Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 271 Crying, making trouble, and hanging himself three times

In the cold wind, there was a golden sun that fell on Xiangcheng, and private cars that met the specifications left Xiangcheng.

Xiangcheng, which was gradually emptied, suddenly had a hint of depression and decadence.

Cen Yi looked at Qiao Lingxiang, he smiled, and said indifferently:

"Thank you again, and I will cut you off as well."

She and him don't need to say thank you. He was so angry, and he never wanted her to say thank you.

Things that follow the heart, nothing more.

Seeing Cen Yi's eyes looking far away, looking back at the prison car in the distance, he said:

"Where will we go for a walk in a while, after so many days of tiredness, I really want to go to a place where there is no smell of mice, and relieve pressure."

As he said that, Cen finished his porridge in two or three gulps, threw away the lunch box, stretched his waist, and lay down on the steps full of rubbish, basking in the warm winter sun of Xiangcheng.

Fanyou sent him a message just now, probably to let him rest more, and don't need to rush back to the zombie's No. 1 nest. Lu Zhengqing is lighting fires everywhere in the No. 1 nest, and the situation is temporarily stable here.

Ajiu's Xiaobai has been eating rat meat. Although there are rats breaking through the ground net in the No. 2 nest from time to time and rushing towards the camp, they are all smashed by Zhao Long with a punch, so don't worry.

Qiao Lingxiang heard the words, quickly finished the breakfast porridge, and sat with Cen Yi for a while, thinking hard, which place with fresh air should I take Cen Yi for a walk? Wei Xingping hurried over.

Along with them came a carload of new prisoners, as well as the carloads of prisoners who had been absorbed into stick figures by Qiao Lingxiang.

As he was walking, he was talking to Lu Lecheng on the phone, murmuring, and saw Cen Yi lying on the steps with one leg bent, his hands behind his head, sleeping with his eyes closed, and Qiao Lingxiang sitting beside him.

Wei Xingping waved and said to Cen Yi:

"Boy, do me a favor and take the relatives of the Lu family out of the highway. Your Uncle Lu has already arrived outside Xiangcheng."

He still planned to send these prisoners to Jieshan Village. Qiao Lingxiang sucked up several truckloads of prisoners, and there were several truckloads of prisoners to be sent outside. All the security checks could be mobilized, and Lu Zhengqing was burning rats in the No. 1 nest again. Open, so Wei Xingping asked Cen Yi, who was resting, to help, and sent the group of relatives of the Lu family, together with several carloads of stickman prisoners, out of the city.

These stickman prisoners are closely watched in the prison, and each and every one of them absolutely meets the conditions of zero infection.

Cen Yi sat up, thought for a while, tilted his head, and said to Qiao Lingxiang:

"Let's go, it's at the gate of Xiangcheng."

At this time, both Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang knew that the stickman relatives of Lu Zhengqing's family hadn't left Xiangcheng yet. They didn't understand why for a while. According to the quarantine time, they could have left Hunan long ago. The city is gone.

As a result, Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang went to pick up the carload of relatives from the Lu family on the expressway, only to find that the relatives of the Lu family, although skinny and skinny, still kept their flying skills. The East Command is arguing with Wen Yuansi.

Originally, the East City Command was handed over from Fanyou to Mu Wenbin, but Fanyou activated a supernatural ability, which was extremely unstable, and he didn't know where he went when he jumped.

Ye Yiming arranged for Mu Wenbin to find Fanyou specially.

Therefore, after a long time, there were only a few garrisons with more serious trauma left in the east of the city headquarters, a few medical garrisons, a few cooking garrisons, and Wen Yuansi, who was here for propaganda.

Wen Yuansi speaks in a gentle manner, and also has his own opinions in what he says and does. When considering issues, he always starts from the reputation of the garrison. Therefore, when people from Xiangcheng come to make troubles, everyone tweets Wen Yuansi to deal with it.

When Cen Yi and Qiao Lingxiang arrived, Dan Xiuhua's relatives from the Lu family were crying, arguing, and hanging themselves with Wen Yuansi.

Just listen to Dan Xiuhua crying:

"How did we become like this? Ah? Your garrison is responsible for the security here, and you don't even know? This is a strange disease, you know? You are responsible for us to the end. My man has no news now. How do you care? what?"

Dan Xiuhua's son, Wang Ze, shouted angrily, out of breath:

"We've eaten up all the food now, and we don't have any strength. My dad and everyone are gone. You say to investigate, what the hell did you find out?"

"It must be radiation. Within the scope of your duties, we have suffered inexplicable radiation, but you can't investigate it. What the hell is it?"

"We're going to die, we're going to die, let's die here, anyway, it's meaningless to live if we become like this ghost!"

A group of pale, skinny relatives of the Lu family were crying and making noise.

Wen Yuansi tried to reason with these people. What time is it now? Anyone who can leave Xiangcheng has left. He has written very clearly in the leaflet that there are zombie rats in Xiangcheng, and the temperature in Xiangcheng is rising. .

Once it rises, the consequences will be disastrous.

But the relatives of the Lu family are like maggots attached to their bones. Once no one pays attention to them, they will arrest whoever they want, say they can't get in touch with Lu Lecheng, say they don't know how to get to Jieshan Village, and say they have to be guarded to send them to Jieshan Village. , and said that Lu Zhengqing didn't care about them, their food was going to be eaten up, and once they left Xiangcheng, they were afraid of starving to death on the road

This group of relatives of the Lu family looked like a group of aliens at this moment. They were all skinny and hideous, and it was difficult to communicate with each other.

For a person like Wen Yuansi, the sparks would explode.

He pointed to a large group of relatives of the Lu family who seemed to have crawled out of a refugee camp, their mouths were parched, and they were about to express their feelings with reason again.

But he felt a strong wind suddenly blowing behind him, a garrison came up from behind him, picked up a few people from the Lu family, and walked on the high speed.

Before Wen Yuansi could see who it was, Qiao Lingxiang hurried up again and said to Wen Yuansi:

"Master Literary, go and drive, Brother Cen Yi and I will send these people out of the city."

Only then did Wen Yuansi know that Cen Yi was the one who brought Lu's family to the highway.

He hurriedly followed and drove the Lu family's RV parked next to the headquarters, waiting for Cen Yi to throw all the crying Lu family members into the RV like throwing sacks, and then got into the RV with Qiao Lingxiang. Brutally ordered Wen Yuansi,

"Just go out, Lu Zhengqing's father will pick him up outside."

After finishing speaking, Cen Yi tilted his head and punched a screaming Lu family next to him, knocking him out.

The method is brutal, simple and effective enough to explode.

The relatives of the Lu family who were about to grind Wen Yuansi to death immediately fell silent, not daring to make a sound, and obediently sat in the RV.

5 is over, la la la!

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