Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 864:  Four Sacred Demons

In fact, all the orc warriors, including Varimathras, had launched their racial talents-rage before coming to the space channel, and then they entered the space channel.

All the orc warriors understand that they are actually going to finish. How fierce the firepower of the Hell City is, they don’t know. Before, it was just because the demons would not leave their base too far, so the Hell City never launched missiles. Carry out an attack.

This time, the demons wanted to rescue the blood race, and because the Hell Capital had never used large missiles to attack them, of course, the demons did not know that the Hell Capital possessed such powerful weapons.

Therefore, Varimathras felt that after they passed, there should be no more demons left over there. Of course, it would not take too long to kill them, so they could launch a rage first, and then enter the space channel. As a result, the demons would have no chance at all.

The progress of the battle also verified Varimathras’s guess. After two waves of long-range strikes, 200,000 demons suffered heavy losses, and the total number of demons that could survive these two waves did not exceed 20,000. And most of them are wounded.

However, those who can survive under the coverage of missiles are of course powerful demons, such as the four great holy demons. Therefore, it is not so easy to kill them all.

Seeing the emergence of the orcs, the four great holy demons immediately understood that they were in an ambush, and there was no conflict between humans and the orcs. The reason they did not see the orcs was because the goal of the orcs was not The blood race, it was their demons, but they even threw themselves into the trap, sending themselves into the ambush of the orcs.

"Don't fall in love, rush out! How many can you rush out, you must send the news back!!"

One of the four great holy demons shouted, although the demons have always had scouts shuttled back and forth, since the human race and the orc race have set up ambushes, they will certainly not let go of their scouts.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to send back the news that they were ambushed. Just looking at their losses before, the four holy demons understand that their support army has been abolished, and now there is no more than ten. The impact of the Shang Orcs will definitely wipe out the entire army.

Since the army can't save it, you must quickly send the news back and destroy your team. Humans and demons will definitely have follow-up methods to deal with their bases. If the bases are completely unprepared, absolutely Will suffer a big loss!

Originally, those demons were already in horror, and they didn't even have the intention to fight. Even if the four great holy demons wanted to organize them against the orc army, it would be quite difficult.

Now I heard the order of the four great holy demons, even more so, they dodged to the side, trying to break out of the encirclement.

However, the orcs came up in eight directions. It is not so easy to break through. In addition, after the orcs exit the space channel, they do not directly advance, but spread to the left and right, with another space. The clansmen of the passage merged together and sealed the entire encircled circle before beginning to shrink the circle.

Of course, the four great holy demons originally shouted those words, in fact, it was for themselves. After all, they are all S-level powerhouses. After just being attacked, they saw that such a powerful firepower coverage was definitely not just for a sneak attack. Let them lose some manpower.

The human race and the orc race obviously want to keep them all behind. These two races must have made enough preparations. Therefore, none of the four holy demons mentioned that they would organize the surviving demons to conduct defensive resistance. .

For the four holy demons, the most important thing now is for the four of them to leave alive. Then, the most conducive thing for them to escape is of course not to organize people to resist, but to make the whole battlefield chaotic. The more chaotic the better. ! Only then can they have a chance to get out with their powerful strength!

The four great holy demons thought so, and did so. While all the demons were running around and there was chaos around them, the four great holy demons gathered together, brought their trusted men, and started to attack!

After Varimathras came out of the space channel with the orcs, Zhang Anji and the others stopped their attacks. One was afraid of accidentally being injured, and the other was clearly seen below, and there were not many demons still alive. The fighters keep a little bit to fight!

Zhang Anji and their ceasefire is definitely good news for the demons. Although it is said that without helicopter attacks, they need to face the attacks of the ground orcs, but at least they can fight back against the attacks of the orcs. Like a helicopter, it can only be beaten below.

However, the morale of the demons is not high right now. They were suddenly attacked and then ordered to break through. They went back to report the orders of the four holy demons. Any demons with a little brain can hear them, saying that they should try their best to break through. In fact, we are telling them clearly that we can take care of ourselves and we can't control you anymore.

Therefore, there is no unified command in the entire Demon Race. Except for the Four Holy Demon and some of their subordinates, the other Demon Races are running around by themselves. Can't distinguish.

The orc army was not polite. After meeting, they moved forward and rushed to the chaotic demons. This battle was completely different from their previous battles with the demons.

In the previous battle, although they had also activated their racial talents and were not afraid of the charm of the demons, the demons at that time also listed formations, and they fought back and forth.

But now, when the demons saw them, it was just one word: running, they didn’t have the courage to fight them, and the orc army formed a huge circle, they couldn’t find the space to rush out, so they just Can run back.

This scene made the four holy demons feel quite depressed. They wanted to break through the chaos, but now those demons didn't fight with the orcs at all, they all turned their heads and ran away, without contact with the orcs at all.

Under this circumstance, how did the four holy demons break through? As long as they fight with the orcs, they will definitely attract the attention of all the orc warriors around them. Once they are surrounded, even the four holy demons are not sure to survive.

But now they have no way to order again to make those demons return to fight with orc warriors, let alone whether those demons have the courage, in this chaotic situation, their orders can't be transmitted at all.

The orc army is not in a hurry. They marched side by side, constantly shrinking the encirclement. Although the demons have been retreating, they are in the inner circle. No matter how they retreat, there will always be times when they cannot retreat. It's time for the orc army to start killing.

"Go to the center!"

At this time, one of the four great holy demons said in a deep voice.

"Go to the center?"

The other three holy demons looked at this holy demons.

"Yes! Now our people are in chaos, we are all instinctively running towards the back, but the orcs have surrounded us all, and running in any direction is useless!"

The holy demon explained:

"We can't get ahead now, because the orcs have not noticed us yet. Once we take the initiative, they will definitely use a large part of their forces to stop us!"

"Didn't we plan to break through the siege by the chaos? It's no longer possible, so we can only follow them to the center and organize them to break through!"

"If all are surrounded, it's useless to break through!"

Hearing his words, a holy demon pointed to the orc army approaching outside:

"The smaller the encirclement, the more concentrated these orcs will be. If you want to break through, the sooner the better. Once they are really pushed to the center, none of us can escape!"

"I know!"

The first holy demon nodded and said:

"What I said about breaking through is just a cover, to let those idiots cover us out!"

Looking at the chaos around him, the demon race running around, the holy demon said angrily:

"Before we talked about letting them break through. If they were obedient and directly attacked the orcs, we would have gone out a long time ago, but these idiots were scared when they saw the orcs, and none of them dared to go up."

"So we can't go out now, we can only go to the center, and then order them to break through. Although at that time, our chances of taking advantage of the chaos are also reduced, but it is better than we are now?"

"He's right! I agree!"

A holy demon nodded and said.

"I also think it's okay, and... we will now go to the center, organize those guys, and let them start to break out. Then, we can also lead others to rush outward together, as long as we reach a certain scale, We have a chance to go out!"

"Yes! Go!"

This holy demon's words were unanimously approved by the other holy demon, so they all turned around and rushed towards the center of the encircling circle.

Varimathras certainly didn't know where these holy demons were, but they knew that among these demons, there were four holy demons, and they had been staring at them through the reconnaissance satellite.

It's just that after the missile fell, the sky was full of smoke, and of course there was no way to keep staring at them.

However, Varimathras and the others were not in a hurry. They still suppressed the demons inward. Anyway, today they plan to keep all the demons here, and the four holy demons will definitely not be able to escape.

Zhang Anji and the others are still circling high in the sky at this moment. They dare not lower their altitude for fear of being charmed by the demons. Anyway, the range of the airborne machine gun is sufficient, and they don't need to get too close to the ground.

The inner circle of the Demon Race was gradually suppressed and became smaller and smaller, and soon began to retreat irresistibly, and the orc army that surrounded them also began to grip the weapon in their hands, showing a hideous look at the Demon Race in front of them. Smile...

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