Hundreds of gene warriors heard Ye Li's words, and they recovered from panic.

At the moment, the hearts of hundreds of genetic warriors are undoubtedly terrified. You know that the leader is the first-order heavenly realm, and he was directly killed by a second?

Mo Li looked at Ye Li like a little fan, she looked at Ye Li's back.

Although Ye Li's back is a little thin, in her eyes, it is like a mountain.

Such a supreme existence, she found that she could not but look up.


Suddenly, I don't know who screamed.

Hundreds of gene warriors began to flee wildly.

It's a pity that they are Sun Wukong who can't escape the palm of the Buddha.


The screams, the screams of the heaven and earth appeared.

Hundreds of genetic warriors fell to the ground in an instant, their eyes widened, and their faces twisted, as if they saw something incredible before they died.

Ye Li walked slowly to the corpse of Kuanghai, the leader of Kuanghu Mountain, and took out the god-level Tongtiangong in his arms.


"Detect SSS God-level skill God-level power, please ask the host whether to practice."



"SSS God-level skill God-level Tongtiangong practice success."

Ye Li smiled secretly, he naturally did not expect that the God-level Tongtian Gong was actually an SSS God-level skill.

He checked the role of God-level Tongtiangong.

God-level Tongtiangong: With a horrifying attribute bonus, it can double its own strength.

Seeing this, Ye Li's face appeared a fascinating color.


Suddenly, the roar of the zombie actually came into Ye Li's ear. Ye Li looked around and found that there were no zombies, he urged Tianling Hitomi to look around.

A large number of zombies were found not far away.

Luck is coming, just like eating Xuanmai gum, it just can't stop.

He released the Armageddon from the system space.

Then he started walking towards the place where the zombies gathered.

It didn't take long for him, the Armageddon and Mori to reach the place where the zombies gathered.


Ye Li gave an order to the End of the Army.

Thousands of zombies, however, were instantly synthesized by the armies of the last days.


Mo Li looked at such a scene and was stunned again.

She had thought that after seeing Ye Li's horror power, she would never be shocked again from now on, but now she found that she was not only wrong, but also so thoroughly wrong.

"Senior, you, how did you do it?"

Mo Li's white face was shocked to the point that it could not be more irritated.

"That's it."

Ye Li thought that even if he talked to Mo Li, Mo Li didn't understand it, so he didn't bother to say it.

"By the way, do you know where there is a huge gathering place of zombies?" Ye Li suddenly asked Mo Li.

Mo Li stunned, thinking of the matter just now, she already understood what Ye Li wanted to do.

"Senior, I know."

Mo Li thought about it and then said to Ye Li.

A bright color appeared on Ye Li's face like Ruyu's face, "Then take me."

"But, but senior." Mo Li stopped some words, "There are millions of zombies."


Ye Li was shocked. He didn't know how long he hadn't been surprised, but now he was indeed surprised.


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