At this moment, the two of the Wang family couldn't take care of it too much, and the hunter who suddenly became stronger gave them a huge pressure

!"Okay! Kill him together!" Jiang

Yuan roared, and Xiao Zi instantly rushed over, surrounding the hunter in the middle.

But none of them noticed the cunning that flashed

in Jiang Yuan's eyes!"A bunch of waste! What about four against one, I can still kill you all!"

The hunter looked disdainful, and didn't seem to take Jiang Yuan and the others in his eyes at all.

The reality is also that in the face of a four-man siege, the hunters still have the upper hand.

The faces of the two Wang family became more and more ugly, they wanted to delay time, and they wanted to wait for the effect of the mysterious pill swallowed by the hunter to pass.

But until now, they feel that if they drag it out any longer, they may be beaten to death before the effect of the medicine has passed!

Jiang Yuan pondered that the time was almost up, and suddenly spoke: "Two, don't keep your hands anymore!" The

next moment, the speed of him and Xiao Zi soared, and they were faintly able to keep up with the speed of the king-level hunters, which instantly reduced the pressure on the two of the Wang family.

The hunter's brows furrowed slightly, and his cold gaze looked directly at Jiang Yuan.

"Look for death!" I

saw him stretch out his hand, and the two black knives instantly returned to his hands, and his body swam away like lightning, and he came to Jiang Yuan in an instant.

Jiang Yuan's face remained unchanged, his body suddenly twisted strangely, and he dodged the black knife chopped by the hunter by a millimeter, raised his leg and swept out.

"Huh?!" the

hunter was startled and quickly blocked, but was still swept away by this leg.

Jiang Yuan and Xiao Zi immediately followed, shouting: "I can only last for two minutes at most! If you don't go all out, everyone can only die together!"


The next moment, Jiang Yuan saw the two Wang family each take out a needle and stabbed it suddenly.

In the perception, the aura of the two was rapidly rising, and their abilities were also released somewhat uncontrollably.

Seeing this, the hunter's face changed greatly, and he exclaimed in anger: "Where did you get the injection?!" "

Gouged out of your grandfather's ancestral grave!"

The two shouted angrily, and rushed forward again with their spears, this time the four joined forces, and finally defeated the hunter, and there were many wounds on his body.

"Fight quickly!" Wang

Wenguang's eyes flashed, and a powerful spiritual fluctuation surged out, and the hunter's body froze instantly, and the next moment he was kicked thousands of meters away.

They deliberately kept the battlefield away from the base location, and finally stopped when they were tens of thousands of meters away.

"It's time to do it!"

I saw the two Wang family members reach out and touch their waists, and two one-meter-long black guns appeared in their hands.

Jiang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, this gun was actually made from the origin of black crystal!

The two of them pulled the trigger, and two crimson rays burst out, even if the hunter tried his best to dodge, he still couldn't dodge completely, and a ray hit him in the abdomen.

He let out a roar of pain, the nano suit on his body actually failed to prevent this ray, and a bloody hole appeared in his abdomen

! "Ah! I want you to die!" The

hunter roared, and suddenly closed the two black knives together.

The silver halo on his body flowed, and part of the nano suit broke out and covered the black knife.

It was visible to the naked eye that the black knife was rapidly decomposing and reorganizing, and three black crystal origins and a huge king-level origin pill appeared, and they were also integrated into it in an instant.

All this happened too suddenly, although Jiang Yuan reacted, but in order not to expose his true strength, he did not step forward to stop it.

He kept scolding angrily in his heart: "It's a waste! It's a shame to waste

!" Three Black Crystal Origins! And such a big King-level Origin Pill! He had never seen such a big one! He was actually decomposed by this guy

! "Oh no! Stop him!"

The two Wang family felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, and they were furious, and hurriedly rushed forward.

But they were a step slower after all, and the reorganized black knife had now turned into two sets of black gauntlets and was worn on the hunter's arms.

I saw him raise his hands, and the palms of his palms burst with blazing light.


! The scorching white light pillar that burst out from the palm of his hand spread instantly, covering the range

of hundreds of meters in front of him! Before he could dodge, the two of the Wang family and Jiang Yuan Xiaozi were instantly submerged in it

! A terrifying ravine that was melted out was hundreds of meters deep, and even extended thousands of meters long!

The hunter's face was hideous, and his red eyes stared at the ravine below.

He burst out laughing, louder and louder, and seemed extremely crazy.

"Crawlers! Get up, weren't you crazy just now!" In

the depths of the ravine, Wang Yuanliang and Wang Wenguang were dying, the nano suits on their bodies were destroyed, and their bodies were also destroyed by the beam of light cannon just now.

Now it's just the powerful vitality of king-level beings hanging their last breath, and they can't even regenerate their physical bodies.

The hunter's eyes were full of cruelty, and he landed in front of the two with a thud.

"Are the other two monsters even scum?" He

looked around, there was no other life breath on the life detector except for Wang Yuanliang and the others, and shook his head disdainfully.

Bending down, he covered the heads of the two Wang family members and dragged them all the way up the ravine.

The two members of the Wang family were still conscious, and their broken bodies dragged on the ground, touching the hot magma that had not yet solidified, and screaming in pain.

An eerie smile appeared on the hunter's face, as if enjoying the sound.

Suddenly, he felt that most of his vision in front of him was obscured by a strange mist, and even the perception of the aura of the two people under him was much weakened.

Immediately afterwards, there was an indescribable sharp pain in his head, which made him can't help but let go of the hands of the two Wang family.

Yu Guang saw several streaks of crimson light coming, and he didn't have time to dodge.

His limbs suddenly became inflexible, and his heart shook with an unprecedented sense of incongruity.

This was not over, the next moment he felt that his body had become extremely heavy, and he fell to his knees suddenly, and it became a little difficult to even raise his arms!

Two figures appeared at this time, and the terrifying edge that flashed on every part of his body made the hunter's heart tremble, and an unprecedented sense of crisis instantly rose.

He desperately raised his arm, and two white lights faintly appeared in his palm.

"It's too slow. An

indifferent voice suddenly sounded, accompanied by two silver streamers.

There was a sudden chill in his shoulder, and then hot blood gushed out, and he watched his arm being cut to the ground in a daze, and he didn't know how to react for a moment.

The next moment he felt as if he was flying, and the picture in front of him flipped rapidly, and a headless body appeared in front of him.

"That's... Me?"

was the last thought of his life, and the last picture he saw, his world, which soon fell into eternal darkness....

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