Apocalyptic God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Chapter 1276: Go out, or you will fly out

"Are you sure there are millions of zombies?"

Ye Li looked at Mo Li and asked.

Mo Li nodded seriously, "Senior, I'm pretty sure."

"What are you talking about?"

"In the zombie castle."

Zombie castle?

Ye Li has never heard of a zombie castle.


Since it is a zombie castle, there will be many designated zombies.

Thinking of this, Ye Li face Guan Ruyu's face could not help showing a faint color.

"Then take me now."

Mo Li was stunned, "But, but senior..."

There was endless horror in her heart, thinking about the millions of zombies, why didn't the fluctuations of the senior's face even show a little shock?

"Nothing is wrong, just take me there."

Mori did not dare to refute, but had to take Yeli to the zombie castle.

The zombie castle is far away from here.

The two came to a base city called Tianshui.

The base city of Tianshui is very large, and there are many people walking on the street.

"Senior, my family is in Tianshui Base City." Mo Li suddenly said to Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't care if Mori's home was in the base city of Tianshui.

"Now far from the zombie castle?"

After thinking about it, Mo Li said to Ye Li:

"Returning to my predecessors, the zombie castle is less than half a day away from Tianshui Base City."

Hearing this, Ye Li did not continue to speak, but glanced up with Tian Ling Pu.

It didn't take long for him to see a very good restaurant.

"Go eat something." Ye Li said slowly to Mo Li.

Mo Li nodded, and then walked towards the restaurant with Ye Li.


Soon, the two arrived at the restaurant.

After ordering food, Ye Li began to eat.

Mo Li only felt that his chopsticks had just moved, Ye Li had already eaten it, and the food before Ye Li had been swept away.


Mori was stunned. She dared to swear she was stunned.

Just because she has never seen anyone who eats so fast.

"Mo Li?"

Suddenly, a voice passed into the ears of Ye Li and Mo Li.

Ye Li looked over the sound and found that he was a very good-looking teenager.

"Mo Li, do you know that these days when you left the Mo family, you Mo family are almost worried about dying."

The teenager smiled at Mo Li disdainfully.

"Huang Cheng, you leave me!"

Mo Li stared at Huang Cheng and said, she obviously hated Huang Cheng.

"Ha ha."

The teenager smiled coldly, "Mo Li, who do you think you are, dare to talk to me like this?"

"In Tianshui Base City, your Mo family is nothing compared to our Huang family!"

Ye Li thought about why ants appeared even after eating a meal. He didn't understand, he really didn't understand.

"You can leave."

Ye Li spoke slowly towards Huang Cheng.

Huang Cheng was stunned. He naturally didn't know Ye Li. After a few seconds, he recovered and looked at Ye Li disdainfully and asked:

"who are you?"

"Who am I? You don't have the qualifications to know, leave now, or you will fly out."

As soon as this remark came out, not only Huang Cheng, but also everyone in the restaurant were shocked.

Everyone in the restaurant didn't understand who Ye Li was. They dared to say such things to Huang Cheng, don't they want to live?

"My Huang grew so big, this time someone said this to me!"

Huang Cheng looked at Ye Li coldly, "I Huang Cheng will go out, but I won't fly out."


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