Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 838:  Weird situation

Li Yichen jumped into the air, looking at the corpse tide in the distance, and frowned. For him now, the two thousand zombies are not enough to prove, even if he can no longer summon the system and the end of the world, he can still They all kill.

But the biggest question is, can you complete your trial by doing so?

When he was in that building, Li Yichen hadn't recovered yet, he just faintly felt that something was wrong, but now he has completely recovered his memory, knowing that this situation occurred after he used the time power injection, and think During the previous breakthrough, he experienced the trials of space and lightning elements, of course he could think that this was a trial of time rules.

According to his thoughts, he should now kill the self who is setting up the trap, and then retake the system, then go to destroy the tide of corpses, and then return with Chang Guchuan and the others.

If the trial has not been completed, he will continue to take them to establish the base of the **** capital. In this case, he should be able to catch up with the future development trajectory, but the problem is, if this is just going backwards in time, then the self before him , And the current self is equal to the same person.

This is not the same as space disorder. During the space trial, the zombie Li Yichen killed by Li Yichen, although he was also himself, after all, did not belong to a space, killing him should not have a big impact.

My previous experience should belong to that zombie Li Yichen, because I had killed him, so when I entered the trial of time, I first entered the past of that Li Yichen, but later it should be because that Li Yichen was killed by himself. Because of the killing, he actually took the initiative to jump back into his own experience.

Of course, this may also be a self-correction of time trial. It discovered that the experience did not belong to the real self, so it returned to the experience that belonged to it!

However, this experience still has a deviation, because when he returned to his own experience, he was sitting in the bus and driving the bus, which was not exactly the same as his previous experience.

The battle of Wucheng was regarded as the battle of Li Yichen's rise. Not only did he prove himself in this battle, but he also gained the recognition and allegiance of important figures in the **** capital such as Chang Guchuan and Wanshan, which led to the later hell. Capital base!

"Time... The purpose of time trials is to control the rules of time, and the rules of time are time acceleration, time quiescence, and time reversal."

Because there is no system, Li Yichen can only guess for himself now. Although he has experienced the trials of space rules and thunder and lightning elements, different trials and methods must be different.

The trial of the thunder and lightning element is relatively simple. Just carry it hard, but the space trial is when Li Yichen finds the space where he was originally, and kills himself in that space, and merges the two spaces before it is considered complete. Trial.

But at this time of trial, Li Yichen didn't have a clue. With the strength of this world, Chang Guchuan and the others were all ordinary people. Even the Li Yichen who was setting up traps did not even reach the C-level life.

Therefore, at this time period, Li Yichen can be said to be capable of destroying the world, and no one can stop it.

Speaking of killing, he even has the ability to kill all the creatures in the entire northern continent, but this is a trial of time rules, could it be a simple killing?

"After mastering the rules of time, I will definitely be able to change history in the future. For example, if someone dies in battle, I can use time to go back and save him!"

Li Yichen said in his heart:

"So, to complete this trial, I should also need to change some history, but... whose history I want to change? My own? Or Totanigawa and the others? Or... those zombies?"

After thinking about it for a long time, until Chang Guchuan and the others arrived, Li Yichen didn't know how he would complete the trial, so he teleported to a high altitude and looked down. So, what happened once was repeated before his eyes, but, This time, he changed from a participant to a bystander...

After Chang Guchuan and the others got out of the car, Li Yichen pointed to the off-road track that he had parked in the distance and was still driving:

"Turn off your car and turn off the lights. That's where we will meet after the fight! Remember all of them, just look at the lights of my car!"

"This... is Wucheng?"

Looking at Wucheng, empty and empty, Wan Shan and others looked shocked.

"I will explain to you after it's over. Now everyone will gather and listen to my orders!"

Li Yichen did not answer, and shouted directly.

More than 200 people got off the car. To Li Yichen's surprise, the boy Chang Guchuan also followed him, and he was standing in the first row of the team.

"Are you here too? We will face a tide of corpses with more than 20,000 corpses. We may die. Are you not afraid?"

Li Yichen came to Chang Guchuan and asked.

"Fear! I'm very afraid of death, but... it's not that you can die if you are afraid, so it's useless, and I haven't seen such a big tide of corpses. It's okay to come over and see!

Tokoyagawa replied loudly.

"Haha! Use more than 20,000 horror corpses to give yourself insights, your special mother is really amazing!"

Li Yichen laughed, and then said:

"But he is right at least. I'm afraid it's useless. When it's damned, he will still die. In our action, I am almost certain that some of us will die. It may be this guy or me. , It could be anyone among you!"

"But now that you are here, you are probably mentally prepared. Then I will not comfort you. Some people say I am not good at this. I can only tell you that everyone must obey my orders for a while, even if I let If you drove into the tide of corpses, you must do the same, otherwise, my arrow will directly penetrate his head, do you understand?"


Including Wanshan and Ermao, everyone answered in unison!

"Very good! So... let's start!"

Li Yichen turned around and climbed up to a thirty-meter-high high platform standing on the edge of Wucheng, and lit a fire on the high platform. A line of fire quickly descended along the high platform and entered Wucheng, splitting and spreading rapidly. In less than two minutes, the entire Wucheng was lit up and became a burning city...

Looking at the burning city below, Li Yichen in the sky is very emotional. For him now, this is something that happened a long time ago, but he still clearly remembers all this, even how many people died in the first place. , He can think back now.

"Am I going to save the soldiers who died?"

Seeing that those fighters had already begun to enter Wucheng, Li Yichen suddenly thought, because these fighters came here because of themselves, and after the war in Wucheng, most of them, Stay here forever.

Li Yichen even looked directly at a trap that had already been arranged. He remembered clearly that when he finally left, he buried the soldiers there.

The battle below has already begun. Li Yichen didn’t move, and just watched quietly in the sky. Although there is no system anymore, his spatial abilities and eagle eyes are still there, so this audience, he has no difficulty. .

Soon, as more and more zombies entered Wucheng, the teams below were no longer able to gallop freely. Many times, before they reached the next intersection, they would find that there was already blocked by zombies!

"Old Black! What to do?"

In a blocked team, one person looked at the approaching zombies behind him and shouted, while turning his head to look at the open space next to him!

"Laosan Zhang! Don't even think about it!"

Seeing him looking to the side, Old Hei shouted angrily:

"So many brothers are watching, why dare you to run from wherever you go, I was the first to hack you!"

Afterwards, Lao Hei looked at the zombies in front, twisted the accelerator twice, and shouted loudly:

"Follow me, we killed these dogs!"

Before his words fell, more than a dozen feather arrows flew and fell into the zombies blocking them. Several zombies were directly headshot, while the other arrows only hit the zombies' body-it was the high platform. The reserve team A on board saw the situation here and initiated remote support.

"Hahahaha! Brothers, the reserve team is helping us open the way, rush over with me!"

Old Hei laughed long, then blasted the accelerator and rushed up, followed by the other four yelling.

But at this moment, a licker suddenly emerged from the group of corpses in front of them. Just then, another wave of arrows arrived, and three arrows fell on the back of the licker.

The licker was painful, and after hitting the three arrows, he screamed up to the sky, but he couldn't tell who was attacking him, so the old black in front of them became his targets.

"Don't worry about anything! Keep going! Leave this **** to me!"

Lao Hei glared at the licker who was rushing over quickly, screwed the motorcycle's throttle to the bottom, and rushed up resolutely...


Lao Hei and the licker quickly approached. When the distance was only a few meters, Lao He suddenly let go of the motorcycle. He jumped up from the car, volleyed at the licker, and snarled:

"Come on! Bastard!"

The licker also jumped up at the same time, and the tongue in his mouth was the first to fling towards the old black...


The bodies of Lao Hei and the licker hit each other directly in the air, and then landed together. After two laps, Lao He managed to stand up, his right arm was wrapped around the tongue of the licker, and his left arm was firmly clasped. On the back of the licker, shouting to the high platform:

"Quick! Kill him!!"

As soon as his words fell, a feather arrow flew from another direction, directly piercing the head of the licker controlled by the old black, it was Li Yichen.

He came after the licker. When the old black was facing him, Li Yichen just solved the other lickers.


Lao Hei watched his head resting on his shoulders, the breathless licker laughed loudly, then let go of his hand, the licker's body slowly slipped off, while the old Hei was holding the licker's tongue. Called Li Yichen:

"Go on! And me!"

Lao Hei was injured. There was a fist-sized wound on his left neck, and blood was constantly pouring from the wound.

"Old Black!"

The other four did not rush out at this time. They stopped not far from Lao Hei and looked at Lao He silently. Zhang Lao San, who had been scolded by Lao He just now, couldn't help but screamed.

"Call the wool! Get out!"

Lao Hei yelled at them, then looked at Li Yichen again:

"Hurry up! What's the matter with you? Isn't it a pleasure to see you doing things? How come you become a bitch?"

Li Yichen finally raised the bow in his hand. Old Hei's neck was injured. The artery should be broken. Even if there is no infection, he is dead.


A feather arrow was nailed into the center of Old Hei's eyebrows, his body instantly froze, then he shook it twice, and slowly knelt on the ground, and then, he fell down beside the licker's body, his right hand still dead Holding the tongue of the licker...

"Why... why?"

Looking at the shot Lao Hei, Li Yichen stood beside him with a shocked look. In the original Wucheng battle, Lao Hei was the first to die, and he was also shot to death by himself, so Li Yichen's memory is still fresh.

This time, he was going to save the old black, so at the beginning, he used teleportation to get into the group of corpses, and when the old black was in danger, he shot directly, using the solidified space rules His neck was protected.

Because he remembered clearly at the time, it was because he saw that Old Hei’s neck had been bitten off by a licker with a large piece of meat, and it was impossible to save him. died.

But Li Yichen never expected that although he had used space to freeze to protect Lao Hei, and even used space rules to block the licker, I don’t know why, but that terrible wound appeared on Lao He’s neck. He saw exactly the same.

And the other one also opened his bow, preparing to shoot Lao Hei, unwilling Li Yichen once again solidified the space in front of Lao Hei, but that feather arrow, Yu Ran still unblocked the old black headshot...

"My...space rules are invalid?"

Li Yichen turned his head and looked around in a daze. He suddenly realized that he had overlooked one thing, which was that he was not wearing a camouflage suit, but none of the surrounding zombies attacked him, as if he hadn't seen him. same.


Li Yichen waved a fist and turned to a zombie wheel next to him. His fist passed directly over the zombie's head, but the zombie was still intact. Li Yichen's fist actually passed through the zombie's corpse. No obstacles...

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