Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 839:  I have a clue

"This... what's going on?"

Li Yichen was shocked, why is he now ignored by the world? Not right? At least his feet are still on the ground, but...

Turning his head and looking around, Li Yichen found that the zombies around him had begun to pass through his body, chasing the soldiers who were guiding them on motorcycles, and then, there were soldiers who were constantly being caught in the tide of corpses. Submerged...

Or rush into the group of corpses and detonate the locomotive, exploding the path blocked by the zombies, or use your body to wrap the lickers and other high-level zombies, and give your companions a chance to kill. The scene is tragic and majestic, once again presented in front of Li Yichen.

Li Yichen tried countless times, and even ran in front of these fighters and himself in this time and space, but no matter how he gestured, no one could see him.

"Why is that?"

Li Yichen clearly remembered that just a while ago, when he had just switched to this scene, he had spoken to Chang Guchuan, and he was even driving a car. Why has it suddenly become like this now?

Li Yichen felt like a ghost on the earth before. He could see everything around him, but he could not touch everything in this world, nor could he communicate with creatures in this world.

"No! If it's just the rules of time, it can't be like this. This state should be caused by the rules of space!"

Li Yichen calmly thought about it. When he was experiencing the trial of space rules, there were countless selves around him, but none of these selves could have any communication with him. Finally he entered the space where one of them was located. Shot it to kill.

Because Li Yichen originally came to this world, he didn’t come through a normal way, and even he didn’t know how he came here. Therefore, this world originally had himself, but he was not in the place of trial, but On Earth.

Then, after Li Yichen found the earth that belonged to the same plane as the trial land, and beheaded the mutated self who lived on that earth, he completed the space trial!

And now that this situation has appeared again, it shows that this time is definitely not just a trial of time rules, it must be something wrong.

Thinking that when he had just entered the trial, he had entered another experience of his own first, and Li Yichen suddenly had a trace of enlightenment, time and space! !

Time and space, the two rules of heaven and earth are at the same level, and they are also one of the two most important rules that constitute the world. It can even be said that they are the cornerstones of the world. Without space, the world cannot exist. Without time, the world is even more so. Can not operate!

I already have the rules of space. So, after getting the rules of time and starting the trial of time, I directly integrate the rules of space. After all... these two rules have always been on the same level. The term time and space is Come here!

"So, what I am experiencing now is a trial of the rules of time and space?"

Li Yichen sighed and murmured, he didn't know how to crack the trial of time alone. Now it might be a trial of time and space, and the system has lost contact. Everything can only rely on his own guess. This is so... but it hurts quite a bit.

At this time, the battle in Wucheng had lasted for more than three hours, most of the soldiers were exhausted, and the rate of death began to accelerate. Even with the continuous assistance of Li Yichen in this time and space, it was a drop in the bucket after all.

Li Yichen clenched his fists. At the beginning, he had no strength. He could only watch the death of so many warriors who were willing to follow him to stop the tide of corpses. That's fine, but now, he clearly has the 20,000 corpses. The strength of the tide is destroyed, but still can only be seen from the side.

This feeling, this feeling of extreme weakness, can be said to be the first time Li Yichen has appeared since he came into this world!

Although Li Yichen didn't get the system when he first came to this world, he could only wander outside by himself, be a hunter, and lead a precarious life.

But at that time, because he was alone, he had no worries, and because he had encountered the last days, he actually had the consciousness of death a long time ago, so even though he was worried and frightened, he had never experienced this feeling.

"Since I can't do anything, why should I see this scene?"

Seeing the soldiers being torn to pieces by the zombies one by one, Li Yichen couldn't help but roared. These soldiers didn't have much contact with him at the beginning, and he didn't even know their names. Only those who survived later did Li Yichen know better.

But seeing these fighters die in front of him again, Li Yichen still couldn't accept it, but he frequently adjusted the space rules in his body to help those fighters, but he didn't have any effect at all.

No matter whether his space freezes or the space explodes, there is no way to affect anything in this world, as if he is watching a three-dimensional movie, all the plots are clear to him, but he is completely unable to participate in the plot.

Moreover, now except for the system, Li Yichen is all normal. The space rules and thunder and lightning rules are not only able to be used, but they are even recovering slowly. However, the space he uses is solidified and only effective for himself, for the rest of this time and space. Creatures are useless at all.

In other words, if Li Yichen solidifies the space in front of him, then the solidification of this space will only be effective for him, and it will have no effect on the zombies and the soldiers of Wanshan Base.

Li Yichen didn't know what was going on, but he instinctively felt that if this trial was really something he couldn't do, it would be a bit wrong. There must be some way, but he hasn't discovered it yet.

"Time...time...space...I only have space rules and thunder and lightning elements in my body now, and there is no time rules yet, but when I pass the test of space rules, I don’t have to use space rules, those space doors. They all come with the trial site."

Li Yichen frowned and thought:

"In other words, although I don't have a time rule now, I should be able to pass the time rule test, but... there is no hint at all, how can I play?"

Seeing that the battle of Wucheng has passed halfway, but I can only watch, Li Yichen is finally angry, you must either let me help or don't let me come, let me come without letting me participate, Do you watch a movie?

Li Yichen, who had made up his mind, jumped up suddenly and came into the air about a hundred meters above the ground, and then began to compress all the rules of space and lightning in his body...

Until all the energy in the body was compressed, Li Yichen released all the compressed energy instantly, into the space around him, and then detonated together! !

With the total amount of space rules and lightning rules in Li Yichen's body now, the explosion caused was not ordinary. At the moment of the explosion, the space around him was torn apart, and because of the turbulence in the space after the explosion, Almost all the space above Wucheng was torn apart.

Pieces of black void appeared, countless turbulence in the space raged, and the entire space fluctuated, which actually lasted almost five minutes before gradually disappearing.

But when the entire space was quiet, Li Yichen discovered that these explosions of the space he had created had no effect on this space. The battle in Wucheng continued. No one noticed such a huge change above, even at all. Not even a zombie was involved in the huge spatial turbulence above.

However, when Li Yichen was frustrated, he suddenly discovered that the spatial rules and lightning attributes that had just been consumed in his body had actually been restored again.

"En? How could it be so fast?"

Li Yichen was stunned, but looking at the unchanging Wucheng below, a sense of powerlessness surged in his heart. Even if he could recover in an instant, it would have an ass. No matter what he did, it would not affect the world in front of him.

"No, how did I recover instantly?"

Feeling the majestic energy in his body, Li Yichen frowned. This is another unreasonable thing he encountered after he came to this world. Is this the key to the trial?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen once again compressed all the energy in his body, and then detonated the surrounding space again...

The result was the same as before. It almost covered the sky above Wucheng, and even the space that should be destroyed back to the city exploded. Wucheng and the zombies inside were not affected in any way by the soldiers, and Li Yichen, who had exhausted energy in his body, was also in the space. The moment the fluctuation disappeared, it resumed again!

"Huh? Wrong!!"

However, this time Li Yichen found some signs. The energy consumed in his body was not replenished immediately after he was exhausted, but at the moment when the spatial fluctuation caused by the explosion disappeared completely.

"Could it be...this is the key point of the trial?"

Li Yichen thought, and then his eyes lit up, why do you have to replenish yourself with energy after the spatial fluctuations are all calm?

Li Yichen is quite familiar with the problem of space now, so it is easy to understand this problem. The scope of his previous space explosions was too large. Therefore, when the spatial fluctuations did not completely disappear, the entire area of ​​space was in an extremely different state. In a stable state, if at this time, there is another wave of space explosion, then...

"Huh! Then try this method! I don't believe it, I can't tear apart your messy time and space!"

After thinking about all of this, Li Yichen finally had a clue in his heart, and he felt that he was thinking in the right direction. As long as he did it again, he might be able to break through this time and space and return to his original time...

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