
Seeing the stockade plunged into a sea of ​​flames, all the lizardmen cheered loudly, seeming to celebrate the victory in advance, but Li Yichen was not as optimistic as they were. In his perception, all the creatures in the stockade had gone underground, although all the houses had been ignited. , But for those protists, at least there is no threat yet.

Although those flames did not look like ordinary flames, Li Yichen always felt that it should not be so easy to burn these protozoa to death by fire.

Sure enough, after entering the ground, the protists soon separated. Those C-class lifeforms were all gathered together, and there were three B-class creatures, while the other protists walked directly underground and quickly circumvented the lizards. There is a tunnel in the back of the people-the stockade.

The lizardmen seem to be unable to feel the fluctuations in life, and have no response to the original life passing from below to behind. Their attention is all in the village, and although they are cheering, the long bow or spear in their hands is all Facing the stockade, he obviously wanted to wait for the original creatures to be unable to stand it and give them a fatal blow when they were about to break through.

"Swish swish!"

Just as the lizardmen were staring at the inside of the stockade, a sharp blade piercing the air suddenly sounded behind them, and the unsuspecting lizardmen suddenly fell. The remaining lizardmen quickly turned their heads, only to find a group of extremely small heads. The humanoid creature has rushed towards them.

At this time, Li Yichen finally saw the shape of the protists in this heaven. They were also humanoids, but they were quite short, only sixty to seventy centimeters in height, without any hair all over their bodies, and the proportions were similar to monkeys.

Moreover, these primitive creatures act like monkeys, their movements are extremely agile, and the weapon in their hands is a small dagger and a round stick about twenty centimeters long!

However, Li Yichen immediately understood what those round sticks were used for, because the little people running behind put the round sticks on their mouths from time to time during the running, and then blow hard, the round sticks will be A ray of light flew out, hitting the lizardman-it was a blow arrow! !

Because the lizard people surround the entire stockade, they are relatively scattered, while the original life is all concentrated together. Therefore, although the number of lizard people is three or four times more than the original life, the people who are still killed turn their backs.

It can be seen that the lizardmen are better at long-range attacks. This can be seen from the command of the lizardmen leader just now that all the lizardmen ignited all the buildings in the stockade in one round of fire.

But the problem is that the protists go around to attack behind and get close directly. Although there are also long-range attacks, the range of blowing arrows is only about ten meters. This distance is basically non-existent for life above C level. .

Especially the individuals of the Primordial Life are very small, which further reduces the long-range hit rate, not to mention, these little people do not give the lizard people the opportunity to attack from a distance.

Although the lizardmen supported from other directions can use long-range attacks, the problem is that those villains have already been fighting with the lizardmen. At this time, using the long-range attacks, it is not sure who injured them.

Therefore, the lizardmen who came to support had to give up their bows and arrows and ran up to attack the villain with spears and hatchets.

The actions of the villains are very flexible, and their weapons are poisoned. No matter where the lizard people are injured, they will scream as soon as they see blood. Then their whole body becomes black, and their body quickly melts, following the lizards who entered the village. The same as people, and the time to melt faster!

The melee only lasted less than ten minutes. Thousands of lizardmen were wiped out, and the casualties of the native villains were less than double digits. This record made Li Yichen frowned.

In the previous battle, he saw clearly that the characteristics of the original villain are fast, agile, and good at using poison. Fighting with them is basically death if they are injured!

"System, how is it? Has it been analyzed?"

Because all the dead lizardmen were turned into thick water, after the battle, there was no need to clean the battlefield. The villains immediately began to evacuate, looking at the original villains, Li Yichen asked in his heart.

Before the original villain was fighting with the lizardman, Li Yichen used the teleportation to move to the other side of the stockade, carefully collected some spiky plants on the ground, and recovered them into the system for analysis.

Looking at the reaction of the dead lizardmen, the poison on the weapons of those villains should have come from the spiked plants on the ground. Li Yichen wanted to see the ingredients of this poison, and also to see if the target could be extracted in the mall. Sexual detoxification injection!

"The toxicity is average, but the effect is fast!"

The system has analyzed the toxicity of that kind of spiked plant:

"It's okay to eliminate this toxicity, but the fusion material is not enough, probably only less than a hundred antidote injections can be made!"

"A hundred?"

Li Yichen shook his head secretly in his heart. He intends to occupy this plane. How could it be possible that only a hundred antidote injections would be enough?

"Try it first!"

Looking at the native villain who was about to withdraw into the fence, Li Yichen took off Tianya, facing them was a thunder light purgatory.

What Li Yichen didn’t expect was that the original villains reacted very quickly. As soon as his Thunder Light Purgatory was launched, the original villains scattered and fled. Among them, 20 or 30 original villains rushed towards Li Yichen. And shot a blow arrow at him.

However, the scope of Thunder Light Purgatory was too large to cover even the stockade. No matter how fast the original villain was, there were many who didn't have time to escape.

The native villains are fast and flexible, but their defenses are quite poor. Although they try to avoid attacks when they arrive in Thunder Light Purgatory, they can dodge those arrows, in the rain of arrows. The incidental arc is something they can't avoid at all.

"Ziss ZZZZZZ~~"

Among the countless electric noises, the primitive villains who did not escape from the thunder light purgatory were suddenly shrouded in blue light, and their whole body suddenly stiffened, followed by violent tremors, and fell one by one. Most of the primitive villains were entangled by the arc, making it impossible Dodge, was shot into a hedgehog by a rain of arrows!

And Li Yichen himself, when the villains used blow arrows to attack, jumped directly off the tree, avoided these attacks, and then rushed towards the original villains.

In fact, if he uses teleport, he can appear directly behind the original villains, and if he launches an attack there, of course it will be even more sudden. However, the thunder light purgatory before Li Yichen has caused heavy losses to the villains, at least half of the villains fell. Within the range of Thunder Light Purgatory.

Now that there are dozens of villains, Li Yichen intends to try their strength, anyway, their most terrifying means of attack is nothing more than poison. Li Yichen, who has created a targeted antidote injection, has no scruples.

The battle went smoothly. The little people didn’t have any other means, just relying on their own agility and the poison on their weapons. Apart from this, they had no other means of attack. Even the A-level native villains had not used any. Power!

This situation reminded Li Yichen of the time when he was in the human universe. It seemed that this was the case. It seemed that the creatures in the source world had few awakening abilities.

Think about the capital of hell. Almost all official warriors have their own abilities. The space system or other rare ones may be less, but abilities such as rush or defensive abilities have long been rotten in the **** capital.

"Maybe...this is our advantage?"

Looking at the corpses of the villains around, Li Yichen secretly said in his heart that there is no power, plus the poison is not effective to Li Yichen, killing these villains, it only took Li Yichen a few minutes.

And after these villains were completely annihilated, the villains in the stockade all started to act. They were still acting underground, but the direction was not towards Li Yichen, but towards the direction opposite to him. He should be ready to escape.

It seems that those villains should have a way to observe the outside. Seeing that all their soldiers were wiped out by Li Yichen, of course they knew that Li Yichen was not what they could resist, so they began to sneak away.

Although Li Yichen sensed that they were leaving, he did not intend to intercept them. In terms of strength, among the villains who fled, apart from the three B-level fighters, the others are likely to be among these primitive villains. Young and old.

Of course, it was not because they were all young and old, so Li Yichen didn't do anything. He let these people go, intending to speed up the process of regaining this universe.

Looking at the movements of the lizardmen, they obviously want to explore little by little and conquer this universe. In this case, it may take a long time before they can have a large-scale battle with the original villains.

And now, Li Yichen let them see that he could kill so many fighters on his own. This strength should be enough to attract the attention of these villains.

Especially in the Thunder Light Purgatory before, Li Yichen can make a huge momentum, and after these villains spread the matter here, it is sure to attract more primitive villains out.

Of course, Li Yichen won't get out easily. In the previous battle, let the lizardmen come and fight the little people. When the two sides are almost fighting, Li Yichen will bring Xiaohu and Li Qingfeng to the end.

"It's estimated... those big lizards will also increase their troops soon?"

After the native villain left, Li Yichen looked in the opposite direction to them and muttered to himself. During the previous battle, Li Yichen saw two lizardmen lagging far behind the team. When he found them When the people of the tribe were slaughtered, instead of coming to help, they left quietly...

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