Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1229: Dragon army

Xiao Tianhu is a big family in the Dragon World. Although the status is not too high, Xiao Tianhu has a very unique talent. The adult Xiao Tianhu generally has the quasi-legendary level of combat power. The legendary peak, and this male Xiaotianhu is a genius within the family, with the superb strength of the legendary mid-level!

The land of the dragon is vast and there are many ethnic groups. However, there are not many geniuses with real legendary level. The death on the table is only a few hundred. And because of the ethnicity in the dragon world, it is not even flat at all. The hatreds that have been formed between each other in the old age, so all the tribes are in a state of infighting and mutual attack, which is like a loose sand...

Until one day, the dragon circle opened the entrance to the earth world, and the dragons of the dragon world discussed together how to attack the human world, and initially reached a superficial peace...

However, due to the protection of the laws of the earth, the powerful dragons can't come to the earth at all, and only occasionally open some very inferior passages, only the low-level dragons can pass...

It is naturally impossible for the dragons to accept such a status quo. Therefore, the dragons are looking for ways to open a stable channel, with the goal of allowing legendary dragons to reach the earth.

Only in this way……

The dragons can take the lead in the abyss and the insect world, take the lead in occupying the earth, and grab all advantages!


Among the Xiaotianhu people, there is a mother-in-law that exposes a unique talent.

That is... it can communicate to the human world, and even can ignore the laws of the earth and come and go in the human world and the dragon world.

The dragons and abilities have consciously found an opportunity. Then he asked the Xiaotianhu family to analyze this screaming tiger, and tried to break the secret of the unique talent from it, so that all the legendary dragons can freely travel to and from the dragon world and the earth world...

just. The mother-in-law is already pregnant and unbearable. After suffering all kinds of suffering, it chose to escape in order to protect the children in the stomach. When the dragons are not paying attention, it runs. Out of the dragons. And tearing the space, coming to the human world...

It only wants to hide in the human world until the child is born. Let them grow up healthily, away from the flames of war...

Unexpectedly, it just got out of the dragon's claws and immediately became a human hand. In the midst of labor, he was confronted with a large group of heavenly pride. Everyone regards it as a thugs sent by the Dragon World. Everyone wants to capture its cubs and its bodies...

This is another irony.

The Xiaotianhu people in the Dragon World were also not good. They were angered by the Dragons. The husband of the mother-in-law Tianhu was arrested and imprisoned. The half-step epic elders even banned it in their minds. It is used to sense the screaming tiger and make it a dragon battle. Wilted its mind!

"It turned out to be... so it was..."

In Xiao Tianhu’s mind, Li Jiayu read this memory. Although simple, this short memory is full of sadness and sorrow, and the family and love of the Xiaotianhu couple to the cubs, and the resentful resentment against the dragons...

This is war.

Under the absolute interests of the Dragon World, let alone sacrificing a couple of Xiaotianhu, even if it is to sacrifice the Xiaotianhu family and sacrifice the branch race of a certain dragon, I am afraid that the dragon world will not hesitate because the war only has interests. No feelings!

"Poor Xiao Tianhu's father, it is your cub that awakens your sorrow. Even the half-step epic dragon's ban can't completely close your feelings... Well, I will give you Freedom!"

Li Jiayu whispered softly, and the constant magical power poured into Xiao Tianhu’s mind, helping to break the half-step epic ban, not to mention the high level of the ban, but it also belongs to the category of dark sorcerer. Naturally, the goddess of light is not resistant at all.


Xiao Tianhu’s eyes finally recovered a clear, like the rising sun of the sea of ​​clouds, squinting at the tears on the edge of the eye, what a bleak and gratifying...

It whimpered and glanced at the two healthy and strong children on the magic carpet, and glanced at Li Jiayu in the paws, which released her and used the idea to convey the gratitude to Li Jiayu:

"Thank you, the descendant of the goddess of light... Thank you for being kind to my child..." Li Jiayu looked at Xiao Tianhu's memory. Did Xiao Tianhu not see Li Jiayu's memory since this day? It knows that Li Jiayu is very good to its two children, and even knows that Li Jiayu wants to save his wife, but it is a late step...

"You don't have to thank you. Now you choose to betray the Dragon World to avenge your wife, or do you want to continue to work for the dragon?" Li Jiayu's blue dragonfly sparkles with a breathtaking water, beautiful and suffocating, even It’s Xiao Tianhu who can’t help but look at it.

"As early as she was killed by the dark evil dragon, my heart is already dead... I, Xiao Tianhu, do not share the dragon with the dragon, just ask you to raise my children and let them grow up. In the future, it will rekindle the glory of the Xiaotianhu family. Even if they live on the earth, it doesn't matter... they are the last blood of the Xiaotianhu family!"

Xiao Tianhu’s voice shook Li Jiayu’s eardrum, but Li Jiayu could hear its sadness and whimper. He thought that Xiao Tianhu’s mother did not cooperate with the dragon’s power and fled to the earth. In order to vent their anger, the dragons will exhaust the Xia Tianhu family, leaving only the male Xiaotianhu to sense the presence of his wife...

"You can rest assured that I will take care of them..."


Li Jiayu’s voice has not fallen, and the turbulent movement of the dragon’s channel, which is boiling like a pot of water, once again violently fluctuates!


A dragon with red light, a head of five horns, and a wolf like a wolf rushes out of the passage, carrying the landslide and cracking the waves, breaking the waves and breaking the waves, suddenly filling the whole world with a The absolute **** smell of the stock!

This is a blood wolf dragon, the legendary peak, with the wolf's terrible agility, and more blood-like bloodthirsty ability, as long as it gives enough blood, it has unlimited power and resilience, some legendary giants Dragon is not necessarily its opponent!


Following the blood wolf dragon, a grotesque dragon is also drilled out of the passage. The tidal sounds and the electric smoldering of the mountains and rivers almost make the whole space become unreal under the violent energy pressure!

Blood Wolf Dragon, Thunder Dragon, Life Dragon, Fengshan Dragon, Yuanshi Blackhorn Dragon, Green Balong, Doomsday Dragon...

For a time, there were seven dragons with legendary peaks, and Li Jiayu was surrounded by seven directions. They all had blazing white smoke in their nostrils. The fierce eyes looked at them, and it seemed that they could always To swallow Li Jiayu, and then chew it completely! (To be continued...)

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