Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1001: Can't owe favors

Chapter 1001

"Okay! That's the case, why does time run?"

Li Yichen nodded, no longer entangled in this matter, turned around and asked another question. In fact, he also had some guesses in his mind about these questions, but he still wanted to hear the speaker. After all, this guy is old and knows There are many.

"Because the Robert who stopped time at that time has entered the world of his static time, and because the previous laws of life are chaotic, it will definitely have a certain impact on the rules of time, so when the laws of life are restored, the time in that world The rules are also starting to work automatically!"

The speaker replied.

"That is to say... Robert is able to affect the time of all timelines because of the power of the law of life?"

Li Yichen groaned. It seemed that he could try to integrate the law of life with the law of time or the law of space in the future. This might be the secret of using the rules of heaven and earth!

Think about it carefully, all the laws of heaven and earth are evolved from chaos, so it seems that it is not impossible to merge two or more rules of heaven and earth together!

"This...I don't know!"

The speaker shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"I use the law of wind elements. This is only the lowest level element of heaven and earth, and it seems that it is not yet involved in the field across the plane!"

"Anyway, this Tiandao Pagoda is very meaningful to you. I suggest you strike while the iron is hot, and then go in quickly, maybe you can climb dozens of floors in one go!"

The speaker patted Li Yichen on the shoulder and said, the envy in his eyes did not hide at all.

"No! I want to go back and see!"

What the speaker did not expect was that he used this hate to shook his head and rejected the speaker's suggestion!

"go back?

Where are you going back? "

The speaker could not help being taken aback.

"Back to my heaven!"

Li Yichen answered as expected.

"Uh! Xiao Li! I suggest you! Ahem!"

The speaker was stunned when he heard the words, and then hesitated, but he still said to Li Yichen:

"Actually... we have become the masters. Those other people have little relationship with us. They think it is very difficult to reach our level. Since we can't keep up with us, then we should try to minimize contact with them. , One will drag us down, and the other will put a lot of pressure on them! What do you think?"

"The Speaker!"

Looking at the big speaker, Li Yichen suddenly smiled:

"Have you seen my previous puzzle-solving memory?"

"Have you seen it!"

The speaker nodded.

"Then do you think that the phrase'living is meaning' that Robert said at the beginning...does it affect you?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"This one……"

The Speaker of the Speaker hesitated, then looked at his feet, and suddenly found an ant, so he knelt down and pointed to the ant and said:

"If that guy's pursuit is to live, then in my heart, he is no different from this ant!"


Li Yichen nodded, then looked at the ant, and said softly:

"But it was this ant, an ordinary person, a guy who didn't grasp the rules of the world, but accidentally affected all the time rules of the timeline, and even the disc disappeared in the end. In my opinion, it should be It was because he changed the timeline and caused the world to collapse, so..."

"Speaker Speaker! I was thinking, if we can create a world in the future, is the world we are in now created by some kind of life?

Even the Heavenly Dao Pagoda was built by them. We are constantly solving puzzles and climbing towers in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and they may be in a space that we cannot reach, or a place that we cannot imagine, to us Looking at us like this ant? "

Li Yichen grabbed the ant, pinched it lightly, then stood up and watched it crawling in his hands:

"We, like it, may also be caught in the hands of an unknown high-level creature and proceed in the direction it leads. In fact, all our efforts are, in the eyes of those creatures, just some kind of unknown so-called struggle."

With that said, Li Yichen relaxed his hand, threw the ant away, and watched the ant who had been deflected so far by the wind murmured:

"Look! I raised my hand gently, this guy flew so far, it takes a long, long time to come back, but it may not even have something happened, why he suddenly appeared in another place? know!"

Hearing Li Yichen’s words, the speaker suddenly stopped speaking. Li Yichen’s words were never discussed by their controllers. Maybe someone had thought about it. But this kind of topic is quite frustrating. Take the initiative.

"The Speaker! Don't mention the high-level beings that may exist, just talk about the Heavenly Dao Tower over there, what do you think is the point of climbing the tower?"

Li Yichen looked at the speaker, and suddenly asked again.

"In order to enhance the strength and become the **** of creation!"

The big speaker answered quite smoothly.

"En! So... how did you improve your strength?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"This one……"

The speaker was taken aback, and suddenly felt that this question seemed difficult to answer, because he felt that the process of climbing the tower was to deepen his understanding of the rules of heaven and earth, but such an answer seemed a bit too simple.

"According to my personal opinion, the so-called tower climbing or puzzle solving is to deepen our understanding of the rules of heaven and earth!"

Li Yichen said again, the speaker couldn't help but draw the corners of his mouth, and said in his heart that this is what I think.

"How do you understand the rules of heaven and earth?"

Li Yichen asked immediately:

"President, you are a strong wind element, so during the process of climbing the tower, do you understand all the rules of the wind element?"


The speaker nodded immediately.

"So, every time you solve a puzzle, you also use the element of wind?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"All wind elements!"

The speaker recalled a bit, nodded and confirmed.

"Then have you seen my puzzle?

In the end, the way to solve the puzzle, although it was my own thrust, and then I got the approval of that voice to pass the level, but do you think that my puzzle was actually solved by Robert, and what he used is not the time rule, but The law of life? "

Li Yichen asked again.

"do not think so!"

The speaker did not answer this question immediately. Instead, he carefully recalled the memory he had just obtained before shook his head and said:

"Although the last Robert killed himself in another dimensional universe, he took advantage of the chaos of the law of life, but in the final analysis, he still used the rules of time to stop time before running over!"

"So, in fact, your puzzle was finally solved using the rules of time, and don't forget that Robert's use of the chaos of the rules of life even affected everyone else with their own timeline!"

"Since he finally affected all the timelines, of course this puzzle is still mainly based on time rules!"


Li Yichen did not argue with the speaker, but just nodded:

"But I still think that no matter what the law, life is the most important thing, including when we will create the world in the future and become the creators of the world, are you planning to create a world made of only gold, wood, water, fire, earth, space and time? Is there any life in the world?"

"Big Speaker! Why can Robert affect all the timelines?

Not because of the chaos in the law of life, but because he wanted to save his daughter and wife. You know, Robert is an ordinary person, but in order to save his family, he did it even I am now considered to be an S grade Life, things that people who have mastered the rules of time cannot do! "

"So, I think I still have to go back first and think about the problems in this. Is the Heavenly Dao Pagoda helping us understand a certain heaven and earth rule, or is it teaching us how to create the world?

Or is it to integrate the rules of heaven and earth? "

"Integrate the rules of heaven and earth?"

The speaker's eyes lit up, but then dimmed, shaking his head and smiling bitterly:

"Integrating the rules of heaven and earth certainly sounds right. We discussed it before, but the problem is that if you want to integrate the rules of heaven and earth, at least you need to have more than two rules of heaven and earth to be able to merge!"

"En...I have some thoughts in my mind about this, but I am not sure for the time being. When I go back and build our universe, I will go to the Heavenly Dao Tower and have a good chat with the Speaker!"

Li Yichen looked at the big speaker and said, now he doesn't want to directly expose that he knows many rules of heaven and earth, and if his wealth is not revealed, the same is true when he changes to the rules of heaven and earth!

"Building Tianyu?

I might be able to help with this! "

The speaker’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help with other tasks, but if it was to build the universe, the speaker would have no problem. After all, their universe has been here for so long, no matter how much the building and perfection of the universe are concerned. Better than the capital of hell, right?

"no need!"

Li Yichen shook his head and refused the help of the Speaker. One is that it is not as difficult for him to build the universe.

Going back now, probably a lot of foundations can be dug out, and all the places where the foundations were dug out will be built. Then wait a few days, the entire universe will be almost completed. When the time comes, give it another one. The heart of heaven, grow your own heaven, and then you can come here with confidence.

Moreover, if he really accepts the help of the speaker, he will be owed a favor. The speaker has not been hostile to himself since he appeared, and has been helping himself, even taking him to the Heavenly Dao Tower. The more the speaker is like this, the less Li Yichen doesn’t want to owe favor to others. Moreover, Li Yichen is not short of materials now, so there is absolutely no need to owe the favor of the speaker...

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