Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 10 Zombie Attack

Li Yuanhong rushed into the sand table room and carefully observed the electronic sand table again. Finally, he found the mechanism and introduction in the corner of the sand table. It used to be able to mark both the enemy and the enemy, and the sand table zoom ratio can be expanded and reduced, and even localized infinitely. The current maximum investigation radius Fifty kilometers, that is to say, all things that are big within fifty kilometers can be displayed on the sand table. So Li Yuanhong chose to display the map within 50 kilometers. At this moment, a dialog box popped up on the sand table: "Should you scan the map within 50 kilometers? Yes, no." Li Yuanhong chose yes without hesitation.

As a result, the entire map changed. The gathering place where Li Yuanhong was located immediately became a red dot, and many places that Li Yuanhong had not been around appeared in front of Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong suddenly thought of the arsenal, so he zoomed in on the map near the arsenal, and found that the area had been covered by heavy snow. Apart from the vast expanse of whiteness, there was no such thing as Shandong. It seemed that he wanted to find the arsenal. It is impossible.

When Li Yuanhong was enjoying the sand table, suddenly Li Yuanhong's watch shook and made a harsh scream, which scared Li Yuanhong. Since wearing the watch, he has never made any sound, and it is still so harsh. Li Yuanhong had never heard of the voice. Li Yuanhong didn't know what was going on. He hurriedly turned on the watch and saw a message sent from the watch: Affected by the energy scan, the zombies started to move towards the base within 50 kilometers. Please be prepared for defense.

The information is not long, but the content included makes Li Yuanhong unable to calm down. How many zombies are there within this fifty kilometers? When will you arrive? Where do you come from? I don't know this, how can I defend it?

When Li Yuanhong was scratching his head and bewildered, he suddenly saw the sand table. Could all the answers be on the sand table? Li Yuanhong quickly expanded the sand table and found that there were many red dots moving on the sand table. The direction of movement seemed to be his base, so Li Yuanhong clicked on the red dot closest to him:

Enemy type: Number of zombies: 22

Moving speed: 15 km/h

Straight line distance: 5 kilometers

Estimated marching distance: 35 kilometers

While clicking on the red dot, a dotted line appeared on the map, linking the red dot with Li Yuanhong's base. Looking at this distorted dotted line, Li Yuanhong knew that this was a marching route map.

Li Yuanhong hurriedly clicked on the red dots on the map. There was nothing terrible, ranging from tens to hundreds, and the largest group, only more than 400, was completely within the range of his own bearing. Just as Li Yuanhong was relieved, suddenly , Li Yuanhong caught a glimpse of a big red dot in the direction of Hunchun City, Li Yuanhong hurriedly clicked:

Enemy types: zombies, mutant zombies number: 24314

Moving speed: 10 km/h

Straight line distance: 50 kilometers

Estimated travel distance: 160 kilometers

After reading this news, Li Yuanhong was stunned. This number of zombies was not something he could bear, and there were mutant zombies inside. The simple defenses he set up in Taniguchi were not enough for fat zombies to hit them. There are even more powerful zombies.

Li Yuanhong did not stay silly, and quickly calmed down. This was not something he could resist, so he quickly took out the walkie-talkie: "Listen to all responsible personnel, listen to all responsible personnel, urgent notice, urgent notice, and immediately go to the chamber on the south side of the village. For a meeting, go to the meeting hall on the south side of the village immediately. There is an emergency!" Li Yuanhong urgently called all the persons in charge to have a meeting. This may not be a good idea for himself, but so many people can't help but come up with any good ideas.

Soon, the people in charge came to the discussion hall. When they saw the discussion hall, many people were shocked. When did there be a building on the south side of the village, it seemed to fall from the sky, and it was still such a tall building. Just now, Li Yuanhong Informing the meeting, I thought that Li Yuanhong had said the wrong place, but everyone habitually came to the south side of the village and only then discovered such a tall building.

Li Yuanhong greeted everyone at the gate, and led everyone into the conference room. When everyone was seated, Li Yuanhong’s first sentence was: "We are about to be besieged by zombies. The largest group of zombies is nearly 25,000 zombies. . With our current strength and defense, we can't resist the siege of zombies at all, everyone said what to do." Li Yuanhong said solemnly.

Everyone saw Li Yuanhong's face serious and knew it was not a joke, so Wang Jingrong asked, "Brother Li, how did you know?"

"There is an instrument in this building that can scan for intruders, and indicate the number and direction of the intruder, as well as the approximate moving route." After speaking, Li Yuanhong opened the curtain on the wall behind him, revealing an electronic map. The flat version of the sand table upstairs was discovered by accident when Li Yuanhong came to the meeting room.

I saw that there were many red dots moving towards him on the floor plan. Li Yuanhong stretched out his hand, took out a long wooden stick from the bottom of the map, pointed to the top red dot and said, "This red dot is the 20,000 The team of zombies is less than sixteen hours away from here."

As soon as these words came out, the conference room was quiet for a long time. I don't know who said: "Let's run!"

In fact, Li Yuanhong also thought about the idea of ​​escape. After all, he also escaped from Yanjing all the way, and it would not be a shame to run away again. However, Li Yuanhong thought about it later, maybe this is a test. If he fails this test, then he may not be able to successfully inherit the hero system. The consequences are very serious, so Li Yuanhong does not intend to give up this test.

So Li Yuanhong said firmly: "We can run, but where we go, we are no longer dozens of people, but more than 700 people. With so many people, there are simply not enough vehicles and fuel for us to transfer. Now, we can’t defend a place that is so easy to defend. How can we stand in this last days? We can’t run as soon as we see zombies. Now in this world, where are there no zombies?” Li Yuanhong paused, then continued: "The most important thing is that once we leave here, it will be difficult to find a place for these people to live in. It is a severe winter, and nothing else will freeze us to death."

After hearing Li Yuanhong's words, everyone was silent again. After a long time, Fat Lu Fei suddenly raised his hand. Li Yuanhong thought that Fatty had any idea, so he said quickly, "Fatty, if you have a good idea, say it!"

The fat man flushed and said, "I...I don't have any good ideas, I...I am urinating..."

Li Yuanhong was so angry that he said angrily: "Hurry up, go quickly!" He said without a face, and waved!

The fat man stood up and ran out of the house quickly.

The meeting place was disturbed by the fat man, and the atmosphere was not so heavy, so some people came up with ideas, talked about killing, and consumed the number of zombies a little bit. Some people said digging a pit and burning, etc., but for such a big loss of zombies. , Are not fundamental defense means.

At this moment, the fat man walked back and muttered as he walked, "This is so **** cold, it was frozen as soon as he peeed!" After finishing speaking, he realized that he had entered the house, so he touched it embarrassingly. Head, and then said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I missed it!"

At this moment Li Yuanhong asked suddenly: "What did you just say?"

"I just said it was too cold!" The fat man said dazedly.

"Let me ask you what the last sentence said?" Li Yuanhong asked again.

"I...I said...I said I got frozen when I pee!" said the fat man embarrassedly.

Li Yuanhong patted his head, then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, I have an idea!"

Next, Li Yuanhong ordered Wang Jingrong to take the soldiers and attack in batches to kill the small groups of zombies, and set traps on some of the main routes of the large groups of zombies to slow down the movement speed of the zombies and reduce the number of zombies.

The second order was given to Song Fengyu, asking him to quickly bring back the remaining wood and logging tools from the logging yard. It was useful. Next, let Li Luoxia ask the original villagers where the pumps for watering the farmland are. Let her ask if any of the survivors would make ice sculptures. The last order, everyone, go and prepare the bucket.

Everyone was at a loss but they were all ready. Li Yuanhong and others left, took out their watches, and clicked on the construction icon of the weapon shop.

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