Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 977: Zerg rookie

Since the separation from Li Jiayu, Wu Tengyun has deliberately paid attention to all the things about Li Jiayu, and those legends about Li Jiayu are like mythological epics that let Wu Tengyun admire the worship of the five bodies, I don’t know how many times, Wu Tengyun dreams. To wear a gorgeous light knight armor, full of glory and piety, in the temple of the radiant light, in front of all the believers, God gracefully kneels down and kisses the light of the Pope's toe.

At this moment, Wu Tengyun almost thought that he was dreaming again, because the bright and imposing, bright and imposing Pope actually waded through the mountains and appeared in front of him!

"Occasionally passing through Hainan, I will visit you by the way."

Although others have already seen stupid eyes, stunning Li Jiayu's powerful atmosphere and clear temperament, but Li Jiayu does not care about other people's views, he only has a past life friend.

"You are not in the canyon of Yangshuo, Guizhou. I have been through you. After the arrival of the Sunshine Age, you will lead the survivors to the city... But why have you crossed the strait and appeared in Hainan Island?" Li Jiayu The eyes of the clear blue diamonds shimmered with brilliance, and they were slightly dissatisfied. He was very concerned about the safety of Wu Tengyun. After all, Wu Tengyun’s strength was still weak. If he accidentally encountered a powerful monster, he might die.

"This is, oh... it’s a long story, it’s hard to explain it for a while..."

Wu Tengyun just wanted to say something, but he swallowed his words back into his stomach, then shook his head slyly, his throat rolling and hoarse:

"The Pope, I beg you to help the old head. He treats me as a mountain, and saves it anyway." The chapter is the fastest update. He is useless. It is useless to do everything. Now only the pope. You can only reverse the life and death of adults..."

Wu Tengyun said that the more excited, the sigh of sighs in front of Li Jiayu, and the rest of the members of the room also stunned, and then they all shouted like a Jinshan down jade column!

At this moment, they only responded to who is the "Pope of the Pope" in Wu Tengyunkou!

They are all amazing in the style of the Pope. It’s hard to think about the brain when it’s hot, but now they understand it and can be called “the Pope” by the Bright Knight. In addition to the "Bright Pope", who can be!

God, the people in front of you are actually the bright pope who is so legendary that sensationalizes the whole south. And in the rumor she is still likely to be the reincarnation of the goddess of light. Such a big man can live dead and bones, control the light and hope, and she will shoot, I think the head of the group will be able to survive the storm!

In fact, the news that Li Jiayu came to the Hainan survivor base has already spread out, and all parties have already known. It’s just that the “Dragon Shield Hunting Devils” is in the midst of an eventful year, busy with the head of the heartless and crazy. So I only know about this explosive news.

Just everyone is full of hope, looking forward to Li Jiayu to quickly display magic, so that the head of the team is in good condition

"Coke worm..."

Li Jiayu frowned, his face shook his head slightly:

"Sorry, I may not be able to help you this time, Tengyun, you still give him a good time as soon as possible..."

"" "How come!"

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Wu Tengyun’s body suddenly felt that he had misunderstood something. He could not believe that Li Jiayu would be helpless.

"People, you, you can take a good look at it, the head of the team has done so many good things, accumulated so many yin, even if the prince of the king does not dare to accept him, he must have saved, your bright magic is endless. Even my aunt's daughter can continue to live, I believe that you will be able to continue for the head!"

Wu Tengyun’s voice just fell, and the pink-eyed girl also cried in red eyes:

"Yeah, yeah, I beg you, save my uncle anyway. He is the only relative of my family. If I don't have an uncle, I really don't know how to live. I, my life, Zhao Feirong. You can also sell it to you, and you can help me with my uncle..."

A bald, bearded and brawny man also followed the martyrdom: "Yes! That's what it is. I have been rescued by the head of the army for many times. This life is also going to save the head, the Pope, you can speak directly, save. What kind of conditions do you need for a living regiment? It is a high-level soul flame, or a treasured insect crystal of a high-grade worm. No matter what medicine, even the heart of the leader-level headless knight, I will desperately get it back!"

For a time, the crowds were surging, and everyone was pleading for Li Jiayu.

"At this time, are you still concerned about his life and death... Hey, there is so much time and energy, it is better to care about your own safety!"

Li Jiayu, "The Dark Summoner of the End of the World, the 777th Chapter of the Zerg, the rookie, the locust," glanced at everyone, and said with no expression:

"Do you know that that person has been invaded by the locusts? If I can come back for a few hours, maybe I can save him, but it is too late to say anything now, because the locusts are fully grown, the worms are like The innumerable thin lines of diffusion are firmly integrated into his brain, which means that he will soon become a worm!"

"Jiao worm...that, what is that, Pope, I don't quite understand what you mean." Wu Tengyun asked a little stuttering. Although he didn't understand it, he could also hear that "Jiao worm" is A very ominous vicious pest, the head of the group is afraid that it is in jeopardy.

"Coke worm is a rather small worm, only the size of a worm. Once it has penetrated into the human body, they will crouch in the cavity of the soft tissue, perhaps the respiratory tract, perhaps the intestines, maybe the brain. Nasal cavity... They will absorb energy quietly inside. After three days, they will evolve into an energy-like form, free to walk through, into the human head, and finally they will completely merge with the brain. At that time, the human ** will be completely controlled, and it will become its walking dead, and even the human soul will distort the pollution and be willing to sell life for the worm world!"

Li Jiayu’s voice is a bit cold.

Anxious focus!

This terrible bug...

Why is it that it will surface in less than half a year in the last days? This is unscientific. It was the third year of the last life that only went to the earth world...

Li Jiayu clearly remembers how terrible the inheritors who are controlled by the locusts, "The Dark Summoner of the End of the World", who are not afraid of death, combine the advantages of the Zerg, and even combine the advantages of the Zerg. Also gained the insect world energy infused by the insect community!

They are not only improving their speed, but also able to fuse the genes of the Zerg, thus evolving grotesque insect eyes, insects, worms, and insect tails. They are fierce and fierce, and a lord-level "anxious warrior" can Three human lord-level inheritors!

Li Jiayu also fought with the "Jiaoyu Warrior" and deeply knew the terribleness of "Jiaoyu Warriors". To a certain extent, they have the same effect as Li Jiayu's father Li Donglin was transformed into a "biochemical blood corpse". Wonderful, they are all killing machines.

In the last life, the most "disgusting warrior" of the Tianchao is the "Queen of Juice" Liu Yinsha and the "Breaked King" Su Wuyun, both of which are unmistakable legendary high-order, in insect genes and insects. Under the blessing of the energy, the two joined forces and even allowed Yang An to have to avoid the edge!

This shows that the horror of "anxious warriors"...

Of course, the "focus worm" actually controls the human brain and does not obliterate human life. It is not impossible to restore the "anxious warrior". In the last life, Liu Yinsha was transformed into the "Dark Blade Queen". He was smashed by Fang Yun. He used the legendary spirit of the Dark Pope to smash the "anxiety" in her mind, let her wake up again, and sell her to Yang An as a **** slave.

If Li Jiayu's bright pope level is upgraded to the legendary level... then he can follow Fang Yun and smash the anxiety of the old head of the brain, but...what is there in the world?

At this moment, Li Jiayu "" is just a light-level sacrifice of the middle-level lord. The control of the light is not fully proficient. If it is strong, the consequence is to smash the brain of Jiao Yu and the head of the group together!


Muto Yun is like a demon holding a throat, his mouth is so big that he can almost put a fist, and he has some six gods without a main road:

"Coke worms are equivalent to parasites... Pope, perhaps we can open the head of the head, and then find someone to help dig out the bugs in his mind, as long as we have bright magic, even if we open the head He will not die in his head!"

"You think too simple... The cockroach cockroach is fully mature, the worm body is also energized and fogged, and it is thoroughly integrated with each brain cell. How can the scalpel in the area be dug out? If it's that simple... it won't be so difficult."

There are no grades of locusts, even if the first-order low-order blood-sucking worms are higher than it, but once the locusts successfully control the inheritors, they have the potential for numerous evolutions.

Li Jiayu once heard that the "Sakura Fire Gold Beetle King" said the secret of the insect world. Among the twelve worms, there is a worm that is a singular creature controlled by the locust, but it has been a long time. It absorbs too much energy in the insect world, so it will be assimilated into the worm mother.

Therefore, Li Jiayu will be so jealous of "focus worms", such things as Nyima have a small probability and the parasitic mother evolved into a "worm mother", can not be scared!

"That, then how can we be good... Hey, my uncle was still okay, how was it controlled by the worms at once..."

The girl named Zhao Feirong was crying, but at this time.

Li Jiayu violently flashed his eyes and condensed the energy of the vast expanse. He rushed down the top of the girl's head and watched the surging power. It seemed that the girl's head was made into a tattered watermelon! (To be continued.)

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