Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 997: Italy

"What is this stuff?"

As soon as he touched the bead, Li Jiayu knew that this should be the essence of the scallop lord who had nurtured countless years, that is, an incredible pearl!

Scallops, the energy of a lifetime, absorbs the endless essence of the sun and the moon, but does not strengthen the body to increase combat power, but to consolidate its pearls, so a master-level pearl, compared to the master-level insect crystal Longjing is precious more than ten times!


Li Jiayu has not had time to confirm the effect of the pearl in his hand. The man holding the trident on the opposite side has already snarled with the spirit of anger, like the thunder and lightning, and the sea water within a hundred meters of the square is frantically intertwined.

Obviously, his anger is enough to make this ocean and sea rise.

He spent so much time and energy, according to the instructions of the ghost, came here to find his own adventures in the sea canyon, and painstakingly induced the two scallop lords, and finally combined with the time and place, they ushered in a rare opportunity to kill them all. dead.

He has already got a "double birth pearl", but he never thought that the only remaining scallop lord would be so uncompromising. He had to give his "double birth pearl" to an uninvited guest, so that he could not let him feel angry. .

“Hey? What foreign language is this?”

Li Jiayu, a glimpse of his foreign language, how can he understand the meaning of the other party, he only knows. It is the white man who is talking about the earth.

"Return the ‘Twin Pearls’ to me! Otherwise... this sea will be your place of burial!”

On the other hand, the white man can ignore Li Jiayu. "Beep", the body is like a sharp arrow in the sea, the speed is much faster than the torpedo, the distance of three hundred meters is just a blink of an eye!

"Screaming, I want to grab this pearl. I want to be beautiful. Since it automatically flies into my hands, it is my thing."

Li Jiayu laughed. In the hands of the "double birth beads" into the space ring.

At this time, the white man finally carried the raging momentum like a wandering white whale. He dragged a lot of air waves and air bubbles behind him. He appeared in front of Li Jiayu, but he saw him wearing a golden light hollow helmet and wearing it on his chest. The vermillion Poseidon Pendant, the perfect and masculine body. Bronze greasy muscles sparkle, a bit stronger than Yang An, just like an international bodybuilder.

He doesn't have a squat, but the lower body does not reveal the genital organs, because he can collect eggs into the abdomen and hide the weakness in the lower abdomen.

His face is not handsome. But it has a **** shape, such as a knife-like layering, just firm and strong, with the sparse beard residue, it looks quite cool. Very rich in the charm of European and American men.


When he saw Li Jiayu's face, the steel male body suddenly shook. The fortitude of the face is also full of shock, even the original suffocating murder has also shed a large part.

“Is it a woman?”

The white man snorted, apparently unexpected. The person he wanted to kill was actually such a beautiful woman with a natural beauty. What is more unexpected is that the big beauty also sent the same sea atmosphere!

It is a pity that the appearance of the goddess of light is a combination of all the advantages of the orientals and the Westerners. It has both the elegance and exquisiteness of the oriental beauty and the temperament and charm of the western beauty. However, the goddess of light is white-blue, only by This is enough for many people to think that Li Jiayu is a white person.

"Respected lady... I am the Terengsu of Rome, Italy, the inheritor of Poseidon, I am very happy to be with you in this wonderful place, please allow me to pay the deepest respect."

I found that the other person was a top beauty. The white man named "Telunsu" took back the trident and turned to squat in the sea. His face also showed a gentle and elegant aristocratic smile, and a white tooth in his mouth was clearly visible. .

This time, he combined the spiritual ideas and directly conveyed the meaning to Li Jiayu's mind, which also saved the trouble of language barrier.

"Telunsu? Hey... this name..."

Li Jiayu brows, he seems to have heard of this name, and the number of times he heard is not a few... Between the electric and the flint, he finally remembered the legend of the previous life!


It is the legendary leader of Italy. In the past life, he was a detached presence with the British blood angel Queen Effie, and it is still the same legendary high-order. It is said that he has acquired the inheritance of Poseidon and can mobilize the power of the sea, if it is in the sea. Fighting, even the legendary monster is not his opponent!

Li Jiayu once heard that Terunsu relied on his own strength to stand alone in the ruins of Venice Water City, the King of Hydra, the Dragon Sea God, and the Doomsday Octopus. This is the legendary high-order creature that has been raging in Europe for three years. I don't know how bad it is, but they are all defeated by the hand of Telunsu!

Among them, the tyrannical dragon **** was pierced by the trident of the sea **** Trident, and it was sealed in the sea. For a time, countless monsters raging in Europe were frightened!

"He is Telunsu... It is really better to be famous than to meet... It’s really strong enough. Just because of this height, I’m afraid there are two meters. Hey, what he holds in his hand should be a legendary weapon. - Poseidon trident."

Li Jiayu is in the middle of his heart. He knows that the face is not a general generation, but a talented person who is so powerful that he is a leader in the sky. He must be taken seriously.

Don't look at Li Jiayu, a foreign mermaid, and get the blessing of the ocean goddess... But in the end, he is just a counterfeit. It’s more than just a family of Terunsu, not to mention. Terunsu is the son of God, inheriting the will of the sea god, and the sea **** and the sea goddess are different concepts.

Poseidon, in charge of the storm and tsunami, represents the fury and destruction of the sea, so that the fighting power is enough to make earth-shattering.

The goddess of the sea is in charge of the vitality and vitality of the ocean, such as the cradle that breeds countless lives in the sea. She is not very good at fighting.

"Oh, slow... I have not only heard of this name in previous lives... I have heard it in my life... It seems that it is in the hometown of octopus. When we strolled in Hong Kong, we were in the supermarket. I have seen 'Telunsu' milk... Hey, funny, this domineering name is actually milk..."

Laughing and laughing. But this is just a little whimsy of Li Jiayu, but the opposite son of the **** of the sea, Terunsu, has already opened the door to see the mountain:

"Respected lady... I wonder if I am honored to know your nationality and name. You have the breath of the ocean goddess... I guess you are the heir chosen by the Ocean Goddess. Perhaps we will be excellent. one's business Patner."

Li Jiayu’s eyes are blue. Hesitated for a moment, this laughed:

"Heavenly, Yang An."

"Tianchao?" Terunsu is quite surprised. Isn't Tianchao the first strong country of the yellow race, but the big beauty in front of him seems to be white. He previously thought that Li Jiayu was a man of the United States, England, and France.

"Yes, it is the Eastern Kingdom. Heaven."

"Tianchao, is a beautiful and rich place, I am also very yearning for your country, oh, only such a powerful country, can give birth to Ms. Yang like this kind of people..." Telunsu said.

"Oh..." Li Jiayu smiled and didn't bother to explain anything. Anyway, no one believed it every time.

"Seeing is the fate, fate is pulling the fate between us... I am the new sea god, you are the new ocean goddess, the same **** who rules the sea, you don't think it seems to be Is the fate arranged?"

"Oh..." Li Jiayu laughed and said nothing.

"The goddess of the ocean, you know, the use of the twin beads?" Suddenly, Terunsu took out a flame-like pearl from his space ring.

He is the same person who has the same fate as Yang An, and naturally has a space ring.

Li Jiayu shook his head and said that he did not know that Telun Subi had drawn his "double birth pearl". In an instant, the "double birth pearl" in Li Jiayu's space ring also caused a strong resonance.

"Don't look at the two scallops, only the peak of the lord, even a quasi-legendary is not counted... However, this 'double birth pearl' is a rare event, is the treasure of the treasure, two people with 'double birth pearls' As long as you become a couple, you can share power. You can not only use each other's abilities, but also superimpose power when necessary. Imagine if the power is perfectly superimposed, it is not one plus one equals two. Simple, but one plus one equals three, or even five. If both husband and wife are quasi-legends, fear that even the legendary enemy can easily defeat!"


Li Jiayu was so moved that he never expected that the "Shuangsheng Yuanzhu" would have such a horrible effect. Nima is more practical than the legendary treasures, and the degree of magic is no less than "destiny." Balance"!

Terunsu is very satisfied with the change of Li Jiayu's expression, slow and leisurely:

"Of course, 'Twin Pearls' is also flawed, because the level is too low, so there are restrictions on the number of uses, the couple can only use three times of superposition... After use, the twin beads will be broken... but even It’s only three times, it’s already enough, isn’t it.”

Terunsu is quite right, even if it is only three times, it is already enough. He now has the power of the peak of the lord. He also takes advantage of the home court in the sea. He can definitely fight with Yang An, the ordinary legendary monster. Not necessarily his opponent!

And if he can be combined with the female version of Li Jiayu, become a pair of gods, and then use the "double birth pearls" to superimpose the power, then let alone defeat the quasi-scholar mid-level, even the quasi-legendary high-order has a battle !

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