Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 270 Why do you have to be so conscientious?

Without such a thing, Captain Cen beat someone, and Dr. Qiao's great help and help was abusive, it was simply not living for anyone.

Everyone seemed to have been hit by a million critical points. The guards who were eager to try and line up to challenge Cen Yi secretly suppressed their thoughts.

This time, they were beaten and fractured, and no one treated them, no, no.

Seeing Cen Yi sitting on a small stool beside the table, pointing at Da Zuo on the bed, he said violently:

"Ayaka, you cure him, don't let him die, I haven't cut enough, what is it to paralyze you, and you can chase my sister?"

Very angry, Cen Yi is really very angry, he thinks that Qiao Lingxiang deserves the best, and those present here who are teasing with Qiao Lingxiang's photo are all perverts, and they don't respect Qiao Lingxiang enough.

He hated those garrisons very, very much. In that spanking group, he made emoticons at Qiao Lingxiang's photo.

That is, Da Zuo posted a photo of Qiao Ayaka, and the garrison behind followed him, posting an emoticon package with a human head, red hearts in the eyes, and drooling from the corners of the mouth.

I hate this meme.

Others followed downstairs, saying that they wanted to pursue Dr. Qiao as a girlfriend, how long Dr. Qiao's legs were, and so on.

That's why Cen Yi wanted to scare the big left, hit all the garrisons, dare not disrespect Qiao Lingxiang, dare not discuss Qiao Lingxiang's figure, dare not say some frivolous and frivolous words in front of Qiao Lingxiang.

Seeing that Cen Yi stood up again, and pressed his tongue against his mouth which was as clean as before, without even a trace of redness and swelling, looking at the group of guards standing on the left side, he sneered and broke his finger bones, and said:

"Don't think that I don't know what you talk about all day long. I didn't care about you before, because you didn't do anything too much. From now on, I'll leave my words here, and I want to hit my sister, even if you don't want to talk about it in private. Discuss her with respect or disrespect, just let me know, give it a try, I will beat whoever I catch, regardless of whether you are brothers or not."

Men always talk about women in private, as long as they are beautiful women, they will talk.

Now is the time when Qiao Lingxiang looks the most in line with the public's aesthetics. They say that Dr. Qiao is so beautiful, so beautiful, and they are all talking about appearance.

Cen Yi didn't like to hear these things the most.

He likes to hear people say, Qiao Lingxiang's personality is so good, Qiao Lingxiang's medical skills are so good, what Qiao Lingxiang did today, what did she do yesterday, these behaviors are so cute.

Yes, Cen Yi likes to hear this, and if the garrison is talking about Qiao Lingxiang, he won't get so angry.

In the past, everyone focused on discussing Qiao Ayaka's medical skills.

But ever since Da Zuo said that he wanted to take a photo of Qiao Lingxiang, the whole public opinion has revolved around Qiao Lingxiang's appearance.

Everyone's praise and love for her seemed to be based on how beautiful she was. Her ability and personality were not as good as her appearance.

What if Qiao Ayaka gained weight again? What will people say?

They will say, ah, although Dr. Qiao is good at medicine, but she is so fat, I don’t want to chase her anymore.

Can Qiao Ayaka accept this? At this moment, who ever thought about whether Qiao Lingxiang would feel uncomfortable if he said such a thing?

Therefore, Cen Yi didn't allow them to discuss whether Qiao Lingxiang was good-looking or not, and he didn't allow them to easily say that they wanted to pursue Qiao Lingxiang as a girlfriend.

After saying these harsh words, Cen Yi turned around and left the medical tent, angrily heading towards the prison van. He wanted to pick the most vulnerable prisoner for Qiao Lingxiang.

In the medical tent, a group of people were silent. Qiao Lingxiang kept watching Cen Yi go out. She turned her head and looked at Da Zuo and the garrison beside him with indifferent eyes.

Those garrisons who were originally standing beside Da Zuo were thrown away, they were not with Da Zuo.

Qiao Lingxiang walked over, lowered her head expressionlessly, grabbed Dazuo's wrist with both hands, treated Dazuo's internal injuries with one hand, and absorbed Dazuo's fat with the other hand.

Da Zuo's injury was healed, but he lost 25 catties in an instant.

He was a rather strong young man who suddenly turned into a lean and lean man.

Because the flesh on his face didn't fall much, everyone didn't notice anything, so they just heard Qiao Lingxiang say firmly:

"Brother Cen Yi asked me to save you, and I saved you. If you mess with him again, don't come to me for treatment."

Although she spoke harshly, Qiao Lingxiang's voice was very soft. Everyone knew that she was angry by looking at her face.

Therefore, Cen Yi is really not to be messed with.

After saving Da Zuo, Qiao Lingxiang took two boxes of lunch and hurriedly turned around and went out to look for Cen Yi.

As soon as he turned around the medical tent, he saw Cen Yi sitting on a stone step outside the prison car, looking at the prisoners on the prison car from a distance, his handsome eyebrows and eyes were covered with the golden winter sun of Xiangcheng, and he didn't know what he was thinking What.

Qiao Lingxiang walked over, sat down beside Cen Yi, put an iron lunch box in her hand into Cen Yi's hand, carefully opened the lunch box in her hand, took a sip of porridge, and said in surprise:

"It's still hot, I thought it was cold."

After a pause, Qiao Lingxiang seemed to remember something again, took out a bag of mustard from her pocket, tore open the package, put it in Cen Yi's hands, and said as if offering a treasure:

"This one was given to me by the garrison who served the porridge. The porridge and pickled mustard are a perfect match."

Cen Yi was still in the irritable stage, looked at Qiao Lingxiang's happy and satisfied expression, and couldn't help laughing. He opened the lunch box in his hand, squeezed half of the bag of mustard for himself, and then Half of it was squeezed into Qiao Lingxiang's lunch box, sighed, and said helplessly:

"You are heartless."

Cen Yi's lungs were about to explode, and she was about to be reduced to someone else's teasing target, yet she wasn't angry at all.

"Why do you have to be so determined?"

Qiao Lingxiang drank porridge and ate pickled mustard. She felt that the current situation was similar to the past. She had experienced since she was a child, and everyone talked behind her back, discussing her figure and her appearance. She was used to it.

Looking at the prison car in the distance, he said:

"Brother Cen Yi, I understand. They say I'm beautiful and good-looking, just because I'm thin now, but I know my own ability, and I will gain weight again. At that time, you worry about them Saying some bad words will hit me, but how can I be hit so easily?"

A heart that has been tempered and tempered is actually as hard as a rock, and it will be difficult to be moved.

Unless there is a second Cen Yi, who can fight desperately with others just to make fun of her.

Then, Qiao Lingxiang tilted her head, and when the wind blew, her soft hair reached her shoulders, and the slightly curly tail moved on the sweater on her shoulders. She looked at Cen Yi and said embarrassedly:

"Brother Cen Yi, thank you."

Fourth more

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