Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 40 Battle of Sakhalin

It was dawn, and the blood on the street was cold. Li Yuanhong left some people to clean the battlefield and continued to search and attack the city. Then Li Yuanhong was a little surprised that the Japanese who had not died in the battle were all slaves and playthings. This gave Li Yuanhong a new understanding of the word abnormal.

Next, Li Yuanhong had a headache. After killing these people, Li Yuanhong couldn't do anything, leaving these people behind. To be honest, Li Yuanhong did not have such a broad mind. After all, there was a feud between the two countries, and the other side died after the war. Li Yuanhong really didn't want to keep these people without admitting it.

Regarding the situation, a guard came in: "Report to the captain, is there a Japanese woman who wants to see you?"

"What does he want to see me?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"She said she can speak only after seeing you." The guard replied.

"Let her in." Li Yuanhong said.

Soon, a twenty-seven-eight Japanese woman came in.

Li Yuanhong looked away from the documents on the table and looked up at the woman. This woman should be regarded as a beauty, but she has the color of dust, so Li Yuanhong asked: "What is your name? What do you want to see me?"

"My name is Saito Edko, and I hope you can spare us those who survived."

Li Yuanhong was taken aback, and then asked: "Where do you start?"

"As you can see from your murderous spirit, I know the virtues of our pirate men. If they can't fight, they will still surrender. But none of those who went to war have returned. They have a chance, or you don’t intend to give them a chance to surrender."

Li Yuanhong was stunned again. He had heard of this woman, but he didn't expect that such a beautiful woman would have such a high IQ. After only using a small plot, he could guess his mind.

"Then how can I let you go?" Li Yuanhong asked coldly.

"Find us a Japanese island, then we will put it on that island and we will survive by ourselves."

"So you can survive?"

"It is possible, and it may not!" Zhizi said calmly, calm and terrible.

"Then do you think I will promise you?"



"If you promise me, I will be your slave." Zhizi said firmly, and a faint sadness was flowing in his eyes.

Li Yuanhong was a little helpless. Why did he always encounter such a strange thing? There was a tigress in his family who had never been through the door. If he could get a maid back, he would have to be a mess.

"Are you so confident in yourself?"

"The men I have seen are no exceptions!" Zhizi said without emotion in his voice.

"Hey, your confidence is too much. I promise you to arrange the rest of you on an island in your country. As for what happens in the future, I won't ask. But you don't need to stay here, I am you The exception is said. Okay, you can go out!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong continued to read the documents, and finally made an arrangement for the fate of these people.

But after waiting for a long time, Li Yuanhong did not hear the sound of the branch going out. Li Yuanhong raised his head in confusion and saw that the branch was still standing there.

"I have agreed to your request, why are you still not leaving?"

"I can't go, if I go, I will die!"

"How can I die if I don't kill you?"

"If you take me in, I may not die, but if you go with those people, I will definitely die."

"What's this? You saved them, they should be grateful to you, how could they kill you?"

"Women who have lost their protection, especially beautiful women, will become playthings without the restrictions of the rules in these last days. I don’t want to live that kind of life anymore. If you don’t come, maybe it won’t be long before I will. It’s just that I think it’s worth it to replace some people’s lives with this life."

Li Yuanhong almost scolded aloud when he ran into a saint.

"Okay, stop, you don't have to recite the scriptures to me, so you don't have to be my maid, you don't have to go with those people, I will find you a job later, so you don't have to die. This Satisfied back!"

"Thank you then!" Zhizi bowed deeply.

"Okay, don't bother me!" Li Yuanhong was a little dizzy by this branch's chanting.

Zhizi turned around and walked out, then gently closed the door.

"What a terrible woman!" Li Yuanhong thought to himself.

The next step is relatively simple. Li Yuanhong sent ice boats to send these people to an island called Rishiri Island. In order to make these people live longer, Li Yuanhong cleared the zombies on this island by the way.

Returning to Sakhalin Island, Li Yuanhong began to clean up Sakhalin Island. The population of this island was not large. Before the end of the world, it was less than 400,000. It was distributed in nearly a dozen cities or villages on the island. This cleaned up zombies. There is no risk, but some trouble.

Li Yuanhong took the ice boat to clean up along the west side of the island to the north that day. Although Sakhalin Island is large, most cities are concentrated along the coast. This brings convenience for Li Yuanhong to clean up the island. With naval gun support, no matter how many zombies you come, they will be wiped out by the ashes of naval guns. What’s more, Russia’s population is too small and the land area is too large. Sakhalin Island is not the focus of Russia’s development, so the population is even more sparse. This provided Li Yuanhong with convenience. Each city has only 30,000 to 20,000 people, more than 1,000 archers and two warships. Soon, two cities can be cleared in one day.

For ten days, Li Yuanhong basically cleared all the coastal cities, and the next step was the arduous inland combat. It is winter, especially the winter in the Northeast. It is not only cold, but more importantly, snow will hinder traffic. After the end of the world, without human beings clearing the snow on the road, the road is almost impassable.

No way, Li Yuanhong temporarily gave up the idea of ​​entering the island. After all, he was not familiar with the environment here. If he lost his way when the road was blocked by heavy snow, it would be a big trouble.

So Li Yuanhong led the team back to Holmsk, an important port city in the southern part of Sakhalin. It’s enough for Li Yuanhong to go out for ten days, so Li Yuanhong plans to repair here for two days, and then start emigrating here. More importantly, Li Yuanhong liberated an important city of Oha, which is an oil city. After a good recovery, Li Yuanhong will not have to worry about oil, and then his tank group will be able to gallop on the battlefield.

On the second day of his return, Li Yuanhong was studying a map of Sakhalin Island. This was only an administrative map of Sakhalin Island. There were no mountains and rivers on it, no road signs, and only the general locations of cities could be seen. Look at this On the map, Li Yuanhong's brows were frowned, and the possibility of getting lost is too great to rely on this map to enter the island.

At this moment, the door was opened, and a faint fragrance of intoxication floated in. Li Yuanhong looked up and saw that it was Miss Zhizi. She was wearing a Russian-style tight-fitting lady's military uniform. She was holding a tray with a tea cup on it, which should be freshly brewed tea.

Li Yuanhong took a look, and quickly lowered his head. This military uniform is too showy. The waisted design makes the branch's protruding and curved stature appear particularly obvious, especially when the front chest fully supports the uniform. It is not the shackles of the shirt, it is estimated that the coat with the open collar will be stretched. This attire was obviously suspected of tempting people, so Li Yuanhong had no choice but to ignore it.

Ms. Zhizi walked to Li Yuanhong's table, put the tea cup down, then glanced at the map on Li Yuanhong's table, and asked, "Are you going to hit the island?"

"How did you know?" Li Yuanhong had learned about Zhizi's IQ, but he still asked curiously.

"You go around the island for ten days. If you want to fully control the island, you can only take the last few inland cities."

"You and smart, what did you do before?"

"I studied literature and history at university, and later became a teacher of literature and history in high school."

"That's a bit awkward. A smart person like you should be a manager in a big company."

"You are wrong. In Japan, there is no female status in the business world. What's more, my temperament doesn't like that kind of intrigue. It's much better to be a teacher, and the treatment is also good."

"Then what position do you think you are suitable for now?" Li Yuanhong said, never looking up. For this woman, Li Yuanhong had a headache.

"I am suitable to be a secretary now!"

"No, we don't need secretaries here!" Li Yuanhong quickly vetoed it.

"Hehe, Li Jun seems to be avoiding something. If you don't have a secretary, an assistant or a staff officer is fine."

"I don't need an assistant here, staff? What will you advise?"

"The staff, of course, helped you make suggestions. For example, at the moment, you can't travel to the island by land, so why not start from the air?"

"In the air? How do I go from the air?" Li Yuanhong was taken aback, why didn't he think of the air! But I'm afraid that the Griffin alone won't make it, and this branch may have some good ideas.

"You can make airships. The craftsmanship of airships is not very complicated, and the carrying capacity is large. It can fully meet the needs of air transportation. The most important thing is that zombies can't fly."

Li Yuanhong raised his head this time and looked at Miss Zhizi playfully: "Why do you think of this?"

"I am a student of literature and history, and I have not read less about war cases in history, and my husband is an officer of the Air Self-Defense Force. I have studied a lot of cases of skirmish airdrop operations."

"I'm very curious, how can a good woman like you marry a man like that?"

"In Japan, it is difficult for a woman to choose her husband independently, most of which are made by the family." Zhizi said lightly.

"Well, your Japanese tradition is really troublesome. I will consider your proposal, but one thing is that I don't have the equipment to produce airships." Li Yuanhong said helplessly.

"We don't need to produce airships, just use hot air balloons. This thing is not high-tech and easy to manufacture," Zhizi suggested.

"You can do it?"

"Well, when I was in college, I joined a hot air balloon club." Zhizi replied.

"Well, from today, you will be my adviser. Your first thing is to be responsible for the production of hot air balloons." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"Thank you for your care!" Zhizi bowed in a standard Japanese style, then smiled and walked out.

Li Yuanhong was stunned on the spot, with a smile that was a bit ecstatic. Li Yuanhong shook his head severely and thought to himself, is my appointment wrong?

In the next two days, Zhizi was busy designing hot air balloons and conducting test flights. Finally, five days later, a hot air balloon with ten people was built. This kind of hot air balloon uses fire-resistant canvas as the airbag. The wooden manned hanging frame is simple and light, and there is an ejector for short-term control of the flight direction on the hanging frame. Everything is perfect. Just wait for Li Yuanhong's order, 100 such The hot air balloon will head towards the island.

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