was under the age of 18 was full of anxiety and panic. She even had tears in her eyes. Her eyes were red and she was crying. She looked at the uncle who was not confessed by the madness. She only I can ask for help from Muto.

"I, I am working hard... please give me some more time, I will treat him with blessing and divine purification."

Muto Yun is also anxious to gnash his teeth. He clasped his hands and squeezed out the little magical power to condense into a large bright magic.

More than two months ago, Wu Tengyun was only in the hills and forests, but the strength was only the second-order high-order. But now, he is already a high-level light knight of the third-grade, like a ray of light, and his shield will be transformed into a parasol for civilians. His sword will kill all the courageous bases of the survivors. Zombies.

He traveled across the ocean and came to Hainan Island from Tiannan Province. Joining this "Yun Shield Hunting Magic Group", with his extraordinary strength and rigorous temperament, he quickly made a difference in his career, not only won the love of his teammates, but also was led by the head of the team, and Wu Teng The cloud has also advanced by leaps and bounds. It became the first master in the whole hunting demon group. Even in the survivor base of this one hundred and five thousand people, his strength can be ranked in the top ten, and he is a well-known figure.

Mutoyun seems to be more mature than before, and he has kept the scum, his eyes are sharper and hey, he has a masterful style, and he has no ambiguity to express his fear. Awkward Kang milk milk crane seal?

But unfortunately...

Today, Wu Tengyun has encountered a very headache, almost let him run out of mind.

In the morning, the head of the "Yun Shield Hunting Magic Group" led the elite members to go out and hunt the corpse, hoping to catch the satisfactory abyss soul flame and magic equipment as usual.

however. In the afternoon, several members of the wounded body dragged their bodies and wandered back, while still stunned the unconscious head. At that time, they scared Wu Tengyun and others, and thought that the head and others had encountered it. Strong corpse.

Unexpectedly, several injured members said that it was the dear head of the adults who had been hurting them!

"We hunted two green-haired zombies, and when we were going deep into the forest... the head of the group mourned and fell to the ground. We were at a loss. Later, the head suddenly climbed up with red eyes and took up the hands directly. Sword, the Ayuan Affin Auntie three of them cut into headless bodies! Then, the regiment, the head of the team is crazy, his mouth is smoky, the blue veins on his face are shaking, it is like a fire Like the devil, we must kill all of us... In desperation, we fight with the head of the team and want to stop him from going crazy... But in the end, you also saw that after the team leader, only six of us live. Down, everyone else was separated by the head of the team..."

Gossip, Wu Tengyun and others almost did not scare the square inch.

How can this be?

He has always been a generous and generous head, and he is a criminal police captain in peacetime. How could he madly kill so many teammates who died together?

You know, the ten teammates who died will be the backbone of the "Dragon Shield Hunting Magic"! With such a death, the middle and high-level forces of the entire "Yun Shield Hunting Magic Group" are almost empty, and the elite lost nearly half!

Wu Tengyun is worried about the mental condition of the head of the regiment and quickly uses the magic of magic to heal the body of the head, but...

This treatment took half a day, and the final result, let alone let the head of the team recover, even let him not be quiet, this is not, the head of the group woke up, immediately roared, as if The river raptors are as fierce as they are, and they are arbitrarily smashing and destroying. Even the two members who are close to each other have been smashed into meat sauce. If it is not Wuto Yunwang, the first time to open a bright shield, I am afraid The girl who is carving the jade will also die.

"Wu Big Brother... Uncle, how could he become like this..."

Looking at the uncle who was trapped by the bright cage, and then look at the two horrible corpses on the ground, the girl cried even more happily, she could hardly believe that the strange mad roaring like a wild beast, her uncle like a father.

"Hey, Tengyun, now you can rely on you." A three-level low-ranking enchanter frowned.

"Yeah, deputy head, we believe that you will be able to cure the head of the team..." A second-level madman is full of hopes. At this moment, everyone can only pin their hopes on Wu Tengyun. On the body, who makes Mutoyun the strongest knight? Don't expect him to count on who?

"I will try my best, you can rest assured."

Wu Tengyun glanced at the face of everyone, and then nodded his head. He knew that he had taken too much responsibility and sustenance on his shoulder. However, his pressure was too great because he was not sure about himself. He did not know. How to save the head of the heartless madness, take a step back and say, even if it can save the head of the team, how can the head of the group kill more than a dozen elite members, and when he wakes up, he will only blame himself for going to the wall to commit suicide. Ok...

At this time, a member of the group ran in and rushed in and bowed down to Wu Tengyun respectfully:

"Deputy head, there is a mysterious woman outside, claiming to be your friend, saying that I want to meet you..."

"Well? My friend? Is it a woman? How can someone come to me on such a rainy night..."

Wu Tengyun frowned. He is now dealing with the problem of the head of the team being mad, and where is the time to entertain the messy friends?

"Hey, you told her to wait outside, I am very busy now, I can't really get out of the way, by the way, you have apologized to me for her, I am not greeting..."

Just when Wu Tengyun ordered it, suddenly there was a cold, lazy and pleasant voice at the door, which was as beautiful as a white porcelain:

"How, old friend, have you forgotten me so quickly?"


If Wu Tengyun was struck by lightning, the tiger's body suddenly became a shock, and the color of the entire face became rosy!

It’s this voice...

It is the voice of the goddess deeply imprinted into his soul. Although he has only heard it several times, he has been unable to forget this voice!

Sure enough, there was a black shadow wearing a magic robe at the door. It was like a ghost. The high-level hunters in the whole room all focused on the uninvited guest. Body.

"Kill! Kill! Kill all humans..."

At this time, the old head of the blue-eyed, violent, and scary eyes seemed to have been stimulated by Li Jiayu’s air-powered machine. All of a sudden, a powerful energy broke out, and the smashing smashed out, even shattered between the electric and the flint. "Bright cage", he is like a tiger out of the cage, grinning, arrogantly rushed toward Li Jiayu, his hands open into eagle claws, the posture seems to be to tear Li Jiayu in half.


Li Jiayu did not look at it. He arbitrarily extended the palm of Bai Jie’s palm. The movement seemed to be slow. In fact, he was quick to express the speed of sound, and he directly collided with the old eagle claw of the old leader.


The third-level high-ranking head of the army directly flew out, flying more than a dozen meters like a cannonball, and finally hit the wall heavily, which was completely unconscious.

At the moment of the paw-handed attack, there was also a violent anger, boasting on Li Jiayu, and on the spot, his magician hood was overturned, revealing the exquisite and suffocating face. The plenty of light in the room shines on the jade-faced face, and it shines brightly.

"The Pope, how come you are here!"

Wu Tengyun exclaimed and his eyes widened. He really couldn't believe that Pope Li Jiayu would come to visit this survivor base.

At the same time, his mind was like a torrent of water, and he remembered countless countless achievements about Li Jiayu. The gods of the gods have the blood of the Protoss, the night of the sheep city, the conquest of the royal dragon, and the five masters of the lord. Prophecy is to save the savior of the whole earth...

All the legends of Li Jiayu, all of them are earth-shattering, they all turned into Thunder, and they burst into the air in Wu Tengyun’s brain!

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