Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 999: You are too short

Chapter 999 You Are Too Short

So, if these two Roberts are fighting with each other, and then this Robert is killed by the other himself, what is the reason that the time that should have been in a static state is invalidated?

Li Yichen remembered that when he carried Casey back, Casey was restricted by the time rules and could not move at all. It was not until he clicked play again that Casey recovered from the static time.

Moreover, Li Yichen is certain that when Robert arrives here, only the other Robert is not in a static state of time, and everyone else is still in a static state of time, until this Robert is killed and that Robert returns to his position, which is After I picked up my daughter, time went on!

Then the question arises. If time is still to be broken, and only one person can break it, what power is needed?

Although it was Robert who died, and it was Robert who flew away, there is no difference between the two Roberts, but Li Yichen is sure that the Robert who flew away in the helicopter is definitely the fellow who followed him!

This is not simply relying on him finally waving at the camera and saying that I am a legend, but a feeling that from his eyes, Li Yichen can confirm that the guy is the Robert he is familiar with.

Therefore, the power that breaks the rules of time is definitely not the dead Robert. If he has the power to break away from the stillness of time, it is impossible for the Robert who he is familiar with to kill him!

Of course, this can’t be the same Robert he’s familiar with. That guy also doesn’t have this ability. You can tell by seeing him deliberately dragging time on the road. He just knows the plot, so he has to slow down the time so that his wife and daughter will not be affected again. A helicopter hit.

Therefore, in the end, Robert, who originally planned to let the soldiers scan his wife again, to delay the time, only saw that the helicopter crashed and immediately changed his mind. He also boarded the helicopter and claimed that he had a way to reverse the virus.

If it is Robert who he is familiar with, of course he has this method, because he will make medicines to reverse the virus, and he has just successfully restored all the people in the city to humans.

Now Li Yichen has been able to determine that Robert, whom he is familiar with, ran home after a timeout, killed another Robert, and took his place. Using his advantage of familiarity with the plot, he successfully saved his wife and children, and Leaving the city with them.

In the future, Robert will use his prophet's ability to create medicines that can reverse the virus and become a hero in the world he lives in.

The remaining question now is why two Roberts were able to fight at the time. If the familiar Robert passed away, he killed himself who was still in time, and then continued the following plot, then there would be no problem.

And the other one is why does the DVD become blank?

Time cannot change the established plot. Li Yichen felt that he could be sure just now, because even now, Li Yichen can still remember the plot of the original movie, that is, no matter what, in one of the worlds, Robert's wife and child were killed by a helicopter. This cannot be changed, even if it is time to turn back!

But why did the disc that recorded their deaths become blank?

Could it be that Robert's approach... not only saved his family in the world he lives in, but also...

Li Yichen suddenly looked shocked. Could it be that Robert did what he had imagined before, that is...change all the timelines at the same time?

That is to say, no matter which dimension plane he is in, he has saved his family. Therefore, the disc in his hand will become blank, because the plot no longer exists, maybe even the one that contains that plot. The world has been wiped out...

"This time rule puzzle has been solved, this puzzle is over!"

Just as Li Yichen came up with this idea, a voice suddenly sounded, and Li Yichen suddenly excited, and then shouted loudly:

"I got it right?

Robert's approach really saved all the family members in the timeline? "


The voice actually responded.

"How did those two Roberts fight?

How did the other Robert break the timeline? "

Li Yichen shouted again.

"Rules conflict!"

The voice replied, Li Yichen was about to ask again, but found that a flower suddenly appeared in front of him, and he actually saw the old face of the speaker!

"I... why am I back?"

Li Yichen sighed and murmured. The speaker came here today to want to enter his tower. Suddenly, he saw spatial fluctuations on Li Yichen's side, so he came over and took a look. It happened that Li Yichen also returned, so he was the speaker. I saw Li Yichen's somewhat depressed face.

"what happened?

Didn't solve the puzzle?

This is normal! "

The speaker patted Li Yichen on the shoulder and said:

"After all, it's the first time you enter the gate of the tower, so you should be familiar with the environment. Just rest for a few days and then go in!"

"No! I... I seem to have solved it, but... there are still many questions in my heart!"

Li Yichen looked at the speaker and said.

"Oh! That's normal, of course there will be many questions about the puzzle...Wait! What did you say?"

The speaker pushed Li Yichen back, comforting him, and then he paused suddenly, looking at Li Yichen in surprise and asked:

"You... have you solved the puzzle?"


Li Yichen nodded:

"Because I heard a voice saying: ‘This time rule puzzle has been solved, this puzzle is over!’ Then I came back by myself! Is this a solution to the puzzle?"

"When... of course forget it!"

The speaker was a little stuttered. He didn't expect Li Yichen to solve the puzzle the first time he entered, and what did he just say?

This time rule puzzle has been solved, the end of this puzzle?

Does this guy master the rules of time?

"You...you master the rules of time?"

The speaker looked at Li Yichen in shock and asked:

"How did you get the time rule?"


Li Yichen shrugged his shoulders.

Seeing that Li Yichen was reluctant to say, and the speaker did not ask, the time rule is a relatively advanced rule, side by side with the space rule, only lower than the law of life, the law of death, and chaos, and more advanced than the other rules of heaven and earth!

For those who are in charge of the Speaker, the rules of heaven and earth are divided into five levels. The lowest level is the elements such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, followed by elements such as wind and thunder, and then the two rules of time and space, and then the two rules of life and death. The big law is chaos at the end.

Chaos is at the top level. According to the speaker’s understanding, all the rules of heaven and earth are in chaos, but no one can control chaos. So strictly speaking, the rules of heaven and earth should have only four levels. watch.

"Come on! Come with me!"

In order to verify Li Yichen's words, the speaker brought Li Yichen to the stone monument where Li Yichen had obtained the memory of solving the puzzle, and then said to him:

"Come, put your hand on the stone tablet!"

Li Yichen nodded, and without much hesitation, he put his hand on the stone tablet. Although this would expose his experience in my legendary world, he also got quite a lot of puzzle-solving memories here before. He should do it. Now that he has those memories, he must follow the rules.

The moment Li Yichen touched the Dao Adaptation, the stone tablet immediately lit up, and the Speaker could not help but looked at Li Yichen a little strangely. Originally, the Speaker thought that Li Yichen should have failed to solve the mystery and returned from death.

It's just that because the little guy is young and thin-skinned, I am embarrassed to say that although he should be the first floor of the Heavenly Dao Tower, the Heavenly Dao Tower is not something ordinary people can break through. Even if it is the first floor, it is also the Heavenly Dao Tower.

I think the speaker failed the first time he rushed to the Dao Pagoda, and it took him a full six times to pass the first floor, but now the stone tablet is actually lit up, which shows that the stone tablet is recording Li Yichen's record.

If the puzzle is not solved, the stone tablet will not record the corresponding memory. What will the failed memory do?

This stone monument does not have the habit of leaving a mark on Mr. Chenggong's mother! Only the victor can leave his mark here.

Li Yichen is just over 20 this year, right?

Not only did he master the time rules second only to the laws of life and death, he actually successfully passed the first level when he entered the Heavenly Dao Tower for the first time. This ability made the speaker feel a little liver pain instantly.

How old is he this year?

He doesn't remember it himself. Although age is meaningless to the arbitrator,...this kid is too young. From the eyes of the speaker, he can certainly see the actual age of Li Yichen. By comparison, the speaker suddenly felt that he had lived on a dog for thousands of years.

"Maybe! It won't take long for this kid to climb onto my head!"

The speaker murmured:

"If he is allowed to enter the Genesis Tower first, then our group of arbitrators will lose face at the grandma's house!"

However, at this time Li Yichen was in the stage of being recorded and remembered, and he did not hear what the speaker said, otherwise he would be surprised, how come out another creation tower?

Soon, Li Yichen's memory was recorded. He raised his hand and looked at the speaker next to him. The speaker was a little surprised:

"So fast?"


Li Yichen was also taken aback, pointing to the stele and said:

"Isn't there no time passing no matter how long?"

"Uh! Reading the memory is like this, but recording the memory is not good. It goes according to the normal time!"

The speaker shook his head, looked at Li Yichen, and reluctantly added: The faster the puzzle is solved, the shorter the input time, you...too short...

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