Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 866:   Separate or together?

There were only four demon races that followed the four holy demons to rush out of the encirclement, and the other demons who followed the four holy demons all died unexpectedly when they broke through.

Moreover, after breaking through the siege, the Four Great Sacred Demons did not feel that the sense of crisis in their hearts disappeared, but became stronger.

Because of the sense of crisis in their hearts, the four great holy demons couldn't help but look back and found that after they rushed out of the siege, the orcs actually ignored them, and were still strangling the demons who were following them and trying to rush out together. Family.

Previously, because the four great sacred demons acted as arrows, the assault of the demon race was quite effective. However, the four great sacred demons were not for the purpose of rushing out with those demons. They knew in their hearts that in this case, they If you want to bring those demons, maybe they themselves will stay here forever.

Therefore, the four great sacred demon's charge speed is very fast, directly throwing away those who follow them, and without the four great sacred demon as arrows, the impact of the demon behind is obviously insufficient.

Now, the entire assault team has once again been encircled, and the orc warriors are swinging their butcher knives at them, carrying out a massive killing.

"Are they going to care about us?"

Seeing that the orcs didn't care about them at all, a holy demon couldn't help asking:

"But why, there is always a bad feeling in my heart?"


A holy demon pointed to the sky and answered the question of the holy demon. In the high altitude, dozens of armed helicopters were gathering towards them.

"Attention everyone, set a goal, prepare to launch!"

In the helicopter in the air, Zhang Anji looked at the small beetle-like demons below, and gave orders.

In the previous round of attacks, all helicopters had launched their four airborne missiles, but each fighter still had eight spare missiles. At the time of the previous ceasefire, all the spare missiles had been loaded. All right!

Of course, because the launch position is limited, there are still four missiles loaded, and the effective damage range of this kind of missile is not very large. It is not a problem to deal with ordinary demons. I want to use them to kill land that has reached S level. The Great Sage Demon is probably a little difficult.

Think about the previous coverage attacks of surface-to-surface missiles, all of them escaped their lives. Now that they are replaced with less powerful airborne missiles, there is definitely no hope, even with the aid of an airborne machine gun.

However, Zhang Anji didn't think about relying on their **** angels to keep all these S-rank demons behind. All he had to do was to restrict these guys and drive them to the predetermined location.

As for the orcs, of course, they had been notified by Varimathras a long time ago, so they didn't look back to chase the four holy demons and let them escape their encirclement.

In fact, when the four great holy demons broke through, if the orc soldiers really wanted to keep them, it was not impossible. After all, so many orc fighters could hold them even if they were tactics in the crowd. When Varimathras and other orc powerhouses arrive, at least two or three of the four holy demons must remain.

However, in this case, the orcs would definitely suffer heavy casualties. Even if the S-level demons don't need racial talents, they are not easily resisted by those elite orc warriors.

Therefore, Zhang Anji quickly contacted Varimathras when he discovered that the Four Holy Demons were trying to break through, and asked him to tell the orc warriors under his command to release the Four Holy Demons and his subordinates.

This is also the main reason why the four great sacred demons can successfully break through. Otherwise, if the orcs desperately intercept, even if some of them can break through, they will definitely suffer heavy losses. Even the four great sacred demons will not be able to come out, let alone the ones who followed them. Four men now.

Seeing the four sacred demons rushing out of the siege, Zhang Anji did not take immediate action, but was looking at the coordinates he had reported to Chang Guchuan, which was the position that would be covered by missile fire in a short while.

This missile strike is more difficult than the previous ones, because the previous missile targets were set a long time ago, and the demons have a large number of troops, and the marching speed is easy to master. In addition, they have no defense at all. Easy to hit.

But now, one is that the four great holy demons and their subordinates are all powerful demons. Not only are their targets small and difficult to locate, their speed is not comparable to those of ordinary demons.

The marching speed of the 200,000 army is not comparable to the running speed of a few people, not to mention that the four great holy demons and their subordinates are at least A-level lives.

Therefore, how to smoothly solve these four sacred demons is something Zhang Anji needs to consider now. Although Chang Guchuan is also in this plan, what he can do is to set the coordinates according to Zhang Anji. Set the missile’s attack point and press the launch button.

As for how to make the four sacred demons run to the target area set by them, and calculate the time, that is what Zhang Anji has to do.

And the four sage demons below rushed out of the encirclement, and after seeing the helicopter formation in the sky, they all hesitated and looked at each other.

"Should we... separate?"

A holy demon said that it was the one who felt that the sense of crisis had not disappeared first, and asked the question. He looked at the helicopter in the sky and said:

"The firepower of this kind of aircraft is strong enough to pose a threat to us. If we are all together, the target is too concentrated! If they are more likely to be fired and dispersed, they may be able to escape one or two."


The other holy demon looked at the other holy demon and hesitated:

"I think it's okay. Disperse. Whoever can escape depends on his luck!"

"No! We can't disperse!"

A holy demon said decisively:

"If we disperse, it will indeed disperse the firepower of these aircraft, but it will also make it easier for us to be destroyed one by one!"

He looked at the other holy demons, pointed to the helicopter in the sky and said:

"Have you ever thought about it. If we are dispersed, they are likely to chase one by one with all the aircraft, and none of us can resist the fire of so many aircraft, and they will definitely kill them!"

"Then other people can take the opportunity to escape?"

The holy demon who spoke first quickly said:

"Anyway, everyone depends on their luck. Whoever they chase, then they can only be counted as someone who points back!"

"Huh! Luck?"

The retorting holy demon snorted coldly:

"Your so-called luck is nothing more than the difference between early death and late death!"

"What do you mean?"

Another holy demon frowned and asked, and the other two holy demon also looked at the previous holy demon with a look of confusion.

The holy demon looked up at the helicopter in the sky, then looked at the orc soldier who ignored them, still slaughtering his own people, and snorted coldly:

"How far are we from the base now? How long will it take to go back if we run at our speed and with all our strength? Do you think it takes so long to kill one of us in terms of the firepower of those aircraft?"

"Once we are dispersed, they can set fire to one or two of us first. After killing us, they still have time to chase the other escaped. Our speed is comparable to those flying in the sky. Something? They will overtake us before we escape back to the base. At that time, I am afraid that none of us will survive!"

"What do you mean?"

Asked the holy demon who proposed to disperse.

"We just gather together, a little distance between each other!"

This holy magic way:

"I have observed these aircraft. They have two weapons. One is more powerful, but cannot be launched continuously, and the other is less powerful, but can be launched continuously!"

"The powerful weapons have a long range. With their current heights, they can be used to attack us. So now, we will return to the base together. As long as we avoid their powerful weapons, there is basically no problem. ."

"We can't stand the low power! The firing frequency of that kind of weapon is very fast!"

A holy magic way.

"I know!"

The holy demon nodded:

"But this kind of weapon has a shorter range. With their current height, using that kind of weapon should not cause too much damage to us, so if they want to kill us, they must land!"

"and then?"

A holy demon asked.

"Then we can fight back!"

The holy demon sneered:

"They can't reach their current altitude even if it is our air relay, but they only need to drop another two hundred meters, and we will be able to counterattack them!"

"If you drop another two hundred meters, that's six to seven hundred meters. Who can jump that high?"

A holy demon raised his head to forget it, and couldn't help asking.

"I said! The air relay, anyway, I have a way. Now we are still under their surveillance. Let's go first, and I will say as we walk!"

The holy demon waved his hand, and then left immediately.

"Then... together?"

The remaining three holy demons looked at each other, and one of them couldn't help asking.

"Let's go together! Have a companion in death!"

The other holy demon sighed, and then followed, and the other two holy demon no longer hesitated after hearing this, and chased them together!

Seeing these sacred demons preparing to leave, Zhang Anji finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was still wondering before, why these demons didn't rush for their lives after breaking through the encirclement, but instead gathered to chat together?

Now that they started to act and looked at the direction, if they didn't change, they would just pass the coordinates they reported to Chang Guchuan, so they immediately let the angels of **** follow, but they didn't launch an attack.

The coordinates of the missile have been set, and now Zhang Anji’s task is to drive these demons to that coordinate point. Now that they are running wherever they are, of course, Zhang Anji doesn’t have to bother, just calculate theirs. Speed ​​is enough...

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