Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1020: The scene reproduces?

Chapter 1020 The Scene Reappears?

Since Li Fangzhou said that the Zerg is so powerful, then Li Yichen will of course not underestimate the Zerg, although he also feels that even if the Zerg becomes extremely powerful in the Source Realm, he cannot break through the blockade of the secondary system, but Li Yichen does not want to be A group of Zerg is held in the sky!

There is now the Ark outside, but that doesn’t make him rest easy, because the Zerg has many flying units. When he was in the Trial Land, Li Yichen saw the power of the Zerg’s flying units. It is now in the Source Realm, and the Zerg still has More than one celestial domain will definitely have more powerful flying units, and the Ark alone may not be able to resist the Zerg!

Therefore, Li Yichen needs to improve his own strength as soon as possible. Others in the city of Hell cannot enter the mist for the time being and go to the Heavenly Dao Pagoda to find his way. Then he must hurry up and see if he can comprehend his way as soon as possible. No, he also has to get more of the heart of the universe. On the one hand, he upgrades the system. On the other hand, he has to let his universe continue to swallow and grow! !

There is still a celestial heart in Wanshan, so there is no need to worry about the celestial heart in a short time. In addition, it also takes time for the system to absorb the celestial heart, so as long as the celestial heart is sufficient, the two sides can be at the same time. get on!

"Old Wan! You remind Chang Guchuan, the big man, and Zhang Anji. When exploring the universe, other races do not matter. They can deal with the situation by themselves, but if they encounter the Zerg, they will retreat immediately, and try not to let the Zerg find out. our existence!"

Before entering the mist, Li Yichen suddenly stopped and said to the personal terminal.

"Okay! I'll let people go out and call them in!"

Wan Shan's answer was very happy.

Li Yichen was relieved, because the Ancient Yan Federation had already said that the Zerg had been found, so the exploration of the Hell City might also encounter the Zerg. Now Li Yichen has not told them the power of the Zerg, they might go to war directly with the Zerg. , Then it will be a little troublesome to bring the Zerg over in advance.

After all, Chang Guchuan and the others had also fought the Zerg army in the trial place. Although they also knew that the Zerg was very powerful, after all, the Zerg was finally destroyed by Li Yichen, so they should have no fear of the Zerg in their hearts.

After reminding Wanshan, Li Yichen didn't hesitate and rushed directly into the mist, relying on the protection of the system, and began to deepen inside!

The Speaker was right. From the mist of his own universe, he could indeed enter the space where the Heavenly Dao Tower was located. After rushing forward, Li Yichen discovered the familiar vortex, Li Yichen who had already experienced it once. Immediately entered the whirlpool.

This time, Li Yichen did not appear in the same position as the Speaker. The Speaker also said that coming from different heavens, the position of appearance is different!

After turning around and let the system remember the coordinates here, Li Yichen began to move in one direction. He didn't know which direction the Tiandao Tower was in, but there seemed to be a feeling in his heart that the Tiandao Tower was moving forward by himself. In this direction.

Li Yichen didn’t build a small house here like the Speaker. The Speaker didn’t return to Tianyu, so he wouldn’t go out even if he wasn’t in the Tiandao Tower, so he built a simple residence here. Ground.

This is not the case for Li Yichen. If he is not at the Heavenly Dao Tower, he will return to his own heaven. Of course, he won’t bother to get a house here, especially because there is also chaos here, so he can only build on the spot. Houses cannot be exchanged in the system mall, otherwise they will be broken down.

Li Yichen ran fast, because all the means of transportation were not available here. If it weren't for system protection and constantly absorbing the chaos around him, I'm afraid Li Yichen's clothes would not be able to keep it, let alone motorcycles and the like.

After a while, Li Yichen knew that he was in the right direction, because he had already seen the familiar Tiandao Pagoda. The distance from the place where Li Yichen appeared to the Tiandao Pagoda seemed to be about the same as the distance from the speaker to the Tiandao Pagoda, except last time. They came slowly, and Li Yichen ran all the way this time, so a lot of time was saved.


Xiao Li! Are you back so soon? "

Seeing Li Yichen, the speaker was a little surprised. He originally thought that it would take at least a week or two before he could see Li Yichen. After all, he said that he had to fix Tianyu before he came here!

As far as the Speaker was concerned, after arriving at the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, he no longer paid attention to Tianyu, but Li Yichen was a newcomer after all, and it was understandable that he wanted to maintain the Tianyu well so that his back was not broken.

In fact, the controllers who came here, including the Speaker, knew the existence of the Zerg, but they didn’t care about the Zerg very much, because even if the heaven was destroyed, they would not be in any danger. At least on the side of the Heavenly Dao Tower, they I have never seen any Zerg.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the rules of heaven and earth, the zerg are not intelligent creatures, so they are not qualified to comprehend the Tao. In this case, they are not in any danger. Anyway, the zerg cannot enter, and they don’t plan to go out, even if they are in the sky. The destruction of the domain does not have much impact on them.

When the other controllers saw Li Yichen, they all nodded slightly. They ignored Li Yichen before, because he had not entered the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. In the eyes of those controllers, he did not have the qualifications to communicate with himself, so he just paid attention. , But there is no action.

And now, they also got the memory of Li Yichen cracking the puzzle, so Li Yichen is equivalent to being on the same level as them, and of course they will make some benevolent actions to show that they have recognized Li Yichen.

Li Yichen didn’t care about this. He just looked at the Speaker. After he experienced the puzzle that I am a legend, he had some ideas in his mind. He originally planned to remind him when he saw the Speaker again, but now Li Yichen Changed his mind again.

One is that the speaker already has his own inertial thinking, and he thinks that since his goal is to create the world, then don’t care too much about the same kind in the universe. The other is that Li Yichen is now very short of time, so he can improve his strength as soon as possible. important.

Therefore, Li Yichen nodded to the speaker, pointed to the tower gate, signaled that he was going to enter, and passed by the speaker.

The speaker looked at Li Yichen’s back, and he didn’t care. Li Yichen seemed to have something to tell himself before, but he wanted to come up with some of his insights or experiences in the previous puzzles. Anyway, his memory has already been read. It doesn't matter if you listen to Li Yichen.

Arriving in the middle of the tower gate, Li Yichen took a deep breath, and then entered the tower gate...


here is……"

After entering the gate and seeing his surroundings, Li Yichen couldn't help being stunned, because... there was a person in front of him, it was Li Fangzhou, and looking around, it was the cockpit of the space battleship Ark!

Isn't this something I just experienced?

How could it be the puzzle this time?

Li Yichen was a little stunned, then looked at Li Fangzhou, and Li Fangzhou was also looking at Li Yichen at this time, and said:

"Unexpectedly, I really have one day to come back! Origin Realm... has been away for too long!"

Looking at Li Yichen, Li Fangzhou cast his gaze out of the porthole again, looked at the sky outside, and said with a smile. Li Yichen couldn't help but look at Li Fangzhou with his mouth wide open. This is really what Li Fangzhou said when he saw Li Fangzhou just before. Words coming out.

"what's the situation?"

Li Yichen was puzzled, but after thinking about it, he still talked to Li Fangzhou according to what happened before. So, the previous scene happened again, and all the plots were basically the same, until Li Fangzhou pressed the soul container to open the dark grid.

Before, after Li Fangzhou pressed the soul container, the secret compartment was opened, but the inside was empty. Then Li Fangzhou asked Li Yichen, and Li Yichen knew that the memory he was looking for was actually his necklace, and the two of them I saw the video afterwards.

This time, after Li Fangzhou pressed the soul container, Li Yichen also subconsciously looked at the secret compartment, but found that it had not been opened. Li Yichen could not help but was surprised. Of course, Li Fangzhou on the side was also surprised, and he also glanced at Li Yichen. , Because Li Yichen looked at the hidden grid almost a hundred years after he pressed the soul container, he probably didn't know the location of the hidden grid!

It was impossible for Li Yichen to be there when this battleship was built. Even Li Fangzhou himself was not there. If the cockpit layout of this battleship was the same as that of the space battleship in the source world before, Li Fangzhou would not know that the secret grid would be there. where!

However, just when Li Fangzhou was about to ask Li Yichen what, one side of the screen suddenly lit up, and a video appeared inside.

The content of the video is exactly an air battle taking place in the universe. Two space battleships are constantly attacking each other in space. The streamer of weapons and the flames of explosions continue to light up, and occasionally a space battleship will directly explode. The scene looks quite spectacular.

Li Yichen and Li Fangzhou looked at each other, and then looked at the screen together. This video was not included in the image of the soul clone that Li Yichen had seen before. Now it will appear in the puzzle of the Tiandao Tower. Li Yichen felt that this was probably related to his own puzzle this time.

Especially the previous exchange with Li Fangzhou just happened not long ago. Li Yichen is completely fresh in his memory. If the puzzle came from this time period, then if Li Yichen wanted to solve the puzzle, it might be relatively easy. a lot of……

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