Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 874:  Rocket Strike

However, the battle between the two parties, no matter who wins or loses, is related to Li Yichen Meisha. What he wants to see is the strength of the two parties, so he still sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.

And the lizardmen army obviously did not sense the strength of the protists in the stockade. From this point of view, they should have not really fought against the protists in this world.

In other words, the lizard people have just discovered this heaven, but Li Yichen still doesn't know where these lizard people come from, whether they are a race with the heaven, or a wandering race in the source world.

"It seems that we have to let Xiaohu follow them to see if they can find these lizardmen's nests!"

Li Yichen thought to himself that now he is in the heaven, and Xiaohu is in the source world, so the personal terminal cannot contact him, but this is not anxious, first watch this battle, and then dive into this heaven, at least After seeing the sea of ​​heaven, it is not too late to go out. Anyway, it will not be that simple to conquer the universe.

Moreover, regardless of whether the lizardman race has a celestial domain, it is not much different for Li Yichen, but the strategy needs to be changed.

If the lizard people belong to the kind of wandering race that does not have their own horizon, then after they discover the horizon and occupy a certain area in the horizon, they will definitely move all the people in.

The reason is very simple. It is very difficult to discover the heaven. Now the lizard people have found a heaven. Of course, they don’t want other races to discover this heaven. So as long as they think they have the strength to those heavens, they will definitely Transfer all the tribesmen in.

In this case, as long as they block the entrance of the heaven, they can safely surrender the other creatures in the heaven and slowly occupy the entire heaven.

And if the lizardman race already owns the horizon, it’s just a little troublesome, because regardless of the lizardman’s own strength, as long as the horizon is possessed, then at least a relatively safe living environment is available in this environment. Next, reproduction of offspring is naturally not a problem.

In other words, if you have a celestial domain, the population of the lizard people will certainly not be small, and it is probably not an easy task to destroy them.

That's right, it's extinction. Li Yichen has decided in his heart now that he wants to exterminate the lizard people as much as possible. The reason is simple, because these lizard people already know the existence of this heaven.

Li Yichen is determined to take down this universe now. If it resembles the Terran Territory, because it has been in business for a long time, it must be quite difficult to defeat it.

And this unoccupied initial universe is naturally the best goal. It can be said that Xiaohu can find such a universe, it can be said that it is the luck of the **** capital, of course Li Yichen will not let it go.

Since I intend to occupy this heaven, it is naturally better to know that it exists as few as possible, so of course the lizardman race should be destroyed as much as possible.

Of course the Lizard people didn't know that the heaven they were about to attack had already been "predetermined" by the human race Li Yichen, and what they had to do at this time was to destroy the stockade in front of them.

Lizardmen are also intelligent races. Of course, you can see that this stockade is the site of the native creatures in this universe. Li Yichen was right. It didn't take long for the lizardmen to discover this universe. When Xiaohu discovered this place, they too. But just mobilized some troops.

Because the heaven is quite scarce, these lizardmen do not want to be seen by other races, so when mobilizing troops, they are quite hidden. This will reduce the signs of other races finding their transfer, and the relative, of course, will also delay Slow them down.

After entering the sky, the lizard people continued to gather their forces while exploring the sky. However, they had discovered some animals in this sky before, and they had not seen intelligent creatures.

This is the first time they have discovered native intelligent creatures, so of course they will be more cautious, and they can't let these native creatures escape and spread the news that they have invaded.

Because the stockade is not big, it didn’t take long for the lizardmen to set up their own encirclement. Seeing that the encirclement was completed, the lizardmen no longer hesitate. A burly lizardman suddenly stood up and waved his sword. A wild roar in the direction of the village:


Following his order, all the lizardmen leaped up, roaring wildly at the stockade...

Li Yichen was still lying halfway on the tree, looking very leisurely, but his eyes were looking at the stockade seriously, but there seemed to be no reaction in the stockade, and the life fluctuations Li Yichen sensed did not change.

"These guys... really calm down!"

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned. Now the lizardmen army is about to approach the fence of the stockade. Although the fences are only wooden and don't look very strong, anyway, what the fences enclose The regions all represent the territories of those protists.

As for the lizardmen’s assault, it was obvious that they were going to invade, and they had to enter the area of ​​the original creatures, they didn’t make any moves?

In the current situation, it was as if there were no creatures in this stockade, but Li Yichen felt very clearly that there were definitely more than two hundred creatures inside.

"Smith Masek!"

At this moment, the lizardmen army had already arrived at the fence, but the one-meter-high fence obviously didn’t play any role in front of them. The lizardmen rushing in the front stepped directly across the fence. He entered the stockade, but just as his feet fell into the fence, he let out a scream, and then he plunged directly on the ground...

This lizard man’s scream was just the beginning. After him, a series of calls sounded. All the first lizard people who entered the stockade rolled to the ground, their bodies continued to tumble, and their mouths screamed.

The lizardmen behind them all stopped when they saw this situation. Some lizardmen tried to cross the fence to pull those tribesmen who were rolling on the ground, but as soon as their feet crossed the fence, they followed the tribesmen before. The same, can not afford to fall directly to the ground.


Li Yichen sat up, his eyes flickered, and under his eagle-eyed inspection, he soon discovered the clues.

On the ground inside the fence, there is an unknown plant. These plants are quite low, only about four to five centimeters high, and belong to vines. They are connected to the ground.

And on the vines of these plants, there are quite a lot of sharp spines. Those lizardmen stepped into the stockade, stepped on the plants, and the sharp spines penetrated their bodies.

Obviously, it was these vine plants that caused these lizardmen to fall to the ground, and, because they fell on the ground, the bodies of those lizardmen were inevitably pierced by sharp thorns, causing greater pain.

"Wa Daxiwa is a dog leg!"

Seeing the frustration of the attacking troops, the leading lizard people suddenly shouted. Following his shout, the lizard people who had rushed to the edge of the fence stepped back. As for the tribesmen inside, no one was in charge for the time being.

In fact, when the guys who wanted to rescue the lizardmen fell to the ground like the lizardmen in front, there were no lizardmen trying to enter for the rescue. It was okay to save people, but it wouldn’t be a big deal to catch them all. It's a bargain.

When the lizardfolk who had not entered the stockade withdrew, the lizardfolk who fell on the ground had slowly lowered their screams, because most of them could no longer move.

Li Yichen sensed, and found that the life fluctuations on their bodies had disappeared. He was also a little surprised. He couldn't think that the humble vine plants were so toxic. Those lizard warriors were also C-level or above beings. It took just two minutes. Was poisoned?

However, this was not the only thing that surprised Li Yichen. Soon, the bodies of the dead lizardmen changed. Their bodies first turned black, and then they began to melt and turn into black liquid, which was then absorbed by the vines. .

Within five minutes, all the lizardmen who entered the stockade disappeared. Their bodies were turned into black water and were swallowed by vines. There were no bones left. Only those lizardmen were left on the plants. Weapons and equipment.

The strongest lizardmen circled the stockade, and then issued a series of orders. All the lizardmen took off the longbows behind them, and then drew arrows from the quiver, and then put a kind of ping-pong The ball-sized sticky substance got onto the arrow, then pulled the bow full and aimed it at the buildings in the village.


Following the order of the lead lizard man, countless arrows shot across the sky and the buildings in the stockade, and after leaving the string, the arrows of those arrows actually glowed and then began to burn.

It seems that those sticky substances should be flammable, and the lizard people's plan is naturally to set the buildings on fire and force the creatures inside to come out.

Li Yichen nodded secretly. This was a good idea. The existence of those vines was obviously detrimental to the lizard people. If you want to invade the village, you must clear them.

It is said that if these rockets are shot at those plants and fences, they should also be able to work, but since they are to be burned, it is of course better to directly burn the buildings where the native organisms hide!

As long as they leave the building, these lizardmen who are good at long-range attacks will have room to play. Their spears, bows and arrows are all long-range weapons, and even when necessary, Li Yichen feels that they will throw out the axe at the waist. !

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Amid a series of dense sounds, all the rockets were nailed to the buildings in the stockade, suddenly turning the entire stockade into a sea of ​​fire...

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