Apocalyptic Garbage Sorting System

Chapter 917: Powerful Upanishad!

Chapter 917 Powerful Profound Meaning!

Although the person in that Tianyu was not particularly friendly at the time, and he had other ideas, Li Yichen fully understood that he would be like that if he was replaced by him. Therefore, if Li Yichen directly attacked that Tianyu and put it inside All of the people were killed like a native villain. To be honest, Li Yichen really couldn't give this order.

For other races, but for the same humans... Li Yichen always feels a little awkward, so he chose to trade with each other!

If the other party is willing, Li Yichen doesn't mind maintaining a good relationship with them, and can even help them to a limited extent. Of course, Li Yichen also needs their information, especially information about other heavenly locations.

If the person in that Tianyu has a Tianyu that he can't win, he can trade Tianyu's information to himself, and he can use the enhanced injection to exchange it with the other party. At least in Li Yichen's view, this is a win-win thing!

However, Li Yichen has no way to be sure about what the other party thinks, but from the perspective of the other party, there is one more ally in this source world, and it is also an ally of the same mankind, which is absolutely beneficial and harmless. Li Yichen still has Some confidence.

At this time, the allies that Li Yichen was looking forward to were also looking nervously at a person, who of course was Lukia.

Lukia had rested, her body was in her best condition, and her mentality had been restored. On that day, Lukia finally realized that she had awakened the supernatural power under the reminder of others. At that time, she was ecstatic, regardless of her physical weakness, and activated again. He had an ability and even knocked down a wall directly.

After getting the power, Lukia also clearly knew his power information, invincible rush!

This kind of ability, in fact, belongs to the ability of the bad street in the capital of hell, because this thing is the housekeeping skill of the big beetle! However, even though it is the same type of injection, after everyone uses it, the abilities obtained are not necessarily the same. In contrast, the one obtained by Lukia is quite good.

The invincible rush can allow Lukia to rush a certain distance instantly, and during the rushing process, he will get a shield to protect himself. Before the shield value is exhausted, he will not be hurt by any attack—— This one should be a bit similar to that of Wanshan.

However, this shield will not last until the shield value is exhausted, but will disappear after the rush is over. Although this is the case, it is enough for Lukiah to be ecstatic.

He was originally a strength type, his weakness is speed, but now, his weakness has undoubtedly been eliminated, and he has an invincible advance, whether it is running away or pursuing, or shortening the distance with the enemy instantly after the start of the battle. It is no longer a problem!

Especially, the CD of this Profound meaning is very short, only five minutes, that is to say, as long as his life energy is sufficient, he can use the invincible rush every five minutes!

Although Lukia told Senator Isa and the others after knowing the information of his own profound meaning without any concealment, he was completely unable to tell how he obtained this profound meaning.

What it felt like at that time, how long did it take to get the profound meaning after the injection, and how the liquid of the injection worked in the body, he couldn't answer at all.

In his words, the brain was blank at the time, and I didn't feel anything at all, thinking about whether he would mutate!

For this, Isa and the others did not blame Lukia, because he was young after all. Such a young man could stand firm when facing the entire council members, not to mention that he had to inject injections.

Moreover, the most important thing is to verify whether the injection is effective. Now that this has been proven, then the process is not very important. After all, the person said that this thing is still there, and you can trade it yourself!

As a result, Senator Isa comforted Lucia, and then let him rest. The next day he had to test his uprising. Of course, Lucia had no objection, but this guy had insomnia and did not sleep that night. Fortunately, he himself was A. Level-powerful, after getting a nutrient solution, the body returns to its peak state.

Later, in order to see the true meaning of the congress, all the congressmen deliberately first came to Lukia, and they chatted together, which made Lukia relax a lot, and gradually began to face the congressmen with peace of mind.

It wasn't until this time that Senator Isa began to prepare Lucia, and then found a few people to fight him!

These people also belong to Senator Isa’s faction, because they are all in the same faction, they all know each other, and they also learn from each other, and there are even many videos of them.

In this case, allowing Lukia to play against them is the best way to show how much Lukia's strength has increased after awakening Upanishad!

And the result did not disappoint the councillors. They had seen Lukia fight against other geniuses before, because it was not only Lukia who could not sleep last night. Seeing such a magical potion, all the councillors did not sleep, and The way of fighting today has been determined late.

In order to understand Lukia, they have watched Lukia's previous battle videos with those geniuses, and they are all recent. In such a little time, Lukia will not make any progress. Only this can distinguish the profound meaning to him. The strength of the coming growth.

Originally, Lukia was the No. 2 genius of Senator Isa’s faction. If he fought with No. 1 genius, he could hold on for about 20 minutes without losing, while fighting No. 3 would win in about 15 minutes.

But this time, he came up to fight with Genius No. 1, and the result was unexpected. Just at the beginning, Lukiah came up as an invincible rush, and he directly knocked Genius No. 1 into flight!

This is because they are only competing against each other. If it is on the battlefield, as long as Lukiah has an extra weapon in his hand, it is estimated that Genius No. 1 will fall directly on the spot...

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the No. 1 genius has no defense, because he has no idea about the power injection. Senator Isa and they just called him over, and then let him go to the ring to compete with Lukiah!

How did Genius No. 1 know that Lukia had awakened upright, and treated him as the defeated opponent before.

The No. 1 genius is agile. Although he can defeat Lukia, he is definitely not Lukia's opponent in a pure balance of strength. Every time the two play against each other, he walks first and then uses his speed to attack. !

But this time, Lukia used his own way to control his body, which was to beat him down with speed. After the opening, he directly asked:

"are you ready?"

Genius No. 1 just nodded and found that Lukia had disappeared, and a black light rushed towards him like lightning, and then he was directly knocked out. Lukia was originally strong, and with such a fast acceleration, there was nothing. Knocked him to death, already leaving his hands.

All the congressmen present are strong, and of course they can see this. While marveling at the strength of the profound meaning, they are also satisfied with Lucia's disposition.

Lukia and Genius No.1 are both from the same faction. Even so, it is normal for Lukia to be a little angry in his heart when he has been crushed by No.1 for a long time. Now that he has gained profound meaning, if he is the kind of narrow-minded person, it is likely If you don't hit No.1 to death, you will at least break his breastbone.

Such an injury may not cost the life of the No. 1 genius, but it will greatly reduce his strength, and it will be hopeless to awaken the profound meaning in the future. For these geniuses, this may be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

But after the battle was over, the councillors didn't need to check it personally. They could see that Genius One had just fainted and was not seriously injured. It would not affect his future path at all. Therefore, of course they praised Lukia.

The happiest thing is undoubtedly the people of Senator Isa's line. The geniuses under his staff will fight secretly. This is what they hope. After all, there is no progress without competition. Only in this way can they grow up quickly!

But these geniuses did not produce hatred in the process of fighting, which is definitely good news for the high-level faction!

Next, it was Lukia's battle with Genius No. 4 and Genius No. 3. Yes, it was the battle with Genius No. 4 and Genius No. 3 at the same time.

This time, the Genius No. 4 and Genius No. 3, who have witnessed the previous battle, of course already know the profundity of Lukiah, and have defenses in their hearts, but this defense did not play a big role!

The strength of the No. 4 genius is similar to that of the No. 3, except that the No. 4 is a strength type, and the No. 3 is an agile type. In this battle, Lukia chose to solve the No. 3 genius first!

Although he had just seen the profound meaning of Lukia, the genius No. 3 started to be on guard the moment he stood on the ring, but because Lukia was so fast, he was hit by Lukia at the beginning of the battle. Fell out of the ring.

Lukia’s Profound meaning has a five-minute cooldown. After using it once, of course it can’t be used again. However, the remaining No. 4 genius was originally not Lukia’s opponent, and was of the same strength type, so he quit on the third. After the battle, the competition lost its suspense!

"good very good!"

Speaker Crudy was of course also on the scene. He praised the game a lot. Of course, everyone knew that he appreciated the injection.

Now that the once suspected injection has proved its worth, then the next step is to discuss how to obtain it. The humans over there say that it can be traded, but... Speaker Crudy obviously doesn't think so. .

Yesterday, he had communicated with Lord Speaker, because it was confirmed that the power injection was indeed effective, and even without today's fight, Crudy's eyes could fully see the power of this profound meaning.

And the result of the discussion between the two chairpersons does not seem to be the one Li Yichen hoped...

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