Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 876:  Draw a map

Of course, Li Yichen understood that these two lizardmen were going back to report the letter, so they ignored them. For these lizardmen, the protists were strong enough. Presumably, after receiving the news, when the lizardmen came again, there should be a lot of people. !

And Li Yichen just wiped out all the fighters who had just attacked in this stockade. Of course, the native creatures would increase the danger of the intruders. Therefore, Li Yichen felt that when they met again, the scale of the battle should be Improve a lot.

This is the result Li Yichen wants. In the war between the two parties, no matter which side wins, it is good for Li Yichen.

Feeling that the original villain had gone, Li Yichen hurriedly followed. According to his speculation, this stockade should be just a small gathering place among the original villains, and it is impossible to have such a small number of original creatures in the entire universe.

Now that this gathering place is wiped out, the remaining native villains will definitely have to find their own tribesmen. Following them, they will naturally be able to see more native villains.

Along the way, while tracking, Li Yichen cut off some unknown plants on the road to recycle them into the system for analysis.

To Li Yichen's expectation, these plants are actually quite in stock. Not only do they contain a lot of life energy, but they are also rich in many other elements. This makes Li Yichen look forward to this plane even more.

Feeling the life fluctuations of the original villain far away, Li Yichen has been following along. It seems that these villains did not expect someone to follow them behind, and walked straight to the outside of a city.

The city is not in the jungle, but on a plain. The scale is not bad, with a radius of about 30 kilometers, which is huge for the size of the original villain.

After the native villain left the jungle and ran towards the city, Li Yichen did not continue to follow him. He hid in a big tree and carefully observed the city.

The city's walls are very high, six or seven meters long. Such a high city wall is almost sufficient even for the defense of a human city, not to mention a native villain who is only sixty or seventy centimeters tall.

However, Li Yichen also knew that these city walls, these primitive villains, were not built to defend against his own kind, but various beasts.

In this universe, there are not only the primitive creatures of the primitive villains, but there are many wild beasts. On the way just now, they encountered a few, and these primitive villains also killed two and carried the corpses. take away.

When hunting these beasts, it was not the three B-level native villains that shot, but the others who Li Yichen understood as old, weak and sick. Moreover, although the weapons they used were still blowing arrows and daggers, they were obviously There is no poison on these weapons.

The old stockade also had a large area of ​​the same plants, which is probably the "farmland" of these villains. From this point of view, the native races in these heavens are actually not much different from humans, and their food sources depend on them. Planting and hunting!

When entering the city, the villains talked to the villains who looked like guards at the gate for a long time. Finally, they left all the beasts they hunted in the jungle at the gate before entering the city.

After following this, Li Yichen couldn't keep up. If he was in a human city, he could still dress up. After all, the mall could directly make camouflage clothes according to Li Yichen's requirements.

But here, the level of body shape alone cannot pass. It may be almost the same as Xiaohu's shadow of death, and the language is also a big problem.

(Zombies: Watch more action movies, the language of these villains is not a problem!)

In fact, if you use space refraction, you can enter the city without any major problems, but Li Yichen thinks it is unnecessary, and he does not understand the words of these villains. Entering is just to see the size of the city and the number of people inside. You can see it outside!

Moreover, what Li Yichen is thinking now is how to find the heart of this universe!

If you want to truly occupy the heaven, the only way is to get the heart of the heaven. Only in this way, the race that occupy the heaven will be strengthened in the heaven, and only if the heart of the heaven is obtained can it be regarded as true. Got this heaven.

Looking at the situation of these villains, it is obvious that they did not get the heart of the sky, in fact, this is normal. They are all indigenous creatures in the sky, and they have not been in contact with the outside world at all, so naturally they do not know the existence of the heart of the sky. , They don't even know that the world they are in is called Tianyu.

Next, the native villain should be at war with the lizardmen. Taking advantage of this time, Li Yichen felt that he should go to find the heart of the heaven. If he is lucky to find it, not only will he get this heaven, but also the people in this heaven. During the battle, he and the fighters of the Hell Capital will get a lot of gains.

Looking at the city in front of him, Li Yichen observed for a while, then slowly backed away, and then used his space power to arrive at a position five or six kilometers away from the city. Only then did he exchange for a helicopter and climb towards the sky.

After feeling that the height was about the same, Li Yichen flew the helicopter over the city of the original villain. At this time, the city was only the size of a plate, but Li Yichen could still see that the villains in the city were gathering.

"It should be fine!"

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen nodded. Since the little people started to gather forces, they must be going to stop the Lizardmen. In addition, Li Yichen also saw that some little people were riding out of the city on an unknown beast. Ran in all directions.

It seems that the native villains should have quite a few cities, but Li Yichen just looked at them and ignored them, driving the helicopter in one direction and then flying.

He needs to find the sea of ​​heaven first to see if this heaven also has that kind of fog. For Li Yichen, the fog is the most important thing. As long as he stays in the fog, he will have a steady stream of gains, compared to him. The rewards of continuous battles are even greater.

As long as this heaven has the same endless fog as the human race, and it will not take long to occupy this heaven, Li Yichen will be able to make the strength of the fighters of the **** capital advance by leaps and bounds.

Perhaps it is because the heart of the heaven has not been acquired yet, so the scope of this heaven is not large. After Li Yichen flew for about four hours, he saw the sea of ​​heaven and the fog he wanted.

At this time, Li Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He continued to drive the helicopter, flew into the sea, came to the side of the fog, and stopped at a position about 100 meters away from the fog.

Hovering the helicopter, Li Yichen jumped directly into the sea, and then located a spatial coordinate point, which is completely unaffected by the fog. If he finds something wrong after reaching the fog, he can build a space channel and return here as before!

This time, Li Yichen didn't plan to recycle the fog frantically, but wanted to see if the fog was the same as that of the human race.

After confirming this, he will go to find the heart of the heaven. As for recovering the mist, as long as he can occupy this heaven, he has a lot of time to come here.

Coming to the side of the mist, the familiar suction power came again, Li Yichen stretched out his hand and tried it, and the moment he encountered the mist again, he was sucked into the mist by a huge suction force.

This time, Li Yichen was not in a hurry, but let the system recover some fog and analyze whether it was the same as the fog on the human side.

"Host! It's exactly the same!"

The systematic answer did not disappoint Li Yichen. Until then, Li Yichen really put his heart in his stomach. Next, his task was to find the heart of the universe, and then completely occupy this universe! !

However, Li Yichen didn’t know where the Heart of Heaven was. The last time he was in the Heaven of Human Race, that Xiaoyong was just a small soldier. He only knew the outline and details of the Heart of Heaven, not to mention the Heart of Heaven. Where, he didn't even know how big the heart of Tianyu was and how to collect it.

Because he had no clue, Li Yichen had to drive the helicopter along the sky and sea. He also knew that the heart of the sky is unlikely to be on the sky or the mist, but now he just wants to record the map of this sky. Come down.

Looking for the heart of the universe, you definitely can't search aimlessly. Li Yichen intends to use the system's recording function to draw a map of the universe first, and then take the map to study it. It should be easier.

Especially now that there should be a war in Tianyu right away, so Li Yichen can't run around. Although he is not afraid of the lizard people or the original villains, but because of his own appearance, the war between the two sides will change. Not great.

And to record the map of the sky, Li Yichen does not need to go to the ground, what he can see, the system can automatically record and restore, so he only needs to drive the helicopter and follow the current route to go to the center of the sky in circles. Able to draw a map of the entire universe.

In fact, you need to use maps. The more convenient way is to use reconnaissance satellites. As long as you launch some reconnaissance satellites out, according to the regional distribution, Li Yichen will soon be able to get a complete map of the sky, but the cost of reconnaissance satellites is relatively large, just for the map. It’s a bit too wasteful.

Although Li Yichen has a lot of resources now, he still has to save as much as possible before he can completely occupy this heaven and stabilize it.

Now it seems that the villain and the lizardman are not very powerful, but each race should have its own hole cards. Before seeing their hole cards, Li Yichen did not dare to care.

Li Yichen kept flying along the sky and sea in this way, and soon, before his eyes, another relatively large city appeared...

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