Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 1021: The soul clone is dead?

Chapter 1021 The soul clone is dead?

The video on the screen was very clear, as if they were at the scene. Li Yichen and Li Fangzhou both looked at the screen seriously. Because the styles of the battleships were exactly the same, Li Yichen couldn't tell who was who when the two fleets were fighting.

As for Li Fangzhou, he can distinguish it. After all, the marks of the two factions are different. Li Yichen can't understand, but he can distinguish it at a glance.

However, the screen in front of me is obviously a video, so even if it is able to distinguish between the two sides of the battle, it does not make much sense, because it is impossible to get in and help!

Moreover, although Li Yichen could not distinguish the marks of the two cosmic fleets, he knew the result of this space battle a long time ago, because the video he watched before made it clear that this war was originally an ambush by the humans of the Origin Star. , And in the end all the space warships of the Ark fleet were destroyed, and the Ark people were forced to make a forced landing on the trial ground.

Therefore, Li Yichen did not ask, but just watched the video quietly. Because this video was different from what he saw before, there should be different places in the back. In addition, Li Yichen knew that he was in the puzzle now. In this video, which is different from what I saw before, may be the key to solving the mystery!

On the screen, a fleet was quickly suppressed due to losses, and many space warships were destroyed. They had to start to evacuate towards the galaxy. Li Yichen stared at one of the planets. Judging from the distribution of continents on the planet, That planet should be the place of trial.

At this time, the dominant side suddenly had a few space warships speeding up, and quickly rushed into the retreating fleet, launched a fierce attack on their flagship, and suffered from several space warships. When the fire was set, the flagship was immediately hit hard, and the hull burst into flames.

Other space battleships dared to come to rescue immediately, but the flagship was seriously damaged, and they were also unable to recover. Instead, because they were too close to the flagship, they were directly overturned by the shock wave generated by the flagship's explosion and flung them away.

At this moment, the camera lens of the image suddenly turned to one side. It was a few small fighter planes, which should have emerged from the flagship before the flagship exploded. After they left the flagship, they immediately flew towards the planet Li Yichen noticed. Attempt to enter the planet.

As for the space warships that came up to focus on the flagship, because they were too close, they were also disturbed by the shock waves generated by the flagship’s explosion. However, when they retreated, many small warplanes flew out of these warships, moving towards separating from the flagship. The small fighters that came out launched a pursuit.

One of the small fighter planes was hit by the wing and then exploded. The pilot inside did not die miraculously. However, after leaving the fighter plane, he did not move towards the planet, but instead used a small jet behind him. The device moves in the opposite direction, and the arms are also stretched forward, as if to grasp something, and the image of this person is surprisingly Li Fangzhou! !

"time out!"

Seeing this, Li Yichen suddenly shouted.

Li Fangzhou looked at Li Yichen, and then pressed pause. Li Yichen rushed to the screen and pointed at a small point:


Li Fangzhou immediately enlarged the black spot pointed by Li Yichen, seeing the enlarged picture, Li Yichen took a deep breath! Then he grabbed his chest in a conditioned reflex, but he grabbed a hole.

The necklace he had been wearing was gone. After watching the video, Li Yichen took the necklace back and hung it on his chest, but now it is gone.

And on the paused picture on the screen, what was displayed was the necklace that should have been worn around his neck, exactly the same!

"Do you know this?"

Li Fangzhou looked at the picture on the screen, then looked at Li Yichen and asked.

"I... should have known each other!"

Li Yichen murmured, then looked back at Li Fangzhou:

"Keep playing and see if he gets this back!"

Li Fangzhou nodded, and then pressed the play button, and the following plot left Li Yichen dumbfounded, because it was not what he had imagined.

In Li Yichen's heart, Li Fangzhou—the one on the screen, should be the soul clone, and the current aerial battle should be the ambush mentioned in his video. Therefore, according to the normal plot, Li Fangzhou should I grabbed the necklace and entered the trial ground...

It doesn’t seem to be right. If that’s the case, this necklace should be in a hidden compartment, not in my own place. Then, how did this necklace come to me? Maybe Li Fangzhou was taking it back. Throw it away when entering the atmosphere, and then when I crossed it, I was just near the necklace, and then I put it on when I was in a coma?

This sounds a little weird, but Li Yichen thinks about it, it seems there is only such a possibility, but the images on the screen let him know that this possibility basically does not exist.

When Li Fangzhou rushed towards the necklace to take it back, a small fighter jet suddenly swooped down from above and shot out two long fluorescent bullet chains. The bullet chains traversed Li Fangzhou’s body and directly took his body. It was completely exploded and turned into dust in the universe, and the necklace was also thrown away under the action of impulse, entered the boundless universe, and soon disappeared completely...

The picture has been there on the necklace, and it has been able to see it rolling in the universe, getting smaller and smaller, and then completely invisible. After that, the screen freezes...

"This... it seems that the memory is not preserved! Even your soul clone... has not been able to enter the trial ground!"

After being shocked, Li Yichen looked back at Li Fangzhou and said.


Li Fangzhou nodded stubbornly, his eyes fixed on the screen, after a long time, he slowly looked at Li Yichen:

"You... how do you know that it's storage?

And my soul clone?

What is the place of trial? "

"The place of trial is that planet, and I know this because I met you in the place of trial..."

Li Yichen wanted to explain, but after a few words he was suddenly stunned. That's not right! Judging from the video, Li Fangzhou’s soul clone has already died, and it is impossible to enter the trial site. Although there should be many Li Fangzhou in the trial site, even after the Ark plan is determined, all participate in this plan. Any continuation of Li Fangzhou could call himself Li Fangzhou, but that was after Li Fangzhou’s soul clone entered the trial ground.

In the previous aerial battle, they left the earth to find the first group of people who left the origin star. After they came here, they suddenly encountered an ambush. That is to say, at this time, Li Fangzhou had not entered the trial ground. Without the implementation of the Ark Plan, of course there would not be so many Li Fangzhou, and the information points left by Li Fangzhou that he encountered would not exist.

So, how do I explain to Li Fangzhou now?

be honest?

The soul clones have all turned into cosmic dust, did you tell me that he told you?

Lie to zombies?

(Zombie: I don't believe this when you tell me! You should let him lie to ghosts!)

Halfway through speaking, Li Yichen suddenly realized that he couldn't continue, so he looked at Li Fangzhou and then at the screen. To Li Yichen's surprise, Li Fangzhou didn't even ask. He was also staring at the screen, and suddenly Turning his head to look at Li Yichen:

"We must find this necklace! This is very important to us humans, we can't throw it away!"


Li Yichen looked at Li Fangzhou and wanted to say, isn't this just a memory?

If you lose it, you will lose it, and I've seen everything stored in it. I'll just give you a dictation!

In fact, all the video systems Li Yichen have seen are recorded, but in the Heavenly Dao Tower, the system is unusable, so Li Yichen can only dictate the information recorded in Li Fangzhou's memory.

However, Li Yichen didn't say that, because he also couldn't explain how he knew this.

And Li Fangzhou didn't pay attention to Li Yichen's expression at this time. He just turned around in the driving cabin for a few times. Looking at Li Fangzhou who was turning around, Li Yichen suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it for a while.


Li Fangzhou stopped suddenly, looked around, and said:

"If... my soul clone dies in the universe, how can I appear?

The soul container is in the soul clone, and since I can touch the seal, it means that my soul clone has safely placed my soul container! "

Hearing Li Fangzhou's words, Li Yichen finally understood that what was wrong with him was in this space battleship! This space battleship is the Ark, which was built by Li Fangzhou's soul clone after entering the trial ground, gathering the remnants and uniting the humans in the trial ground.

If Li Fangzhou died in space because he wanted to recover the necklace, how did the Ark come?

They can appear here, which in itself is a contradiction!

Li Fangzhou is obviously aware of this, but now this Li Fangzhou, of course, does not know as much as Li Yichen, after all, Li Yichen has already met another Li Fangzhou, and watched the video together, and talked for a long time.

"This is the Ark! It should be made by your soul clone!"

Li Yichen thought for a while, and finally said:

"The Ark space battleship is the most important part of the Ark project. As for how I know this, I can’t explain it to you. If you believe me, I can tell you more information. If you don’t believe... then I too No need to talk more!"

"Plan Ark?"

Li Fangzhou pondered, and suddenly looked at Li Yichen:

"You... have you mastered the rules of time?"

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