Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi lifted their invisibility and slowly walked out of the hidden grove.

Thunder flashed on Xiao Zi's body, and he roared suddenly.


This roar attracted the attention of the three kings who were fighting in the sky, and they looked sideways.

"The evil pupil of the Evolution Family?" Wang

Yuanliang frowned slightly, he recognized Jiang Yuan's current appearance, but the monster that Xiao Zi transformed into was not recognized by him.

The next moment, Xiao Zi's figure burst out, trampling the ground behind him and exploding.

The attack of thunder and fire converged like a roaring dragon towards the king-level hunter.

The faces of the three people in the sky changed slightly, this level of attack, the ninth-order commander level could not be used at

all! King-level! This monster brought by the evil pupil of the Evolution Family actually had

king-level strength! The golden light in the eyes of the king-level hunter shone brightly, and a golden halo appeared on Xiao Zi's body in an instant, and he actually wanted to tear Xiao Zi apart directly with his mental power! But even if Xiao Zi's

attribute was only 80% of Jiang Yuan's, it was also 80% of Jiang Yuan's attribute after calculating all the bonuses!

The hunter's telekinesis control was directly broken by Xiao Zi with brute force, and he smashed it with a terrifying fist.


was a muffled sound, and the figure of the king-level hunter was smashed straight away, and his face instantly turned red.

"What a strong force!" He

was shocked in his heart, the strength of this monster was actually greater than him! The speed was not weaker than him!

What puzzled him was that the detection device's judgment of Xiao Zi was only a ninth-order commander level, and the species was an unknown lifeform.

He set his eyes on Jiang Yuan, who had not moved for the time being, and the data he got was still a ninth-order commander.

Strange thing

! If it's not a problem with the equipment, it's that these two people have something in their bodies that can interfere with the outside world's judgment of their

level! When did these people have this kind of technology?

First, the king-level awakened person of the Wang family was too strong, and there was equipment that was not weaker than him, and now there were two more problematic guys!

Just as he was thinking, Jiang Yuan suddenly spoke.

"The two members of the Wang family, let's cooperate for the time being and kill that guy together!" The two members

of the Wang family frowned slightly, and asked while their bodies changed to block the possible retreat of the king-level hunters.

"How do you want us to believe you?Maybe the people from your Evolution House have been ambushing nearby for a long time!" Jiang

Yuan sneered, the golden light on his body flashed, and he used his telekinesis ability to rush towards the king-level hunter in an instant.

"If you don't want to cooperate, just get Lao Tzu aside, my brother and I will cooperate enough to kill him!"

A spiritual fluctuation erupted in an instant, and the king-level hunter's body suddenly stiffened, unable to block the punch that Xiao Zi smashed, and was directly smashed in front of Jiang Yuan by a punch.

Jiang Yuan also burst into a loud shout, his arm muscles bulged, and he slammed his fist into the face of the king-level hunter.

The two of the Wang family were stunned, these two guys actually made the king-level hunter suffer as soon as they came up!

Why is he so strong?!

The Wang family has a record of some high-level leaders of the Evolution Family, and as one of the base controllers of many Evolution Houses nearby, the Evil Pupil naturally knows some information.

But the evil pupil in the intelligence is not so strong at all!

At this moment, Jiang Yuan suddenly burst out, and his body turned into the appearance of a monster like Xiao Zi, and his speed skyrocketed again, and he actually suppressed the momentum of the king-level hunter somewhat.

"Hmm, transform people!" Wang

Yuanliang's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "Wenguang, just now the evil pupil said that the monster was his younger brother, right, but please take care, the evil pupil's younger brother should have been killed by a woman named Qinghu in that struggle between the division of the Evolution Family!" "There is indeed such a record, so that monster is the younger brother of the evil pupil, and he

was resurrected by him through transformation?" Wang Wenguang frowned slightly.

Wang Yuanliang sneered and said, "In this way, the evil pupil can be explained by its weirdness and strengthening, and his reason doesn't seem to be affected too much, which is very interesting!"

"But..."Wang Wenguang still frowned, and said: "Why does this guy have trouble with the hunters? Even at the expense of revealing his own strength, he wants to kill the other party?"

"I don't know..." Wang Yuanliang was also a little strange, they had just confirmed that there was no one else around here, only the evil pupil and his monster brother.

The situation was a little strange, and the two of them did not act rashly for a while.

Jiang Yuan observed the actions of the two, and was not surprised to see that they did not step forward to help, he knew that no matter what identity he used, he would definitely arouse the suspicion of the other party, and the reason why he chose the identity of the Evolution House was just for some follow-up plans.

But he also knew that these two people would never let the hunter escape, and they would make a move sooner or later!

At this moment, the king-level hunter suddenly took out a pill and swallowed it, and his eyes instantly turned blood-red.

At this moment, both Jiang Yuan and the Wang family's faces changed, because they both sensed a trace of danger!

The king-level hunter sneered, and his speed skyrocketed in vain, easily dodging Xiao Zi and Jiang Yuan's attacks.

His face was hideous, his aura rose sharply, and his body was strangely enlarged.

"It seems that there will be no more king-level appearances, but it's a pity, there are only four!" he

twisted his neck, looked at Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi and laughed out loud: "Did you fight well just now? Now it's my turn!"

With that, the figure of the king-level hunter suddenly disappeared on the spot, and the next moment Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi both had each other's figures behind them.

Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, the corners of his mouth seemed to be curled, and he did not dodge.

Bang! Bang!

The next moment, there were two muffled sounds, and the figures of Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi instantly flew towards the two of the Wang family.

The two of the Wang family were horrified and hurriedly wanted to dodge, but the next moment, the figure of the king-level hunter appeared behind the two of them at the same time.

There were two more muffled sounds, and the figures of the two Wang family were also smashed away.


They collided with Jiang Yuan Xiaozi fiercely, and their faces flushed.

"Damn, what kind of skill is this!clone?!" Wang

Yuanliang let out a furious voice and hurriedly turned around, but he was greeted by a rapidly enlarged fist shadow.

Shocked, Wang Yuanliang hurriedly blocked in front of him with his arms.

"You think you can block my fist?!" the hunter laughed wildly, and his fist slammed into Wang Yuanliang's arm.

The silver light of the nano suit flickered, frantically canceling out this huge force, but Wang Yuanliang still snorted in pain.

"This new drug is really... Cool!" The king-level hunter laughed uncontrollably, his fists pouring out like raindrops, and the speed was completely unclear.

Wang Yuanliang defended with all his might, but he still couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.

The golden light in his eyes flashed, hundreds of flying needles roared, and Wang Wenguang also rushed over with a silver spear in his hand.

"Evil Pupil! join forces to kill him!".

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