Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1013: The highest dragon, the holy water in the mouth

It woke up from a state of sleep!

"Hey, dead octopus, you still know that you have to come out to help, I thought you have slept in a pig!"

Liu Yinsha stretched out his hand with anger and anger, and pinched the face of the dark octopus. At this time, the dark octopus is only the size of a cat, and naturally it is very bully.

"Oh yeah, the silver sand mother is forgiving, the octopus is also a must-have, no way, eating those moon stones, the octopus is screaming, this is the rhythm of evolution!" The dark octopus exaggeratedly picked up The eyes showed a rather bleak expression of pity, and the twenty-four tentacles still waved.

"Let's talk nonsense! Last night we were beaten by the dragons, and even your Fang Fang sisters almost lie down, and no one else has recovered. Hey, Xiao Qingqing said that the scorpion is a bright virgin, so A little injury, such a person can not cure, tell her that the waste dice is more realistic... Hey, you talk, how do you compensate for your absent sins? Without your meat shield, we are suffering a lot."

"Wow, the silver sand mother is not so hard, the octopus will hurt... Well, the octopus is wrong, the octopus will take the dragons away... the silver sand master, you speed the boat, open them That's it."

Liu Yinsha heard the words and couldn’t help but squint and asked:

"Are you kidding? You stupid octopus wants to lead the group of dragons? Do you know how many heads they have?"

"Isn't it just five heads? The octopus has said it, the octopus has just evolved... It's not natural to deal with them. But if you want to open them, you can still get it, don't forget the silver sand mother, but you can play Don't worry, don't worry!"

"This is not a joke!" Liu Yinsha yelled, don't look at her usual heartlessness, but the depths of her bones are still very concerned about the dark octopus.

"Silver sand mother and mother don't have this one. When did you get this mother-in-law? This fish is not a squid, and some big lizards in the district have nothing to do. You should rest more, this scene, because of the darkness Octopus to solve!"

It was not allowed to refuse Liu Yinsha. The dark octopus flew out when it was "squatting". At the same time, the figure quickly expanded and became bigger. It suddenly occupied a huge space - it refining the body of the lord-level tentacle king!

Tentacle King, when he was young, he was able to follow the legendary hard-hitting super master. Even if he was old, he still had the middle-level power of the lord. Now the corpse is merged with the dark octopus. Naturally became the wedding dress of the dark octopus!

"Octopus, you have to be careful..."

wind. Liu Yinsha sighed and ordered the wind masters to speed up the process. At the same time, she also turned into black smoke, wrapped the hull and made the ship sail faster.

After a few minutes -

The huge body of the dark octopus finally appeared in front of the dragon.

"Is this not the tentacle king of the abyss? You live in the sea of ​​the Nether, and it is reasonable to say that it should not fly." The head of the middle-class dragon was slightly vigilant.

"Don't talk nonsense. You lie down and eat it for you..." The dark octopus waved the thick, sly tentacles and said extremely impatiently.

It is very strange that the dark octopus at this moment will reveal this expression. Usually it is stupid, color, sly, and awkward.

"Hey? You dare to talk like this? Is it a dead end?" The leader of the dragon snarled and snarled, posing a gesture of attack, and the dozens of dragons with black pressure behind him were also angry.

"It’s yours who are looking for a dead end... In the two days of coma, they killed a lot of dragons. The souls of the dragons can be secretly absorbed and digested... Oh, you should call 俺What is good?"

The dark octopus slowly lengthened the voice, and whispered in a soft tone:

"Think of it. You are screaming... High Dragon God."

"Supreme Dragon God? Are you crazy? Just rely on your sly tentacles and dare to insult the Dragon God, sin!"

This dragon group is in a state of turmoil, and all of them are filled with indignation. The hatred of the dark octopus bursts, and I can’t wait to tear it into pieces.

"Do you not believe it? Also, you have to come up with evidence..."

The dark octopus snorted and licked his mouth with disdain. Immediately, his body squeezed out of the huge mountain of the tentacle king, and the rhino-sized body floated in the air.

But seeing the two golden meat spores on top of it gave a dazzling golden light...

Then, the incredible thing happened!

Two forked rotating rugged dragon horns, actually got out of the meat spores!


A thrilling Longwei, filled out from the dark octopus's body, shrouded the whole world, causing the rolling waves below to smash up a wave of more than ten meters high, raging!

"Dragon... Dragon God... This is actually... the **** of the dragon god... how is this possible!"

The forty dragons almost didn't bother to bite off their tongues!

"Oh, there is nothing impossible, hehe, it is indeed the supreme dragon god... It is your ancestor, and it is your master. Now, it is time for your dedication!"

The dark octopus sneered, and some of the tentacles violently twitched and scrolled. It seemed to be making a strange mark. Then, the top of the head actually split a transparent space tunnel!


A hurricane, swept out...

It’s a dark, ink-like, gorgeous dragon like a black meteor!

"Ah, it is actually His Royal Highness Prince Cadas..."

"Is not His Highness Cadath already degraded? It is said to have died in human hands..."

"But it's obviously not dead yet. What happened in the end..."

Forty dragons are almost ready to pull their eyes out!

Because they saw the one that went to the world, bombed the United States, and disrupted the dark dragons of Hong Kong. This is the royal family of the dragons. Don’t look at the evil dragon prince Cadas is still young, but its status is undoubtedly equivalent. The prince of the Dragon Kingdom!

But it is such a prince...

Was it summoned by the dark octopus?

"Kill them."

The dark octopus can be too lazy to explain anything. It does not intend to waste saliva at all, and directly orders the dark evil dragon Kadas to kill. At the same time, it also ordered the tentacle king to assist...

"No! You, you are doing this, you have the breath and the **** of the highest dragon, why kill your children..." The dragon leader roared incredulously.

"Because you are my good music... Oh, it's my nutrition fast line, I need your ** to supplement my energy and speed up my recovery..."

The dark octopus said that his eyes were already cold, and the dark evil dragon and the tentacle king rushed to the dragon camp. Let go of the massacre, the sky suddenly burst into a **** hurricane...

originally. These two lord-level creatures can never be a group of dragons. However, the dark octopus's "Supreme Dragon God" Shenwei restrains this group of dragons, let them fight and exert one-tenth of the power.

In addition, the soul of the dark evil dragon has been assimilated by the dark octopus!

It has long lost consciousness, and it is no different from an empty shell. It is equivalent to the vassal, avatar, and puppet of the dark octopus. Dark octopus does what it does, and steals all its genes and power...

After the transformation of the evil spirits of the dark octopus, the dark evil dragon has evolved to the middle level of the lord. Due to the bonus of the royal family, it can almost exert the power of the lord's peak, which is extremely amazing!


Forty dragons, under the attack of the two octopus of the dark octopus. In less than half a minute, the body was broken, and it fell into the sea. It instantly dyed the seawater within a hundred meters of the square into a red...

The dark octopus, like the king, landed on the sea. The root of the tentacle, sucking away from the flesh and blood of the dragon corpse...

These can all be the tonic of the dark octopus!

at the same time--

Li Jiayu spent a difficult recovery period on the island.

This island is Zhao Yun’s rush to find her. At the beginning, she was repeatedly blasted by the sea **** Terunsu, and the spirit of the four-headed summoned beast was severely refuted. When the Terunsu and Lu Bu dog bit the dog, Zhao Yun took her for hundreds of kilometers and finally placed her in a cave in this deserted island.

The island is very strange, and it is far beyond imagination. However, there is no vegetation on the island, and there are no small animals. Some are just dead and dull, and there are monotonous loess and weird pinnacles.

Li Jiayu was in a dry cave, self-healing...

Because the spirit is too heavy, even if Li Jiayu is a bright pope, it is difficult to nourish the soul with bright magic. After all, the main role of the magic of light is to restore **, and the recovery of the soul is much worse...

Just two days ago, when Li Jiayu was about to pass out, she was so anxious that Truunsu and Lu Bu were not fuel-efficient lights. If they were divided and won, they would pursue it. The induction of "double birth pearls"... Where did Li Jiayu escape from their tracking?

Falling into their hands, what will happen next, Li Jiayu simply can't imagine...

Just in time, when desperate, Li Jiayu felt the warmth and vitality of the "double birth pearls" in her hand. At the moment, she is like catching the straw of life-saving, and not taking care of the dirty, not directly, Open your mouth and put the "double birth pearls" into the cavity.

After doing all this, she passed out...

Why do you want to do this? Because Li Jiayu self-deception believes that his body is the body of the goddess of light, can insulate the feeling between the "double birth beads", so that the Terunsu can not catch up...

In fact, Terunsu is indeed unable to catch up. His "double birth pearl" has already fallen into the Liu Yinsha hand (hole?).

In the two days when Li Jiayu was in a coma, she could feel that the "twin beads" in her mouth often secreted a salty, sticky, slippery liquid. It was not as good as taste, but it was quite thirst-quenching. Also warm and nourish the soul of Li Jiayu...


Why is the taste of the liquid secreted by the "Shuangshengyuanzhu" similar to that of the "Shengshui Tea" that Liu Yinsha invited her to drink?

[Well, is this a courtesy? When the whole city fled, Liu Yinsha attacked Li Jiayu in the night, and in the face of the platycodon, he drank an indecent liquid. Now it’s Li Jiayu’s retribution... Hey, this is not the case. Calculate the weight? Also, I am slowly recovering. Isn’t it 13,000 words today?

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