Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 39 The End of Pirates

Li Yuanhong saw that the other party ran away, but did not chase. Now he has seized the dock by himself, which is equivalent to having a foothold. The situation in the city is not familiar to him. If he rashly advances, he may cause a lot of losses. Failed, so the next step can only be steady and steady.

Li Yuanhong quickly arranged people to defend the pier with four boats as backing. As long as the enemy's sneak attack was prevented, Li Yuanhong set up early warning devices at various key points and waited for dawn to attack the city.

At the same time, the city was in chaos. The sound of guns awakened everyone, especially Nao Tanaka. Masaka, who was sleeping with his branches in his arms, suddenly heard the sound of gunshots, making him get up to his feet and dressed in a hurry. After getting out of bed, he shouted outside the door as he walked: "Come on, what happened outside?"

A guard ran in outside the door: "Report to Your Excellency Tanaka, we don’t know now, we just know that something happened at the dock." After finishing speaking, the guard glanced at the bed secretly with his eyes lit. The branch was sitting on the bed, half naked.

"Baga, don't hurry up to figure it out!" Tanaka said furiously.

"Yes!" How can the guards dare to stay longer, this Tanaka's temper is notoriously harsh, and if he is careless, he might be in bad luck.

Tanaka did not wait, but called: "Come on, gather the team quickly and send me to the reinforcement dock."

Someone outside the door agreed, followed by a noisy footstep. Tanaka opened the door and strode outside.

Tanaka hurriedly rushed to the pier with troops, but not far away, he encountered the soldiers who had evacuated from the pier. Tanaka quickly grabbed a soldier and asked, "What happened to the pier!"

"Report your lord, the dock was attacked!"

"What? Was attacked? Who did it?"

"I don't know! It's too dark to see what the other party looks like, but the other party is very weird. They use cold weapons and no guns."

"Baga, you were actually attacked by a group of civilians with clubs! And you were beaten so embarrassed. It's really a shame for our Japanese samurai."

"That’s not the case, Tanaka, we were attacked suddenly, and the other side has a mysterious long-range attack weapon, which can kill people invisible within 50 meters, and they seized the warship. We were all given by the warship’s artillery. Call it back!"

"Ba Ga! Ba Ga!" Tanaka was furious, cursing, and slapped his hand, slapped the soldier in front of him fiercely, fanning the soldier's face into a pig's head.

Seeing the soldiers behind, they were all silent, afraid to speak out, for fear that Tanaka would send his anger on him.

After fanning for a while, Tanaka's anger faded a little, and then he pushed the soldier in his hand back. The soldier was stunned, and he just lay down on the ground and didn't get up.

"You rubbish, you even lost this general's warship. I really should let you cut your belly."

The soldiers behind did not answer, waiting for Tanaka to follow.

Tanaka saw that these people were still very well-behaved, so he didn't say anything to death. After all, he escaped from the main island of Japan and brought out not many people. There were more than 10,000 people in the four boats, most of whom were civilians. Later, he fought for the city, and hundreds of people died. Until now, only two or three thousand people under him can fight. The others have been turned into slaves and playthings by his. He doesn't want to give his fighting power to him now. weakened.

"You go back with me now and take the dock back to me to prove that you are the best fighters in Japan."

"Yes, Your Excellency Tanaka!" All these people yelled, in fact, they are not very confident. After all, the other party has warships in their hands, which is completely beyond their guns.

Tanaka also knows this situation, but he has to bite the bullet. Without a warship, he will take office, right? If he doesn't want to retake the warship, he will probably be reversed by his gang. This is the culture of pirates. The pirate leader who loses his dominance will be killed by capable pirates, and all his possessions will become the assets of the new leader. Tanaka has always thought that this sneak attack was carried out by other pirates, because from the beginning to the end, the other party did not take the initiative to open fire, which is very similar to several other pirate groups that had escaped from Japan before.

Tanaka led the team and quickly approached the wharf. The wharf was quiet, as if there were no people at all. Since the sky was slightly bright at this time, Tanaka could see that the gate of the wharf was blown down, and it was so defenseless. Falling to the ground, and inside the gate, there are no fortifications such as sandbags, just so black holes open.

Although Tian decided that the opponent was a pirate group composed of civilians with little military quality, he did not dare to be careless. After all, there were people on the other side who could fire artillery, which was very troublesome.

Tanaka ran up to the pier closest to the pier and raised his binoculars to look inside the pier. There was nothing in the pier, but no one was seen. His warship steadily parked on the pier, on the pier. He didn't see any large ships (the two icebergs were directly ignored by him), which confirmed that other pirates were competing with him for territory, or how could the other party be so careless?

Tanaka called some of his own leaders and said, "You two will attack from the main entrance in a moment. Be careful not to rush in. The other side has artillery. You are very disadvantaged in the open. So as soon as you enter the door, hurry to the sides of the pier. The warehouse area moved forward, and after it was occupied, firepower was organized to blockade the dock area."

"It's adults!" the two leaders agreed.

"The two of you, will lead a team of people along the pier wall towards the sea. When the front gate hits, you quickly approach the warship from the sea, while the other party’s attention is at the gate, quickly board the ship and grab the ship for me. come back."

"It's adults!" The two also nodded.

"Okay, let's start, keep in touch, and listen to my orders at any time!" Tanaka finished speaking, waved his hand, and let the people below start to act.

Several subordinates took their teams into action. Everything went well in the beginning. The front team quickly broke into the gate and began to march towards the warehouse area, while the other team quickly reached the beach and moved along the coast. Two warships approached.

Just when the frontal team approached the warehouse, an accident happened. The bow and arrow that came from nowhere directly shot through the leader. With this bow and arrow, many crossbow arrows flew out of the warehouse. Those who were in the open. Many pirates were shot dead on the spot.

"Lie down and shoot, lie down!" The surviving leader hurried to get down, and then shouted to his men.

Then these men hurriedly climbed down, and then frantically poured the bullets from the gun toward the warehouse. Most of the bullets hit the concrete wall of the warehouse, making a "puff puff" sound, but after the opponent fired the crossbow bolt, he returned to the warehouse and hid, these bullets did not hit the opponent at all.

As the fierce gunfire rang, the bullets in these pirates' hands were quickly shot empty, and they made the sound of firing needles: "Baga, don't change the magazine quickly!" The little boss quickly ordered.

However, at this moment, another bow and arrow flew from nowhere, unbiasedly hit the back of the head of the little boss, and directly nailed him to the ground. The two leaders died, and the remaining pirates blew up, and stood up and turned around and ran back. However, at this moment, there was another arrow rain behind them. Many pirates were shot directly through the back of the head and fell to the ground. There are still many fatalities who have not been shot critically, but it is even more troublesome to hang the lottery. These injured pirates yelled and screamed in pain, but made the surrounding pirates more distracted and ran away. Faster.

Tanaka didn't care about the positive defeat. Originally, these people were cannon fodder, just to attract the other's attention. The main thing is the side attack. As long as the side attack is successful and control of the warship is back, it doesn't matter how many people die.

However, the reality is cruel. Those people on the side took advantage of the frontal battle to be normalized and sneaked close to the warship, but they emerged from the cold water. When they approached the warship, they suddenly shot down a lot of crossbow arrows from above. The emerging pirate shot back into the sea, and the sea was immediately dyed red.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two bosses quickly ordered the retreat, but they were unable to retreat in the sea, and the cold water made their hands and feet stiff, which made them even more unhappy. When they escaped from the range of the bow and arrow, two hundred In the multi-person team, fewer than fifty people remained.

Attacks in both directions failed miserably, and Tanaka was so angry that he almost threw the telescope in his hand. Fortunately, the telescope was hung around his neck, which prevented him from throwing it.

When Tanaka was jumping into thunder, suddenly the soldiers next to him screamed, and his attendant was shot in the shoulder by a crossbow arrow. It turned out that this attendant stomped his feet due to the cold, and accidentally moved a small step to the right. A crossbow arrow flew. This crossbow arrow was originally shot at Tanaka. Because Tanaka was a short and fat person, the soldier got the arrow in the shoulder, which became a shield.

As the guard screamed, more crossbow arrows were shot from all around. Seeing this, Tanaka rolled on the spot. His chubby figure made him very flexible when he rolled on the ground. He easily avoided all the crossbows he shot, and his men were not so lucky. Many have been shot into hedgehogs.

Tanaka escaped the attack of the crossbow and dashed into the corridor. Then quickly took out the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Retreat, quickly retreat!" At this time, he already understood that he was in an ambush.

He rushed downstairs quickly. At this time, he regretted it. He was all right to climb upstairs. When he was exhausted and ran downstairs, he didn't know if he had the strength to escape.

After finally running downstairs, Tanaka felt that his legs were a little weak. Since occupying this city, I have been the king and hegemony. I only do exercises on women's belly. Only now have I discovered how huge this kind of exercise hurts the ability to escape.

Greeting his subordinates, taking heavy steps, Tanaka ran hard to his nest in the city, but from time to time there were bows and arrows shot down from the buildings on both sides, although his subordinates kept shooting wildly at the buildings on both sides, But that didn't have any effect. Most of these bullets hit the wall, and some shot into the sky. None of them fired the archers upstairs.

When they were all focused on the upstairs, suddenly from the corridors on both sides, many soldiers with shields and knives rushed out. These men quickly rushed into the crowd, picking up the steel knives in their hands and hacking at them. These pirates were completely unprepared. Close combat was not their strong point at all. They were chopped down one after another. Some pirates even raised their rifles to resist the steel knives, but the rifle could resist the tenth grade steel knives, and the steel knives directly split the rifle in two. Half, the person behind the rifle also died with the rifle.

The battle lasted not long. In less than a quarter of an hour, these pirates who were dominating the sea were all dead on the streets. The swollen Tanaka was directly shot through the head by a bow and arrow and died!

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