Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1230: Long-lost companions!

In the past, the quasi-legendary monsters are simply rare, and each one is enough to sweep the world, even if the original Yang An was beaten by the legendary monsters...

But to this day, the quasi-legendary dragons have come to this golden island through the dragon channel, which is like a doomsday trial. In an instant, the whole battlefield is filled with a desperate atmosphere!

Seven heads legendary...

And it is still the legendary peak!

How can everyone resist? The dark dragon that wakes up is enough for everyone to drink a pot. If they launch a storm, everyone will definitely suffer and die under this terrible fire.

Fang Yun, Vitas, Jiji Mingbu, these days of pride, although powerful, but the death is only the extent of the legendary low-order, the face of the legendary dragon, the ten days of the arrogant add up Not necessarily an opponent.

"Is it going to be a big disaster? The dragons are in the pressure, where can we still have a chance?"

"In just one minute, I came to so many top dragons. Then... do we still have to fight, even if we can block this wave of attacks, then there will be more dragons coming out. ......"

"We are destined to bury bones here..."

For a time, morale was a big drop. Many people were filled with deep despair. They were not brave enough, but the enemy was too strong and strong, just like an ordinary person fell into the sea, letting you know how to do it. But when you face a large group of sharks coming from the wind, you will also scare the souls!

"Don't be chaotic!"

Suddenly. Brahma roared and looked up, and the sound waves with the effect of the Buddha's door shocked the people in the ear:

"No matter what, first do your own job! Please believe in the Queen of Jiayu. She has the ability to let Xiao Tianhu abandon the dark, then she also has the ability to drag the seven dragons, don't ask why, because she is The Supreme of all of us! Now, everyone gives me the full power to attack, suppress the dark evil dragon, fight for it to kill it within a minute. Then go to support Jiayu!"

As soon as the voice fell, Brahma immediately picked up the huge beads on the neck, and the colorful Buddha's golden light was like Changhong. The spurt of the aurora-like ribbon light curtain, the next moment, this series of beads actually fluttered in the air and quickly expanded. In the blink of an eye, it becomes 100 meters in size. Covering the sky, like a golden flying saucer!

"call out"

The whole string of beads is like a bundle of fairy ropes. It drags a stream of light and rushes to the dark evil dragon. In an instant, it binds it together, and the golden lightning shines. The sound of "Ziz" is endless, and it is a high-intensity mine. The attribute energy hardly suppresses the power of this dark evil dragon!

"You are fast break!"

Brahma's beads are legendary weapons, although they are in a state of seal. However, the nine-weight ban has been solved five times, that is, the beads can suppress the 50% of the dark evil dragon. But the time limit is less than half a minute!

Half a minute, maybe enough...


Battle war!

Many days of pride know that at this moment, there is no second way to go except for the end of the battle. It is absolutely impossible to wait or surrender!

They are all born on the earth's air transport, and they are completely incapable of betraying the earth and running to join the camp of the dragon world. Once this is done, the earth's air transport will definitely reverse their fate!

"No beginning dark world. Dark night waltz!" Fang Yunqiang endured the injury, took the lead in launching the strongest killing tricks, endless black fog gusts of wind like a storm, bursting into the world, but condensed into a fierce and fierce head The dark demon rushed to the dark dragon.

"Tian Fanru is coming to the palm!" Brahma's lips are slightly moving, one hand in the sky, one finger, then the arms and dances, like holding a group of high-explosive fierce energy, then slammed out, an ancient Buddha shape The golden palm prints spurt the head of the dark evil dragon like a dragon!

"Blood and blood fission, collapsed mountains and broken mountains!" Barbarian Vitas snorted, his body quickly expanded to a full height of four meters, became a muscle-stricken giant, and his body was full of suffocating pressure Each muscle is as strong and hard as a shovel. There are some small holes between the muscle gaps. The small holes are constantly spewing **** aerosols. This is the high-energy excrement produced by the fission of blood and meat.

Like nuclear fission, flesh and blood fission is also earth-shattering, releasing ten times the energy. Vitas is like a peerless mighty Tyrannosaurus, holding a pair of Thor hammers, slamming into the dark evil dragon, heavy Hammering on its back...

In the presence of 28 arrogant sons of the heavens, all of them have done their best in one battle, and they are going to cooperate with the most fierce killings at the fastest speed to completely kill the dark evil dragons!

On the other side

The seven legendary dragons have already launched an offensive, and they have launched a fierce attack on Li Jiayu, and they are willing to take her to the Dragon World.

"Back, I am coming!"

The waking Xiaotian Tiger has been stunned in front of Li Jiayu, facing the attack of many dragons, angrily venting its resentment and enmity with the whistling sound of the soul!

It does not share the dragon with the dragon. At this moment, what it wants to do most is to protect Li Jiayu so that she can take care of the little tiger cub. If it can, it also wants to pull a few dragons together!


Those quasi-legendary dragons are all talented dragons, each with incredible talents, and the synergy of each other is multiplied, while Xiao Tianhu is a peerless and powerful, but it has the powerful strength of the legendary middle class. Thanks to the brow and the eyebrows, the horrible wounds of the deep visible bones were blown up on the backs, and the combat power dropped by 30%!


The most majestic peak of the mountain peak is like a moving island, carrying the momentum of destroying the earth and destroying the land, directly colliding with Xiao Tianhu, but Xiao Tianhu is hard to resist this blow, then immediately Take a paw and fly it.

At the same time, however, the Green Balong and the Thunder Dragon also rushed like a flood of beasts, and the terrible giant horns and high-concentration Thunder Qi brushed to Xiao Tianhu. But it was shot by Xiao Tianhu’s two claws...

But at the time when Xiao Tianhu was unable to continue, the blood wolf dragon descended from the sky, and it was like a thorny vine-like sharp tail. It was easy to pierce the back of Xiao Tian Hu, madly sucking its blood, while pouring a lot of toxins into the body of Xiao Tianhu.

In addition, the silver armor's shining doomsday dragon is also like a horse galloping, one end hits the belly of Xiao Tianhu, the pointed dragon horn pierces its belly and **** sky. And the two claws of the Doomsday Dragon also penetrated the chest of Xiao Tianhu...


Xiao Tianhu was hit hard at one time, and the severe pain stimulated its fierceness. The sky roaring and swaying out a sensible sound wave in the human eye, such as the frenzied anger, with explosive destructive power, instantly shocked the blood wolf dragon and the doomsday dragon!

"I come!"

At this time, Li Jiayu also returned to the air under the protection of Xiao Tianhu. Her eyes flashed with a faint blue light. Today's tension has made her nervous every nerve. She also knows that Xiaotianhu can't be the opponent of the seven dragons...

"Xiao Tianhu! The blood wolf dragon and the doomsday dragon will be handed over to me. You will deal with the remaining five dragons!"

"No! The blood wolf dragon and the doomsday dragon are the most powerful among the seven dragons. You have to deal with one end and you have been struggling. Both ends are enough for your life!" Xiao Tianhu came with an emotional fluctuation.

"trust me!"

Li Jiayu snorted and summoned the ice-rolling pill with ice crystals and snowflakes in one hand. This weapon has undergone several upgrades. Half of the seal has been unlocked, and it is now able to play the role of the legendary lethality. Extremely awkward!


The Doomsday Dragon and the Blood Wolf Dragon looked at each other with fierce faces and rushed toward Li Jiayu. The powerful force gave them unparalleled confidence. They were only a short distance from the legend, and they would worry about Li Jiayu. What kind of storms can a small, fragile human being be able to afford?

In the face of the rolling silver dragon and **** figure, Li Jiayu can smell a strong dangerous atmosphere, which makes her breathing almost stagnant, but the more dangerous, the more concentrated her spirit!

"Good, bright spiral!"

Endless bright magic poured into the body of the ice wheel, so that the snowy knife is so bright, like a spar transparent white, that is because the light particles are too dense, and a smoky aperture oscillates Out, it is like blowing away the 5,000 years of fame and fortune, success or failure!

"call out"

This light-swinging spiral is an unprecedented momentum. The dazzling flame vortex carries this legendary knives, tearing through the emptiness of the air, like a shocking stream of light, and the lightning speed is flashing. 100 meters!


At the same time, the Doomsday Dragon and the Blood Wolf Dragon felt the unparalleled oppression and fatal crisis. The Doomsday Dragon did not hide so fast, but the Blood Wolf Dragon was not so lucky. Its skull was instantly penetrated by a light spiral. A cluster of thick blood and brain, as well as broken dragon scales and minced meat...

Immediately, the huge and **** body of the blood wolf dragon was swept away by the power of light, as if it had been severely corroded, even the entire head was completely melted away by the glare, leaving the heavy The body crashed from the air...

The doomsday dragon on the side saw that the eyes were about to fall out, and it was scared to get a cold sweat!

How can this be!

A shot of a half-step legendary blood wolf dragon, even a legendary creature can hardly do it, how is that small human being...

"Oh... I can’t be foolish. The blood wolf dragon lives on bloodthirsty. It’s also a kind of evil dragon. I don’t have 30 times more damage to it than the dark evil dragon, but it’s still ten times. Under restraint, it is hard to think of it!"

Li Jiayu’s eyes glanced, and Huo Ran became more serious than ever before. All her sights were locked in the Doomsday Dragon. This silver-plated dragon is like a space fortress, and it’s all a strong piece. To deal with it, the difficulty is ten times bigger than the blood wolf dragon. After all, Li Jiayu can't escape this time, can't restrain it on the property...

But at this time


On the outskirts of the island, there was a fierce and explosive volatility. It seems that the whole island is in the same earthquake!

"what happened……"

"Is there a new dragon to cross the border?"

"This is a bad thing..."

At this time, the dark evil dragon has been dying under the violent attack of many days of pride, let it have the ability to pass the sky, but after smashing the "bright cross" of the goddess of light, it has only half life, 挨After Brahma’s "big liberation of the beads", the power dropped by 50%. Even if it is a legendary high-ranking dragon king, it can only wait for death...

"No! No, this kind of volatility is coming from afar, you see!"

Just as everyone was scared of sorrow, I don’t know which day’s pride reminded me, everyone looked at them, but they saw the edge of the island three kilometers away...

The waves are tumbling, the wind is raging, the clouds are raging, and the ambiguous energy is swaying, and there is a dark evil dragon that is madly hitting the space barrier!

This dark evil dragon is only a low-level level of quasi-legendary...

However, it looks at Li Jiayu's eyes, but it is full of a humanized brilliance!

Filled with worries and anxieties, there is also a kind of anger that is worried that the pro-independence will be three long and two short, so that the dark dragon's teeth are almost completely broken!

"Scared... yes, it is..."

A familiar sense of security instantly wrapped the whole body. When Li Jiayu noticed her eyes, she couldn't help herself with a burst of heart, and a tearful tears came out uncontrollably!


The opposite Doomsday dragon is also puzzled. Some of them don’t understand why the dark legendary dark dragon on the outside came to the earth, and even wondered why it wanted to destroy the enchantment...

However, it doesn't matter!

What is important is that Li Jiayu will be squatted first. Once she is taken down and brought back to the Dragon World, it will surely become the legendary hero of the Dragon World. It will be the glory of the Dragon and the appreciation of the Dragon Kings. It will be easily promoted to the legend and may even become the new Dragon King!

No matter how strong Li Jiayu is, it is worth the adventure!

In the face of the roar of the Doomsday Dragon, Li Jiayu also secretly stunned, and his mental power broke out in an all-out way, and the two sacred glares were spurred in the pupil.


The ice pill returned to her left hand, and the right hand showed the devil's claws. The blue light was lush and the magic was vast, and her high horsetail that had been **** did not know when the rope was broken. The white hair was white. The supple hair bursts down like a waterfall, and it is scattered on her shoulders. The wind blows, the hair is flying, and there is a kind of ethereal in the mess, which adds a bit of war to her. British!

"I will solve you before the two fascinating goods come." Li Jiayu pointed to the doomsday dragon and said calmly.

"Ha ha ha ha, human beings are not vocal, I will abolish you now!" Doomsday dragons burst into laughter, and Huoran rushed toward Li Jiayu. (To be continued...)

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