Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1000: Rule conflict

Chapter 1000

To be honest, the speaker is a bit jealous of Li Yichen's talent. The first time he enters the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, it is still the rule of time, and the solution is so fast. Does it still make people live?

But having said that, for the speaker, the stronger Li Yichen is, the better. One is that he is a human, and the other is also the guide for him to enter the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. If he really has any insights, just tell himself a little, then it’s not a cow. Forced?

Thinking about it, the jealousy turned to jealousy, the speaker immediately reached out his hand, copied Li Yichen's previously recorded memory, and read it from the beginning.

Unlike Li Yichen, the controllers like the Speaker, because they have been fighting here for a long time, so they have read the memory recorded by the stele many times and used it to discover new key to solving mystery.

After all, every puzzle has many different solutions, even if it is the same rule, there may be dozens of ways to solve the puzzle, so whenever they get stuck, they will experience other memories again.

And when they experience it, sometimes they don’t even use the time static ability of the stone tablet, just sit there quietly remembering. Anyway, for the controller, time is almost unlimited, and they are not afraid of wasting!

This is also the reason why the Speaker is jealous of Li Yichen. He reached this height in his twenties. At this point in time, when placed on other arbitrators, it may not be as long as they used to understand the puzzle solving record!

Because this kind of reading memory of the speaker does not consume time, for Li Yichen, the speaker put his hand on the stone tablet and then took it away. Of course, Li Yichen knew that this was the speaker who had completely seen his presence. Experience in my legend.

At this time, the other controllers already knew that there was another puzzle-solving memory on the stone tablet, so they all walked towards the stone tablet. Seeing that there were many people, Li Yichen walked aside and gave up the position. After all, the stone tablet was so big. range.

"Little Li! Wait!"

The speaker thought that Li Yichen was going to enter the gate again, and ran over quickly:

"I've seen your memory, and you finally think...that Robert changed all the time of all the timelines related to him?"

"Didn't that voice answer my question?"

Li Yichen looked at the speaker:

"Since it is correct, it means that Robert did indeed save all the timelines related to him, that is, all his family members on all the timelines, so of course he changed all the timelines! According to my understanding, This is the real time rule!"

"Wh... what sound?"

The speaker was stunned.

"Uh! Wait a minute!"

Li Yichen was taken aback, then hurriedly ran back to the stone tablet, touched it, and then...Li Yichen walked back with a dazed expression.

He also read his memory recorded on the stone tablet just now. What surprised him was that the record in the stone tablet was missing a lot, and in the last two sentences he asked, not only was the answering voice not recorded, but Even the two questions he asked were not recorded!

"what happened?"

The speaker looked at Li Yichen and asked.

"It's nothing!"

Li Yichen shook his head. Since that mysterious voice has not been recorded, is there any taboo here?

However, he had already told the Speaker of the Speaker that there was a voice, and it should be impossible to get confused.

"I want to go back, do you want to go back?"

Li Yichen looked at the speaker and asked, the speaker looked at Li Yichen, blinked his eyes, and suddenly laughed:

"Oh! I haven't been back for so long, it's time to go back and have a look."

The arbiters around were stunned when they heard the words, and said to their hearts that you have just gone back?

Why haven’t you gone back for so long?

However, the arbitrators here are quite free, no one will interfere with others, so of course no one comes to question them.

In fact, after reading Li Yichen’s memory, some arbitrators wanted to ask Li Yichen some questions, but now they heard that he was going back, they didn’t come over. Anyway, they have some time. Now think about it for yourself and wait until he gets down. Come back again and ask again!

Therefore, the speaker followed Li Yichen back to his own universe. After entering the universe, Li Yichen did not leave the sea of ​​the universe. He looked at the sea of ​​the universe, grabbed his chin and thought about it. In fact, it is not here in the universe. I'm pretty sure, if that voice is really supervising myself, it's probably still under its supervision wherever I go.

However, at least here, the other arbiters could not hear him, so Li Yichen sat down directly on the beach, showing that he carefully recalled his memory, and compared it with the record on the stone tablet. Look at the speaker.

"President! You have recorded more than 20 puzzle solving records yourself. In these puzzle solving records, have you found that the recorded memory is somewhat different from your own actual experience?"

Li Yichen organized his own language, and then asked.

"There will definitely be some of this, but the ones that have been removed are some private events that have nothing to do with solving puzzles. Isn't this important?"

"It has nothing to do with puzzle solving?

Are you sure? "

Li Yichen asked.

"Xiao Li! What sound did you say before, did you hear any strange sound in that end-time world?"

The speaker looked at Li Yichen's serious expression and dared not answer his words for a while, so he asked.

"Hmm... heard it!"

Li Yichen thought for a while, and finally decided to tell the speaker what he heard. He didn't know who the voice he heard came from. After all, the speaker has been in charge for so long, maybe he knows something, ask him maybe Better, and that voice's answer was not originally a secret—at least Li Yichen thought so!

"I once yelled out my guess after hearing the voice of the successful solution of the puzzle. I asked: Did Robert's approach save all the relatives in the timeline, and the voice answered me only two words : That's right!"

"Later, I asked him why two Roberts in different timelines were able to fight, and one killed the other, and the voice's answer was: the rules conflict!"

After speaking, Li Yichen looked at the speaker and wanted to hear his opinion. After listening to Li Yichen's narration, the speaker frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Li Yichen, his eyes seemed a little complicated.

"what happened?"

Li Yichen was a little strange.

"The answer to your voice is the same as the voice telling you to solve the puzzle?"

The speaker asked.

"Should be the same?"

Li Yichen was taken aback for a moment, but he did not pay attention to this issue carefully.

"Some of us have asked some questions, but never got a response. Unexpectedly, when you asked for the first time, you immediately got his response. Hey! People can't be compared with people!"

The speaker looked at Li Yichen for a long time and suddenly sighed.

"No! Grand Speaker, I was asking your opinion, I didn't make you envy or hate!"

Li Yichen was a little dumbfounded.

"I don't have a clue about this, but since the voice is confirmed, it means you are right. As for the conflicting rules, I have some ideas, but it's not necessarily correct!"

The speaker said with a wry smile.

"Yeen! Say it!"

Li Yichen said quickly.

"The conflict of rules is very simple. It means literally. Because the rules of heaven and earth conflict with each other, the static time rules of another person at that time were directly broken!"

The speaker explained:

"It’s like a small group of burning flames. If you pour a basin of water on it, the fire will be extinguished. If a mountain is lit, you will put a basin of water on it. Not only will it not extinguish, it will Water evaporates. This is the conflict between the rules of water and fire. Generally speaking, this kind of conflict is that one side is strong and the other is weak. This creates a conflict, and in normal times, such as the rules of heaven and earth around us. , They are in a state of balance, so there is no conflict!"

"As for the two Roberts, although one of them is in a state of static time, the other person who ran over is also Robert, so two identical lives appear in one space. This is the law of life. There was chaos."

"The law of life is a rule of heaven and earth that is higher than the rule of time. Even the law of life is chaotic, so the rule of time can't be maintained naturally, so at that time the two Roberts were not within the limit of the time rule!"

"And the other people in that scene did not have the same life as them appearing in that space, so they were still in a static state of time. After that, when two Roberts killed each other, one of them was killed, and the other took the initiative. After returning to the place where Robert was at the time, the rules of life returned to normal, and time naturally continued to run!"

"That's not right?"

Li Yichen frowned and asked:

"I tried the same thing at the time. You should have seen that memory. When I went to save Casey, she was also stopped by time. Then I took her away, and there was another Casey there. This Is it different from Robert?"

"Even though that Robert is dead, there should be one more Robert in the original world. Why can another Robert say that he can replace him?"

"It's very simple!"

The speaker laughed:

"Following what I said earlier, the law of life is quite advanced. To keep a world running, it must abide by the laws of life and death. After killing that Robert, the other Robert—the murderer, has returned to the death. Robert’s position replaces his existence. If that world recreates a Robert, then there will be two Roberts again, and the rules of life will fall into chaos again, so when that Robert decides to replace him, there will be no more Other Roberts showed up."

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