Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 998: Conflict in the sea

"Oh? What do you mean, twins... You must have two men and one woman at the same time to use it?"

"It is not necessary to have a man or a woman. In fact, it is possible to have the same sex. Of course, there is a truth in the world that is repelled by the same sex. Therefore, if it is used by the same sex, the effect will be greatly reduced. One plus one can only be slightly larger than two."

"It turned out to be..."

Li Jiayu picked up his eyebrows, and between the tides of the sea, his white hair danced slowly, and there were many thoughts and illusions in his mind between the electric and the flint.

The clearest is the one who makes Li Jiayu the most pitiful and hateful person - the dark Li Jiayu.

If Li Jiayu is in the state of the women's edition, combined with the power of the dark Li Jiayu, what would it be like, is it a fusion of light and dark?

What new energy will be produced after the light and dark fusion?

Is it chaos, or is it illusory?

By the time……

Does Li Jiayu have the opportunity to get rid of all the conspiracy under him under the "Bright Goddess" through the "Shuangsheng Yuanzhu"?

In addition, Li Jiayu also thought of Xiao Qingqing and Liu Yinsha!

These two young women are the Archbishop of Red and the High Priest at dusk. They are also the bright saints and the dark saints. What if they were combined with the twins? What would it be like?

The most concealed idea of ​​Li Jiayu is Yang An...

Yang An has four heritages. Among them is "Emperor", and Dihong is the emperor. It is the ancestor emperor, not only carrying the air and the heavens and the earth, but also the ultimate humanity...

If Li Jiayu was really forced to a dead end in the future, could he use the "double birth pearls" to combine with Yang An and use his air to resist the goddess of light?

Moreover, Li Jiayu and Yang An are considered to be the transcendental existence of the top three in the Tian dynasty. Both of them have potential. The will to fight is extremely amazing. Looking at the whole earth is also the top ten no-pressure. If the two join hands... Even if they encounter a half-step epic enemy, they may have a fight. If they encounter the 12th worm, when Can save your life!

last of the last……

Li Jiayu’s mind flashed the red Yingqing shadow that dyed Hongxia...

Yes, dyed Hongxia!

Since reborn. The most frequent battle with Li Jiayu is undoubtedly the dyeing of Hongxia. She once vowed to become the guardian of Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu pointed out that she was in the battle. To say that the woman who is the best match with Li Jiayu is undoubtedly dyed Hongxia.

In another life trajectory... Li Jiayu is a top cartoonist and designer. He finally married the red-light, perhaps in the midst of it, and it is destined to dye Hongxia as his wife.

and so. If you can get the "double birth pearls", Li Jiayu is really likely to give one to dye Hongxia...

Just between Li Jiayu's thoughts. Terunsu fanned his glamorous eyes and glare, and he turned around on Li Jiayu's face. The more he looked, the more he liked it. After a long while, he smiled slightly:

"Ms. Yang... This is the arrangement of God. You have seen it. A ‘twin pearl’ is in my hands and the other is in your hands... Isn’t this already obvious?”

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, god, isn't it just arranging you and me to master the 'double birth pearls', that is to say... we will be a couple, a perfect couple, in fact, only you and me, It’s a natural pair, isn’t it?”

Terunsu said with a confident smile. In his opinion, he is the next sea god, and Li Jiayu is the next ocean goddess. Moreover, both of them are still human beings, and they are also facing the end of the catastrophe. The baptism, in this case, should be combined with each other, as in Taoism - to become a Taoist, and to seek for a longer life!


Li Jiayu’s face sank at once, and even a pair of blue dragonflies were slightly white, and the look of Telunsu became slightly disgusting and disgusting.

Damn, this man, how to be a virtue with Yang An!

If you talk less about unnecessary fuss, you will die!

"Ms. Yang, do you think I am wrong?"

Facing the question of Telunsu, Li Jiayu shook his head and sighed softly:

"I really don't know how to deal with people like you... You are like this, Lin Qiqiu is so, Yang An is so, the same is true of past lives, when did I become a delicious cheese by your group? The mouse is squatting... forget it, it’s useless to say no more nonsense, let’s make a deal.”

"What transaction?"

"You will give me another twin pearl... I will reveal a big secret to you."

"Impossible! Twin beads, is my shared property with you, and a witness to your marriage. Ms. Yang, let me go, I will let you see the gentleness of Poseidon..."

Terunsu is difficult to communicate, and Zhangkou is a "Poseidon". He dares to think of himself as a god, but ignores the fact that he is still human. Even if he obtained the inheritance of Poseidon, it is the heir appointed by Poseidon. In the final analysis, he was still an ordinary human being six months ago!

"Twin beads, I am bound to get it, but not with you...Telunsu, I warn you, if you have to tear your face, it is not good for both of us. On the contrary, what I am doing with you. Trading is very beneficial to you."

Li Jiayu didn't know what the secret of Tianda was. He said it was white, but he wanted to sneak a little about Terunsu. He just knew a little bit about the rumors of past lives. It is said that Telunsu found the treasure of Poseidon on the Antarctic side. In this way, he was promoted to the legendary realm. Li Jiayu was planning to take this news and sneak at him.

"Ms. Yang. You should understand your situation! I am a natural pair with you. I will be in charge of the sea together in the future. It will be a matter of time sooner or later. If so, why not achieve it earlier? Marriage, we can rely on the twin beads to pick the legendary, the world of the earth. What creatures are our rivals!"

In the hands of Telunsu, the trident of the sea **** swayed, and stirred up the turbulent undercurrent in the bottom of the sea. In this dark and deep sea, the golden openwork helmet on his head also gave off the light, and the decorations on the top of the head were Split into nine slowly squirming snakes, claws and claws, revealing endless fierceness.

"It's really annoying..."

Li Jiayu sighed. Knowing that nothing is useless, many days of pride have seen the goddess of light will reduce the IQ by 50%, a gluten wants a pro-Fang Ze, must use force to extract something...

But they are really stupid, because Li Jiayu is clearly a man!

"Ms. Yang, don't blame me for using force to coerce you. Because you and I are companions, it is the arrangement of fate. Even if you are not mine now, the future will be mine. It is better. Let's get married today!"

"Hey, are you daydreaming?"

"But I believe that I can dream come true!"

Terunsu said that he would fight. It’s really nothing to do with the feelings, the sea **** Trident in the hand suddenly burst into an extremely dazzling golden light, pulling the undercurrent in the deep sea, and in an instant, there is an incomparably powerful force that bursts out from the Trident. .

That kind of power...

It is a heavier power than the mountains and rivers. It is even more powerful than the stars. It is enough to crush everything and crush it!

"Legendary weapons... how can we..."

Li Jiayu is also slightly discolored, because he can feel the energy of the Trident in the hands of Terunsu is extremely rich and pure, much more violent than the broken dream knife, the ice round pill, and even the three great artifacts of Yang An!

The Trident of Poseidon is not a weapon used by the epic Poseidon, but merely a fake...

However, this fake is not in a sealed state!

In other words, this is a 100% legendary weapon that can perfectly play the power of a legendary weapon. If you touch it at will, you will be able to turn the river and turn the stars, so that the creatures in the sea will tremble for it!

This is much better than the ice wheel, the thousand sakura, the broken dream knife, the practicing star wheel and the Yang An three artifacts in the seal state. The practical value and significance are more than ten times that of the seal weapons!

Li Jiayu would not understand why the legendary weapons acquired by all the princes of the sky have been sealed more or less, but the Trident of the Trensu is only counterintuitive!

"Amazed? Scared? Are you nervous? You are not the first person to convince me, but you are the first person I want to conquer, so you surrender to me and surrender to the sea!"

Terunsu smiled proudly, and the blond hair overflowing from the hollow of the helmet also gave off a dazzling golden light, coupled with the extremely smooth and slick muscles of the body, it was like the legendary sea and the sea **** Poseidon!


Li Jiayu silently said that he directly took out his legendary weapon "Ice Wheel Pills". This weapon has been accompanied by him for half a year. Although it is in a state of seal, it has already swallowed a large amount of insect crystals and energy from the beginning of the second level. , unblocked to the current high level of the lord.

Extremely cold, the surrounding waters turned white, and countless ice crystals circulated around Li Jiayu, emitting white light. It seemed to be the provocation of the trident of the sea god, and the ice round pill trembled, it seemed to be To compete with one!

"Hmm? Ms. Yang... Is this your weapon? This weapon, without the slightest power, is just a legendary weapon of miscellaneous cards. Your tears of the goddess, the goddess of the sea did not pass on her artifact to you... ..."

"... When did I say that I was the goddess of the ocean?" Li Jiayu waved the ice round pill and replied with a sneer.

"What do you mean?"

"I think you must have misunderstood something... Well, let me introduce myself first, I am the bright goddess of this session."

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