Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 916: The characteristics of the secondary system!

Chapter 916: The Characteristics of the Subsystem!

When the Wanshan base was just established, Wanshan had never thought of making the base so large. He thought very simple at the time. It was enough to let the people in his base have food and not be attacked by zombies. Up.

After all, it is the end times, and the requirements cannot be too high. When the Wanshan base becomes the capital of hell, Wanshan is already quite satisfied, with a tall wall, and so many weapons. The survivors living in the base can eat and drink. Don't worry, this completely belongs to all his dreams.

As for the later Earth, subspace, and space battleships, Wanshan felt like a dream one after another, but he did not expect that his life had not reached its peak.

Tianyu, this perfect world, has now opened its arms to him, waiting for him to enter!

(Zombie: You are definitely driving, although I have no evidence!)

And Li Yichen is now starting to study the design drawing that Wanshan passed to him just now. This design drawing divides the entire universe into three parts from the inner circle to the outer circle. The innermost circle is the central area. , Here will be a military zone, used to defend space passages.

The middle circle is the residential area. All survivors will live in this area. The outermost layer will be the breeding and planting area. The area of ​​this circle is also the largest. They all add up.

Wanshan’s design is not like that of the human race of the Tianyu. The human race of the Tianyu is divided vertically. The circular Tianyu is divided into many areas like a cake, and it is a functional area and a living and entertainment area. Separated.

To be honest, Li Yichen feels that these two divisions have their own characteristics. For the capital of hell, Li Yichen actually prefers Wanshan, because he has a system, so planning is the simplest.

Moreover, as to the defense of the space passages in the central area, Li Yichen has another idea. This is the suggestion given to him by the system, because he knows that the auxiliary system, that is, the brain, should also be moved in. The system said that it would simply use the auxiliary system. Cover the space channel!

Because the shape and size of the secondary system can be changed, and the secondary system itself has a very powerful attack ability, especially it has a very abnormal characteristic: it cannot be destroyed!

In other words, after the secondary system is placed here, it cannot be destroyed. Unless it is subjected to a force that transcends the rules of heaven and earth, such as Hongmeng Qi, even missiles or even nuclear bombs cannot damage the secondary system. system.

Therefore, the system felt that Li Yichen could fully use this feature of the secondary system to defend the space passage.

After getting the system's advice, Li Yichen took a closer look at the secondary system. He didn't know much about the secondary system because he didn't think he could use the secondary system before. He just threw it at the central base of the Hell Capital and left it alone.

At that time, because it was placed in the central base, the secondary system did not need to defend and attack, so no one knew its ability.

After understanding it, Li Yichen realized that although it is a secondary system, it is also a system after all, so it is inherently indestructible. Not only that, but the system also has a very powerful weapon and identification system.

The identification system is used to verify the identity, and the personal terminal is the only basis. Li Yichen did not open this system before. Once the identification system is turned on, no matter any living body, as long as it enters the scope of the system, the system will automatically identify the visitor. If there is no personal terminal, or the information recorded by the personal terminal does not match the wearer, then this person will be considered an enemy.

The secondary system will take corresponding measures against the enemy based on Li Yichen's settings. This depends on Li Yichen's attitude and can choose to annihilate, arrest or expel.

And because of this feature, Li Yichen can enlarge the secondary system and enclose the space channel in the middle. In this way, once the person entering the space channel does not have a personal terminal, he will immediately be attacked by the system.

The weapons of the secondary system can all be exchanged in the mall, but the most important thing is that the secondary system cannot be damaged. That is to say, in the battle with the enemy, the secondary system is absolutely beneficial to the invincible. Of course, the consumed ammunition still needs to be deducted from Li Yichen's inventory.

The inability to destroy this is the system's own and does not need to consume any resources, but to attack the enemy, it needs to be set by Li Yichen himself, so of course the consumption will be counted on Li Yichen's head.

After thinking about it, Li Yichen decided to adopt the system's opinions. Anyway, he had decided to use the system as little as possible after entering the universe, and there was no problem in putting it in the central area!

In addition, all survivors in the Hell Capital have personal terminals, even if they are not members, because the Hell Capital has been recruiting survivors, and many people who originally belonged to the Hunter Association or other forces are also there. Returning one after another, so there are still so many people who have not yet become full members.

Most of these races are people with relatively strong military force, and only such people can make high or low, and still haven't earned enough points for so long.

They feel that they are powerful fighters, and it is impossible to carry out farming and breeding and other chores. They should hunt mutant beasts and zombies to get points, which is in line with their status.

But the problem is that almost all the zombies on the far north continent have been cleaned up. The zombies occasionally refreshed are not enough for them, and the worm tide is blocked by a special legion, and it is not their turn.

Their strength may naturally become fighters in other bases, and any legion is willing to have one more powerful.

But in the capital of hell, their strength is not enough. If they want to join the legion, they really don't necessarily have that qualification.

Therefore, if they are unwilling to cultivate and breed, and there are no zombies and mutant creatures to kill, of course they have no channels to earn points.

Originally, these people were not in a hurry. It wouldn’t be good if they weren’t formal members. At most, they didn’t get the treatment of formal members. They occasionally gathered together and went out to hunt a mutant beast or risk killing two insects in the insect tide. When they came back, it would be enough for them to take up the task and do some chores to dig a foundation or something. Therefore, they never lowered their worth and competed with the ordinary survivors for a place in farming!

But now, after they enter Tianyu, it is estimated that many people will start to worry, because Wanshan has not announced the permissions required to enter Tianyu, but most people think about such a good place, definitely Only full members can enter.

But anyway, at least everyone has a personal terminal, so there is no problem in being able to pass the identification of the secondary system.

(Zombie: I'm going! Did you finally realize that you have pulled too far?


Li Yichen wanted to drive out all the people in the castle immediately, and then began to study with the system what kind of secondary system was designed, and then transferred the secondary system, because the secondary system is connected to the system, so Li Yichen is not needed Returning to the place of trial, the secondary system can also be recovered across the plane.

But think about how the secondary system is still useful in the trial land now, and it can't be recovered for the time being, so forget it, just discuss with the system how to transform the secondary system.

Although the blood clan was wiped out, the work of cleaning the battlefield has not yet been completed. After all, the blood clan base is the same as the maze, and when attacking the blood clan, many soldiers died in the Hell Capital.

The corpses of these soldiers must all be collected, and Xiao Mao will not let go of the corpses of the blood race and all the items that can be recovered from the blood race base.

Of course, the things they recovered must be sent to Zhinao for recycling in exchange for points. In addition, there are still so many people in the capital of Hell. They all need to rely on Zhinao, so for the time being, Zhinao cannot collect Back, I can only do this after the official start of the migration.

However, first design the style of the secondary system, this is no problem, and then after the system recycles the secondary system, the transformed secondary system can be directly placed where needed.

Moreover, because of the indestructible feature of the secondary system, there is no need to build a foundation at all. The shape is designed directly, and there is no problem at all if it is thrown here, but there are many things left.

Looking at the two space channels, Li Yichen had a whim, and directly prepared to make the secondary system into a huge flying saucer shape, and then the space channel was in the middle.

He plans to design a transparent hall at this location and separate the two space passages. In this way, those who enter the space passage will be locked in the hall first, plus the indestructible feature of the secondary system. This is tantamount to a prison that cannot be broken!

After that, Li Yichen can set up a secondary system. If there is no problem with the identity of the person entering the space channel, the system will not respond. If a suspicious person is found, the hall will be immediately closed and an alarm will be issued.

Or Li Yichen can also set it to not send an alarm to confirm that the enemy will be destroyed directly, but it is better to look at the creatures that come in.

Even if they can't reconcile, maybe they can use this creature to find their heaven.

There are a lot of things in the system for positioning and tracking. As long as you launch a few satellites outside, these trackers can be used. Now Li Yichen really wants to get a few more Cosmos Hearts.

Whether it’s the system upgrade progress bar or the expansion of this universe, Li Yichen is definitely not too much of the heart of the universe. The only problem is that he now knows the only place with the heart of the universe. , Is the heaven of that human race...

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