Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 11 Fortification

When everyone turned and left, Li Yuanhong opened his watch again. Li Yuanhong wanted to build a weapons workshop, and he wanted to fight a war. He couldn’t do without weapons. But because he didn’t find the arsenal, Li Yuanhong’s weapons and ammunition were obviously insufficient. So Li Yuanhong planned to build the weapons workshop temporarily. Solve the problem of insufficient weapons. Li Yuanhong clicked on the icon of Weapon Workshop, and the description of Weapon Workshop was displayed:

Building name: Weapon Workshop

Materials needed: wood: 0.1 unit stone 0.2 unit steel: 1 unit ten crystal nuclei

Weapon shop is a place used to build weapons. The first-level weapon shop can build weapons from one to ten. The weapon level is related to the materials used, and the quality of the weapon is related to the weapon master who builds the weapon. To create a weapon style, you need to have relevant weapon drawings. The default drawings are: a standard long spear, a standard short bow, and a standard bow and arrow.

After reading the introduction of the Weapon Shop, Li Yuanhong was quite satisfied. After all, these types of weapons can temporarily relieve the pressure of insufficient weapons, especially bows and arrows, which are long-range shooting equipment. Li Yuanhong is now. For the material requirements, Li Yuanhong prepared a lot more when preparing the materials for the chamber, so the materials for the construction of the weapons workshop were more than enough.

As Li Yuanhong pulled the weapon workshop icon to the front left side of the chamber, another energy storm began to blow, but this energy storm was obviously smaller than the energy storm in the chamber, and the time was short, with only a short duration. It's over in five minutes.

Li Yuanhong waited for the energy storm to stop, and immediately ran out and entered the weapon shop. The weapon shop has a large area. It is divided into two floors. The front is like a store. A long counter is located in the middle of the room. It divides the 50-square-meter front room into two. There are a lot of wood behind the counter. The shelf seems to be a display stand for displaying weapons. In the corner behind the counter, there is a corner door leading directly to the back room. Li Yuanhong enters the back room again. The back room is a very large workshop with a steel furnace, an anvil for ironing, and a grinding wheel for sharpening knives. There is also a set of equipment for carpentry, and even a manual turning table. These equipment are placed in an orderly space of nearly one hundred square meters, making the empty workplace feel a bit crowded. At the back of the workshop, there is a back door. Li Yuanhong opened the back door. It is a large open-air courtyard. The courtyard is not very big and only 30 square meters, but parking large trucks is not a problem. It seems that this door is dedicated to Prepared for shipping materials.

Li Yuanhong looked at the whole body structure and planned to try it out by himself, whether he could build a weapon, but when he came to the furnace, he didn't know how to operate it, so he could only give up. It seems that he is not the material of a blacksmith, Li Yuanhong sighed secretly, but since the weapon shop has it, it is impossible to leave it unused. Now it is about to go to war. At this time, Li Yuanhong thought of Zhang Haitao, an auto mechanic who had been unknown to him. Maybe he could take up this job, and he could try it later.

Li Yuanhong returned to the chamber. At this time, Li Luoxia and Erya had already returned, and a middle-aged man was behind them. Seeing Li Yuanhong came back, Li Luoxia introduced: "This is the person we came back from Liuhu camp. His name is Xu Bing. Before the end of the world, he often went to Hei Province to participate in the Ice Sculpture Festival."

Li Yuanhong saw that Xu Bing was respectful. Although he was in his early forties, he still couldn't feel the traces of the years. He seemed to belong to a person of forgiveness. So he said straightforwardly: "I called you to take charge of a project. I need you to build an ice city in one day."

Xu Bing did not ask why, but directly asked: "What kind of ice city is needed?"

Li Yuanhong said: "Speaking of the Ice City, it is actually a bit exaggerated. It is the Great Ice Wall. I need you to build two walls. The first one is at Taniguchi, where Taniguchi must be sealed, and the second one is to build a wall around our base. The wall thickness must be at least two meters, and the height must be at least five meters. You see what tools and equipment you need, and I can provide as much as I can, but these must be completed within a day." Li Yuanhong issued a death order.

At this time, Xu Bing hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Can I ask, why the wall was built?"

Li Yuanhong did not intend to conceal it. Only when everyone knows the crisis can the potential erupt. Maybe in this way can miracles be created.

After listening to Li Yuanhong’s explanation, Xu Bing said: “I can understand it this way. We need to build a strong fortification in a short time. It doesn’t need to be beautiful, but it needs to be practical.”

"Yes, that's it." Li Yuanhong replied.

"Well, I need about four hundred people to cooperate with me, and I think of other things by myself, but these four hundred people need to completely obey my command."

"No problem, I will let Erya assist you." Li Yuanhong agreed.

When things went down, Xu Bing started to get busy. First, he made people make many wooden buckets. This bucket can be easily disassembled. What's different is that these buckets are square and filled with water. Take it outside, it quickly became ice cubes, and then put ice cubes like bricks, and at the same time, someone dug a deep hole more than one meter deep and one meter wide on both sides of the road in Taniguchi, and poured water into it. Soon the deep pit became the foundation of the ice wall. Then the ice bricks were placed on top to form an outer wall, and then the same wall was built on the inside. Between the two walls, there was nearly two meters wide. Pour water between the two walls, and the wall is filled with water soon, the water is quickly frozen, and the inner and outer walls are linked together so that the wall is completed. More than 400 people, some digging holes, some carrying water, some moving bricks, Xu Bing holding a drawing of his own design, kept directing, busy and not chaotic, at the same time, Xu Ying was next to him , Facing the blueprint, kept holding a glance, Xu Bing Choi'er will make some changes on the blueprint. The progress was very fast. The city wall of Taniguchi was almost completed in less than two hours. After all, Taniguchi was only more than 500 meters away, and the distance was not long and easy. However, the surrounding walls of the village have just started. If they are completed, it will take a lot of time. However, the completion of the Taniguchi City Wall gives Li Yuanhong some confidence. Leaning against the ice city wall at Taniguchi can block the zombies for a while, and also win for the internal fortifications. some time.

Li Yuanhong came to visit the Gukou city wall, and saw that the wall was five meters and five meters high. On both sides of the inner side, there were corridors for ascending the wall. There are chops and shooting openings on the wall. People standing on the chops can easily aim down. It is very difficult to attack above. The upper part of the city wall is more than two meters wide, and the lower part is nearly four meters wide. The overall wall has a slight slope, which makes it difficult to climb, especially for zombies. The ground of the city wall is covered with fine sand, which makes people walk on it without slipping. Since the wall is made of ice, the whole is crystal clear. It is important to note that through the ice, you can vaguely observe things outside the wall. In the middle of the wall, there is an iron gate. The iron gate is not very thick, measuring less than 30 centimeters, but if necessary, Li Yuanhong can completely freeze the iron gate to death.

After visiting the city wall, Li Yuanhong remembered one more thing, and hurriedly ran to the weapon shop. As soon as he entered the door, he felt a heat wave rushing to his face. At this time Zhang Haitao was in the weapons workshop, with a few workers busy forging weapons. The whole workshop was in full swing, and it was completely separated from the ice and snow outside. Especially the young men, who were naked, stood in front of the furnace, constantly. From the furnace, pour molten steel into the mold. Although Zhang Haitao was not naked like a young man, he only wore a thin vest, which was also drenched with sweat.

Li Yuanhong walked to Zhang Haitao's side and asked, "Master Zhang, I ask you, can you make this weapon?"

Li Yuanhong casually took out a sketch he drew from a pocket of his clothes and handed it to Zhang Haitao. Zhang Haitao took the sketch, looked at it, and said, "Although I haven't made this weapon, I understand the principle and the specific structure. It shouldn't be difficult, so let's try to make it with the lads, but don't expect how far this weapon can range in the early stage." Zhang Haitao said cautiously.

"It doesn't matter, we don't want to be far, as long as it can be made, but the speed should be fast." Li Yuanhong demanded.

"Okay!" After Zhang Haitao finished speaking, he buried his head and started to do the same thing.

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