Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1012: Beyond the accident!

Taiwu Emperor’s eyebrows stunned a bit, and the eyes with silver awnings were staring at the scented scented scented scent. He breathed deeply and he calmed down, only faintly said:

"Yes, he is no longer possible to recover... Who are you? His wife? His blessings are not bad, you can find a gentle and beautiful woman like a flower, you are the heart of the water, although no The body of the water, but you have a unique and amazing talent in the water system, if you are born in my world, I do not know how many island lords are rushing to accept you as a disciple..."

"This is the world of the earth! It's not the world of Xian Xia! You just need to answer me. Can Li Jiamin be resurrected? The people's ** can come back to life. You can't rely on what soul, I don't believe..."

"Sorry, I have already said that your husband has already died. His death can be said to have been caused by me... In this case, I can bear his responsibilities and obligations. You are his wife and naturally my wife. I will protect you and play the role of a good husband."

Taiwu Emperor closed his eyes and said in a quiet, autumn-like tone.

"Jiamin, what's wrong with you?"

When the 晏 晏 伤 伤 , , , , 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲 母亲

Taiwu Huang opened his eyes and swept the mother-in-law banquet, but she was younger than the sable, and even more beautiful. The whole person was like a narcissus. To give people a stunning beauty, the face of Loli and the temperament of the young woman are perfectly combined, and the charm index is much better than the Xiaoqing.

"Oh? This is my mother-in-law? I don't think you will be so young... Hey, age is less than forty, is it a reverse growth, physical or watery body? This is rarer than your daughter's heart of water. Put it in my world..."

"Enough! Don't put it in your world again!"

The squid squirming suddenly burst into tears, and the tears in her eyes slid down. She shouted at the Taiwu Emperor:

"You are not a good people! You are the murderer of the dead! I don't care what you are, the **** is a demon. Even if it is a **** Buddha, the legendary epic is useless! You don't have to bear the responsibility of the good people. I am not who you are, because you are not worthy! You give me a roll, don't appear in front of me, otherwise I will not be able to control myself and desperately!"

"Oh, it seems that I am very unpopular. I am a martial artist. I am not a wicked person. I just want to stay and do everything I have not done. It is also a compensation for the mistakes I made... you can rest assured I won't touch you."


"Oh, don't know how to lift!"

Taiwu Huang shook his head and sneered, but when he saw the heartbreaking expression and the hot tears of the 晏紫苏——

He was shocked and his heart shrank violently, just like there was something to break through!

"Ah, my heart..."

Taiwu Huang felt a sharp pain, not the pain of the **, but the tearing of the soul. It was the heart that was going to be broken like a cramp. He squeezed his chest tightly to the right chest, his face paled, and his eyes looked at the weeping sable with amazement.

In the meantime, he flashed a scene about the scent of sage, the golden boy and the girl, the love of love, the step into the temple, the happy after marriage... All the memories are striking the soul of the Taiwu Emperor!

"Purple, Perilla... Right, right..."

Taiwu Huang's lips are moving. Very painful to say some intermittent words, on time, the sable in front of the perilla stopped the tears, staring at the Taiwu Emperor. Trembling channel:

"Good people, are you?"

"Oh, you are not dead!"

The Taiwu Emperor was shocked, and the whirlwind shield formed by the infuriating air once again spurted out a strong temperament. The squid, which was blown three meters away, flew out and slammed into the iron guard of the bow. .


晏 晏 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本 本


Seeing the 晏 昏 coma, the Taiwu Emperor immediately turned into a lightning, and instantly rushed into the sky, disappeared...

He wants to leave, leaving the sables far away, because he found that 晏 晏 会 扰 扰 扰 扰 , , , , , , , , , , , , 晏 晏 晏 晏 , , , 晏 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"The soul named Li Jiamin has not disappeared. It is such a stubborn obsession. An ordinary person can still breathe under the pressure of my Wusheng... Hey, it is my chosen person, but you If it is a recovery, then I will definitely be squeezed out by you. I am practicing martial arts. The most important thing is the flesh. I can lose this wonderful body..."

During the flight, Taiwu Huang had already flashed thousands of thoughts.


As the Taiwu Emperor left, the Yucheng Fleet lost the "two idiots" Ming Jiali such a profitable war, what happened last night, holding a real earthquake to hold everyone.

Those three-level officers are discussing Ming Jiali. Even the Qiu Haijun female officer who likes the "two idiots" is also in tears. During the conversation, she learned that the true identity of the "two idiots" is actually Li Jiamin. That is Li Jiayu's cousin, the ex-husband of Pei Su.

She looked like a broken puppet, and she was very upset. Although she was less than three months with the two fools, she often "bullying" the two fools, but when she lost her stupidity, she was stupid. After the second fool, she realized that she had fallen in love with the stupid man.

And the man, not only has died, but also already married, there is a cousin of the city level (di??), where she still has the opportunity...

As for the basil, the situation is not as good as it is. Although she has recovered too much after some rescues, she is not obsessed with it. She mourns Li Jiamin for a while, and thinks of Li Jiayu for a moment. The delicate eyebrows are always wrinkled and confused.

If Li Jiamin is dead, she is naturally full of Li Jiayu, but now the dead husband is resurrected, and the soul may be reunited. How can she completely forget her ex-husband? There is a feeling of righteousness and sorrow can not be done...

What is even more embarrassing is that she is sorry for her ex-husband. When she was suffering in her ex-husband, she could not help her ex-husband, and even ** others, became the bride of others, which made her self-blame emotions grow wild again...

In the past, she deceived herself and thought that she would only let Li Jiayu enter her little flower. She would not betray her husband, but now she knew that she had already betrayed her all-out, not only to Li Jiayu, but also to Li Jiayu, who was with her ex-husband. The "sworn mountain" at the time of marriage became a joke.

"Good people, I am sorry that you should be me... Anyway, I will find a way to get you back..."

Pelican has closed his palms and prayed silently against the sky.

The time is very fast, and the next day is the next day. This day is the same as yesterday. There are also many dragons who come to attack. This is the case for the Yucheng fleet. After all, in the battle last night, many inheritors were killed and injured. They have all been sunk, and Sun Weiwei has not yet turned up in spirit, Fang Fang has just stopped the poison of dragon blood, even if there are Liu Yinsha, Xiao Qingqing, Xie Wenyuan support, it is difficult to ensure a comprehensive...

Therefore, this morning, Liu Yinsha will continue to complain about the frequent occurrence of the dragon.

"Not good! There is another dragon in the distance flying over to us!"

Suddenly, a Tianshi teacher shouted, he could see the scene more than twenty kilometers away.

“How much?” Liu Yinsha asked with a calm face, she was already the first master on board.

"A lot! A total of forty! There are five heads, they have a bit of injury, maybe they have just fought with the Zerg, but they should be a big win, morale is high!"

"Mom, the Zerg can't give some strength. How do the Zerg and the Dragon dog bite the dog every time? Are the Zerg defeated? Occasionally, the Dragon will die? The Zerg is really a bunch of waste!"

Liu Yinsha complained dissatisfiedly, and was prepared to convene a man to fight. However, she did not have much background in her heart. After all, it was not a way to fight like this. Perhaps the five-headed lord could not have her life. It can be used for a long time, and I am afraid that in a few days, the Yucheng fleet will be killed and killed...

Just at this time.

A glimpse of pink, fluttering and fluttering in front of Liu Yinsha.

That turned out to be a dark octopus!

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