Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 867:  Xiaohu returns

Seeing the demons below continue to move towards the coordinates, Zhang Anji couldn't help feeling a little nervous. He carefully calculated the speed and distance, ready to give Chang Guchuan the launch command at any time.

The four sacred demons below are also a bit strange, because they are constantly running towards their base, but the helicopter formation above has no response, and there is no intention to attack them at all, just hovering above them, it looks like Some actually meant to **** them.

And the orc army behind them was still slaughtering the demons surrounded by them, without any intention of turning around to pursue them.

"Not quite right!"

A holy demon frowned and said as he ran:

"They have no reason to let us go like this, there must be some conspiracy!"

"En! That's right!"

Another holy magic way:

"The dangerous premonition in my heart has not disappeared, and it is getting stronger and stronger, coming from behind us!"


A holy demon was stunned:

"Why do I feel... the danger is ahead?"

The words of these two holy demons made the other two holy demons look dignified. In fact, their perception of danger is also one in the front and the other in the back.

If there is danger behind, it makes sense, after all, the orc army is behind, but in front...

They looked in front of them, the vast plains were endless, and there was no object that could block the line of sight at all. If they had to say there were, they were just a few trees growing in the wilderness!

The branches of these trees are very sparse, and there is only one tree far away, and they are not very strong. To say that there are strong men who can kill them ambush behind these trees, even the four great holy demons themselves do not believe it!

"No! I can't go anymore, I feel just ahead!"

At this time, a holy demon couldn't help but stop, it was the one who felt the danger ahead!

Seeing him stop, another holy demon who also felt something was wrong in front also stopped and looked at the other two holy demon.

The other two holy demons both sensed that there was a crisis behind them, and originally wanted to continue running, but after all, everyone agreed to go together. Now that two of their companions stopped, they also had to stop.

Moreover, they knew in their hearts that in this situation, the two holy demons would not lie, and since they said there was a danger ahead, it was definitely not groundless.

Although they can clearly see that there should be no ambush ahead, let's not talk about returning from here to the base. They are going to pass a mountain range. Just saying that this wasteland with a good view may not be really that safe.

The place where they were ambushed before was also the same terrain as here, the result? With missiles, helicopters, and the orc army that suddenly appeared, who can guarantee that if they continue to move forward, they will not encounter the previous ambush?

"According to the predetermined coordinates, launch!!"

Seeing the four sacred demons stop, Zhang Anji did not hesitate at all, and immediately issued the order, and at the same time pressed the button for launching the missile.

"No! Go away!"

The four great holy demons who just stopped, had not had time to discuss what to do. One holy demon's complexion changed drastically, and his figure rushed forward. The other demons, including the other three holy demons and their entourage, looked up. Also rushed forward.

In the air, countless missiles are shrouding them at extremely fast speeds. If they stay in place, they will undoubtedly be submerged by these missiles.

Because the first holy demon that acted was running forward, other people couldn’t help but follow. They didn’t notice that the parts of the missiles were actually U-shaped. If they wanted to evade, the only way. Just rush forward.

With the threat of missiles, the four holy demons had no time to consider the others. Amidst the constant explosions, they rushed forward desperately, while Zhang Anji in the air opened the terminal and uttered two words into it:


When Chang Guchuan, who was in the capital of hell, heard these two words, the hand that had been placed on the launch button suddenly pressed hard, and a hundred missiles immediately rose into the air, carrying a long fire snake straight into the sky...

The demons on the ground rushed all the way, and behind them were constantly exploding missiles. The scene seemed to be even hotter than the blockbuster war. After they ran for a certain distance, the four great sage demons suddenly changed their faces and looked up into the air together. .

In the sky, countless scorching fireballs are coming, and then, before they can react at all, they all crash into the earth. Amidst the huge roar, the earth trembles violently...

"Boss! The mission is complete! Two hundred thousand demons are wiped out! What to do next?"

Li Yichen, who was in the blood base, suddenly shook the terminal, and after connecting, Zhang Anji's voice came from inside.

"Two hundred thousand?"

Li Yichen was taken aback for a moment, but he did not expect that the Demon Race had dispatched so many reinforcements, because the matter of the Demon Race reinforcements was handed over to Chang Guchuan and the others, Li Yichen did not bother.

After all, the growth of the capital of **** cannot rely on him alone, other people also need to grow, especially in the future to enter the source world, he needs more talents who can be alone, so from now on, Li Yichen has decided to start to exercise regular Tanikawa waited.

"That's right! Two hundred thousand demons, at least four of them are very powerful guys, they should be the kind of S-level powerhouse you said the boss!"

Zhang Anji replied immediately.

"Four S grades? They are all destroyed too?"

Li Yichen was a little surprised, an S-rank powerhouse, and not the kind of quick-start of the Zerg, it is not so easy to kill.

"Hey! Kill it!"

Zhang Anji's tone was a little excited:

"They escaped the siege of the orc army. The previous two strikes did not hurt them, but we cooperated and killed them all. Two of them were killed directly by the missile, and the other two were seriously injured. After escaping, Lao Wa led his men to death!"

"Not bad! Then go back first, Lao Wa and the others should be entering a period of weakness, don't hang around outside, wait until they recover!"

Li Yichen said to the terminal.

"Okay! Let Lao Wa and the others go back, let's go to the Demon Race to explore the wind!"

Zhang Anji replied. Obviously, destroying the demons army greatly boosted this guy's confidence.


Li Yichen did not dissuade him either, and softly agreed, which was considered as an agreement.

The exchange between Zhang Anji and Li Yichen was on the military channel. Therefore, Xiao Mao and the soldiers who were attacking the blood base, of course, also heard this.

After the two ended the conversation, Xiao Mao suddenly said:

"Brother Yi! Go out! Leave the blood to us!"

"Okay! I'll leave it to you!"

Li Yichen was taken aback, then took a breath and agreed to Xiao Mao's request:

"However, the king of the blood clan is very strong, are you sure you don't need my help to contain it? Kill the strong of the demon clan, but there are Lao Wa!"

"No! We can do it!"

Xiao Mao said categorically.

"Okay! Leave it to you, I'll go back first!"

Li Yichen didn't say much when he heard the words, and he really left the blood base with a spatial transformation!

"Brothers, did you hear that? When we attacked here, the Hell Angels and Orc Legions had already killed the 200,000 demons, including the blood powers who led the army!"

Xiao Mao's voice sounded in the military channel again:

"The army of the orcs is only 50,000, but how many people do we have here? What they can do, can we not do it? Listen up, today we and the blood race will eventually have only one side left, or our entire army will be wiped out. Either the blood race will get out of our world and the whole army will assault!"


No one questioned Xiao Mao's order, and Li Yichen, who heard his words, only sighed slightly, then exchanged for a helicopter and flew toward the space channel used to ambush the demons.

Now that the ambush is over, he wants to close the space channel. Although speaking of returning to the capital of hell, the space channel can also be closed there, but there are the corpses of the demons at the ambush point, which cannot be wasted.

As for the blood family, now that Xiao Mao has decided, let it go to them. Although the casualties are definitely not small, especially the strong blood family, it will cause the warriors of the **** capital to suffer heavy casualties, but it will also allow them to grow quickly. .

That’s also good. After entering the Source Realm, the enemies they have to face are definitely stronger than those of the six trial races. Therefore, their future battles will only be more cruel. Let them experience it in advance. That's a good thing.

Especially when Li Yichen chooses the person who enters the Source Realm, it is for them to choose, so simply let them experience the cruel battle first, and it will be easier to make a choice in the future.

Although the fighters in the capital of **** should have all the strengths, they have not really experienced the baptism of death. Such fighters, when they have the upper hand, of course have no problems, but once they encounter adversity, it is not good. Up.

Speaking of it, what the **** capital can really get now, maybe that is the shadow of death, and the early members of the blade of redemption, those guys, but have experienced the battle of Lucheng.

The fighters who can survive that battle and grow up must be fearless, and only such fighters can maintain the strongest combat effectiveness under any circumstances.

When they arrived at the ambush point, all the orc warriors had returned through the space channel. In the ambush point, only piles of corpses were left. All these corpses belonged to the demons, although the orcs should have suffered casualties. But the orc army will not leave the corpses of their own people.

Recovering all the corpses, Li Yichen came to the space channel and stretched out his hand to close it. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the terminal:

"Brother Yi, I am Xiaohu, are you there?"

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