Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 865:  Escaped?

At this time, the number of demons surrounded by the orcs was only about 15,000. The other demons were all beheaded by the orcs in the process of being compressed, and the army of the orcs has not yet There were any casualties, because for them, what they had just now was not a fight at all, but a complete massacre—a slaughter on one side.

At this time, the orc’s racial talent, **** rage, still has more than half of the time, which is completely enough for them to slaughter the demons in front of them. Therefore, when approaching these demons, the orc warriors couldn’t bear it. There was a sense of massacre.

After all, the orcs are a militant race, and killing is the best stimulant for them. Right now, so many demons in front of them, of course, are enough for them to kill.

On one side are the remnants of the Demon Race who have lost their fighting spirit and the number is about 15,000. On the other side is the army of 50,000 Orcs who have high morale and eager to kill. No need to think about it. Everyone knows that the Demon Race is now gone.

But at this moment, the demon clan's center suddenly sounded a shout to kill, and then a group of demon clan rushed out desperately, and they continued to agitate other demon clan, let them follow their own charge!

"Charge! Go out desperately! Even if you die, you can't make these orcs relax!"

"Yes! They are the orcs, the orcs who like to slaughter the most, they will definitely not leave prisoners. Even if we don't fight back, we will be dead. Let's charge hard, maybe we will be lucky to be able to rush out!"

"Yes! Everyone, rushing in one direction, even if you die, you will have to pull a few ugly orcs back!!"

"Fight with them! Let's go together, break through in this direction, kill!"

"Although they have a large number of people, there are not as many people in a single direction as ours. Everyone will break through in one direction and they will definitely be able to break through their encirclement!"

"Yes! As long as you can rush out, these silly big guys can't catch up with us at all. Everyone rushes together. Are you going to sit and wait for death? They won't let us go!"


With the impact of these demons, other demons also moved, because these demons were right. Fighting with the orcs is definitely a battle of life and death. The orcs never need to leave prisoners.

They even use their enemies as food. Therefore, all the demons know in their hearts that no matter whether they resist or not, as long as the orc army rushes in front of them, then they are dead!

So, driven by these demons, the other demons also quickly gathered together, following them in one direction, preparing to break through.

The morale of the demons is very low, but now is desperate time. Once it is determined to break through, then there is no morale or morale. All demons know that either... rush out or... die. Here! There is no third way for them to choose.

Seeing this situation, the four sage demons finally breathed a sigh of relief. The demons who first started to attack were naturally found by them. Originally, they were the commanders of this demons army, and now the demons have fallen into Desperate, so their job is not difficult to do.

And now, these four great sacred demons and some A-level demons are hidden in the first half of the breakout team. Once they find the opportunity, they will leave other demons and escape from this place that makes them feel desperate. As for the others The demons, they can't control that much now.

To the impact of the demons, the orcs did not respond much. Anyway, it was just killing. You rushed forward. We can save a little trouble and don't have to go over.

Because the distance was not far away, after the demons launched the impact, they soon came into contact with the orcs army, facing the demons like a tide of charge, the orcs army was like a strong dam.

The demons rushing to the forefront, as they approached the orc army, they were beheaded by heavy weapons such as large axes and maces that had already been raised high. The orcs were in a raging state and lined up. It is not so easy for the demons to attack them.

However, as the previous demons said, although the orcs have an army of 50,000, which is far more remnants of the demons, they are surrounded by a large circle, and the demons are now all charging towards one point. Of course, the number of orc army in this direction cannot be compared with the demons.

Moreover, after the instigation of those demons, all demons have now decided to fight desperately. The death of the demons in front of them did not deter them at all, but made their impact even more violent.

Soon, a large number of demon corpses piled up on the orc's defense line, and the demon who later attacked began to rush into the army of the orc defense...

Because the weapons of the orcs are heavy and long weapons, they are destined to not have a tight formation, otherwise they will not even have room to wield weapons, and because of this feature, the demons finally have the opportunity to rush into their queue. in!

Of course, due to the shrinking of the encirclement, the team of the orcs has naturally thickened accordingly. It was originally just a row, but now it has become six rows before and after. In other words, if the demons want to break through the siege, they need to break through the beast The six lines of defense of the clan.

If it were to behead all the orcs on the line of defense, it would be more difficult to break through these six lines of defense, but now the demons are not going to fight, but to run for their lives, they don't want to kill the enemy at all.

The demons in front rushed up and were beheaded, and the demons behind rushed up, taking advantage of the time when the orc warriors had not raised their weapons, they had already passed him and rushed outside.

The breakthrough of the Demon Race is entirely using the corpse to pave the road, and this method is really more effective. At least, the Demon Race rushes to the fourth line of defense of the Orcs army with a very fast speed.

However, although the orcs' brains are slower, their consciousness is not so bad during the battle. After seeing this situation, the orcs in other directions rushed toward this side without saying a word, and then continued behind. The increase in defense.

Although this method is simple, it is quite effective. It is just suitable for the current situation. Every time the demons break through a line of defense, they need to pay a lot of corpses, while the orcs are now constantly increasing the lines of defense they need to break through.

If the line of defense is fixed, it would be meaningful for the Demon Race to consume a lot of life to break through. But now, the Orc Army is constantly strengthening the rear, making the defense line more and more, then the Demon Race’s advance has become It makes no sense.

Especially with the passage of time, more and more orc forces have gathered, and naturally more and more lines of defense. Behind the demon, the orc army is also constantly covering and killing, causing the demon’s casualties to expand rapidly. With.

It's just that, because the decision was made at the beginning, the demons are still charging forward, because they can no longer make any changes.

Not to mention that all the demons are burying their heads and rushing forward. There is no command at all. Even if someone commands, there is no way to give orders in this chaotic situation.

However, this chaos gave the four holy demons hope. Although the demons have suffered heavy casualties, they lost at least four to five thousand people in less than ten minutes after launching an impact, but the four great holy demons wanted Chaos has appeared.

Moreover, the current situation is better than they expected for the four great holy demons. Although many orcs have appeared in front of them to build a line of defense, among these orcs, they seem not to I didn't see any strong men, they were all ordinary soldiers.

What the four great holy demons are scrupulous about is the strong among the orcs, especially Varimathras. The combat power of that guy is quite terrifying. Although they are all S-level beings like them, they are even one-to-two. , These holy demons have no confidence.

If Varimathras is not in a violent state, maybe they still have some strength to fight, but in the current situation, being able to avoid Varimathras, that must be what these four holy demons want most.

And now, those orcs who are continuously increasing their defenses are obviously ordinary orc warriors. Although their combat effectiveness is equally objective, it is not that troublesome for the four holy demons.

However, seeing that the defense line behind is getting faster and faster, the four holy demons don't want to wait any longer. Now that the formation of the orcs has been disrupted, it is time for them to break through!

"Go! Let's go!"

With a sacred demon's yelling, the four great sacred demon led their subordinates to speed up suddenly, and even directly used the previous demons as stepping stones. Two of them even blocked the demon in front of them. The tribe caught them and threw them forward, and then rushed out while they were being killed by the orc warriors.

"Attention all, there are a few mice trying to escape!"

Zhang Anji has been looking down from above, and when he saw a team of more than a dozen demons trying to break through, and the speed is extremely fast, Zhang Anji immediately issued an order in the terminal, and then switched the channel. To the military channel:

"Tsutanigawa, have you seen that demon squad? It should be the big fish, think of a way to keep them!"

"En! I see, those orc warriors can't stop them, they must be strong in the demons."

Tsunegawa arrived immediately. Although he said that his attack had been completed, he had been staring at the battlefield through the reconnaissance satellites. The team led by the four holy demons had just started, and he had noticed.

"Okay! Then... we think of a way to get them together, and then you come and kill them?"

Zhang Anji asked.

"Okay! Be careful, don't get too close to the ground!"

Tsutoyagawa promised, then reminded.

"Don't worry! I have to go to the source world with the boss, but I won't lose my life here!"

Zhang Anji said with a smile.

But at this time, the Four Great Sage Demons and their men had already rushed out of the orc army at an extremely fast speed, and came outside the encirclement...

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