Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 64 Save them some

After the two parties signed, Agatahi came to the airship again. Agatahi brought a map and a few photos. In the photos, the black corpses were surrounded by the tall city wall, although the 17-eight-meter wall It looks very solid, but compared with the number of zombies winding more than ten kilometers, the city wall seems very small, and there is a feeling of being broken every second.

There are also a few photos of zombies coming here. Those corpses are also in the number of millions. In other words, the Russian protective wall will face attacks from more than five million zombies.

On the other hand, the map Agatahi brought was the deployment map of the Russian base, with various firepower configurations and personalities marked on it. Obviously, President Peter had given his life and death to Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong looked at the deployment plan carefully, frowning very tightly. He did not expect the Russian crisis to be so deep. Although the firepower on the Russian defense map looks very fierce. There are various artillery and machine guns, and the protective wall is also very thick, but Li Yuanhong knows that, besides the artillery can cause relatively large damage to the zombies, even heavy machine guns are difficult. How much damage is caused to the zombies will also play a role in slowing down the speed of the zombies, and the number of zombies is huge, Li Yuanhong doubts whether Russia's ammunition inventory can be sustained.

In addition, the Russian defense line is too long, which causes the firepower to be scattered. Unlike the battle organized by Li Yuanhong, the zombies are concentrated on a certain area as much as possible. Although the impact is relatively large, it is more capable of killing fire. But now zombies attack more often, which causes the defensive firepower to be scattered, and it is easy to cause insufficient troops.

Seeing Li Yuanhong's brows frowned, Agatahi asked with some worry, "Is it difficult?"

"It is difficult. It is difficult to resist the attack of zombies with the existing weapons in your hands, and your soldiers do not have experience in close combat with zombies. Defending the city wall is likely to lose a lot." Li Yuanhong is very handsome. Say.

"Then what to do?" Agatahi became even more anxious.

"Defense does not necessarily have to rely on the city wall. There is one of our country's art of war. The best defense is offense. Defense should be active defense instead of passive defense." Li Yuanhong said.

"What should I do then?" Agatahi asked.

"Can your warship still be used?" Li Yuanhong asked an unrelated question.

"There is still half of them. The facilities maintained here are not enough. Many warships can't go to sea now!" Agatahi sighed.

"Oh, that can only be done. You can move the warship to the two sides of the halfway, pinch the junction of the peninsula and the mainland, so that the team of zombies can gather in the middle, which can reduce the attack surface of some zombies. In addition, we Before the zombies gather together, we must find a way to defeat them individually, and don't let them gather together, so as to reduce their attack intensity."

After listening to Li Yuanhong's suggestion, Agatahi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go and advise Mr. President, but what about the current dilemma?"

Li Yuanhong forgot to glance at the ice and snow outside the spacecraft, and then said: "Activate your residents, hurry up two kilometers behind the base wall, build another ice city wall, and pour a layer of ice on the outside of the first wall. Defend the city. At this time, you can use burning weapons to burn these zombies. The zombies are afraid of fire!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, this is a good idea!" After listening to Li Yuanhong's idea, Agatahi finally smiled on his worried face.

Agatahi went out to report to President Peter. At this time, the fat man walked in: "I said Brother Li, you said that these more than one million zombies can be dealt with by our people from the past, four empty boats. ?"

"Of course it can't be solved!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Then you still promise them?" the fat man asked in surprise.

"We are just helping. It's impossible to let us take care of everything. They themselves have some strength, so if we fight the zombies, we have to save some for them. Only if we let them fight on their own will we know about the zombies. Great!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Well, but Brother Li, every time I see you beating a zombie, it doesn't bother you?"

"That's because I took advantage of the terrain. You see that every time I fight with zombies, there are either mountains or rivers. With these terrains, the number of zombies is limited. And here, there is almost no such natural danger. This is a plain, and zombies can fully Give full play to their quantitative advantages, and they are passive defenses, that is, standing there, waiting to be beaten, so fighting against the zombies, unbeaten is unreasonable." Li Yuanhong shook his head and exclaimed.

"Then what do we do?"

"Starting tomorrow, we will continue to find cavemen to explode. All the cavemen exploded for me. I want to see if the zombie attack will be so sharp without the cavemen. After the explosion, we will look at the situation "Li Yuanhong said.

"Okay, I like this!" The fat man said with a smile.

The next day, Li Yuanhong set off with four empty boats early in the morning. This time Agataxi followed on the empty boat. Li Yuanhong asked: "Why are you alone today? What about the three?"

"They have gone to the front line. Their task is to command the soldiers on the front line to fight. In fact, I also want to go, but it is not allowed above!" Agatahi's words were a bit disappointed.

"Hehe, this is not a bad thing either. In the air, the risk is no less than the frontline." Li Yuanhong said.

With an order, the four airships took off. Li Yuanhong’s goal was to sneak attack on the cavemen. The airship had detection equipment, so there was no need to worry about not being able to see the ground. Therefore, Li Yuanhong raised the airship to an altitude of 300 meters. This distance, Most people will not notice and it is easy to attack.

The airship flew forward along the winding direction of the corpse group, and each airship kept a distance of 500 meters, so that the cave people could be found as much as possible, otherwise, among the vast corpse group, so few inconspicuous people would be found. It's really not easy for cave people.

Time passed quickly, and a whole day passed, and there was still no caveman.

At this time the fat man asked anxiously: "Brother Li, do you think there are no cavemen in this corpse group?"

"I don't think it should be!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Brother Li, why do you think so?"

"Don't you think this corpse group is different from the corpse group we have encountered before?" Li Yuanhong asked after selling Guanzi.

"I don't think it's different. These zombies are so ugly, but those blonde zombies have a good back, but unfortunately I can't look at their faces!" The fat man teased the long-haired zombie.

"When did you guy change so much? Be careful to go back to Cuihua and let you kneel on the washboard!"

"Hehe, I will use my mouth, not my mind, so Cuihua is very relieved. Besides, my fat tuft is definitely a super immune body! I will definitely avoid the beauty when I see you! You say no, ah Gatahi beauty!" The fat man turned his head to sell cuteness to Agatahi.

Agatahi gave the fat man a big white eyeball: "I said Li, don't sell it, tell me what is the difference between this zombie and other zombies!"

"Look, these zombies are very neat. Although they are not fast, they are very orderly. In addition, the zombies we have seen before are usually led by giant zombies, and there are fat zombies around giant zombies as guards, but you see The fat zombies here are very scattered, and there are no giant zombies in the group of fat zombies. This shows that these fat zombies are used as ordinary soldiers. Do you think giant zombies will waste fat zombies so much?"

"Should not?" The fat man said in a daze.

"You are watching, these fat zombies are carrying a large back basket on their backs. Take a look at that back basket." Li Yuanhong pointed to the fat zombies and said.

Fatty and Agataxi hurriedly adjusted the monitors and placed the back baskets on the fat zombies to the largest extent, only to find that those boxes were filled with javelins and stones. The two looked at each other, wondering what the zombies were doing with these things.

"Brother Li, why do you use these things for zombies?" the fat man asked.

"Do you think zombies are powerful?" Li Yuanhong asked back.

"It's amazing to say that it's amazing, and it's not amazing to say it's not amazing!" said the fat man.

"Why do you think so?"

"Look, every time a zombie is beaten up by you horribly, but others are beaten horribly by zombies. So zombies are powerful but not terrible."

"That's why I always look for zombies to be weak. Zombies don't have long-range attack methods. This is a weak point. Or we guard the bridge, zombies have long-range attack methods. My thousand people and millions of zombies will come to me together. Far attack, I guess I have died tens of thousands of times!"

"You mean, that box is equipped with a zombie long-range attack weapon?" The fat man suddenly realized.

"It seems that you are not stupid. The box is a long-range weapon. The weapon like a javelin is actually the caveman's short spear. This short spear can be used as a spear when it is close, and it can be used as a javelin when it is far away. There are so many short spears in the box. They are definitely not used as melee weapons. They are used for throwing. The fat zombies have a lot of brute force. I guess they throw that short spear. More than a hundred meters away." Li Yuanhong analyzed.

"What, how can this make people live? This city can't be guarded!" The fat man said in surprise.

"That's not even counted. The stones in the frame are probably used for throwing, and these methods are definitely not zombies can think of. This short spear is a weapon of the cavemen, so there must be in this corpse group. Cave people exist." Li Yuanhong said.

"Then we have searched several times, but we haven't found the caveman?" The fat man said helplessly.

"You said that the cave people are afraid of the cold. In this winter, they don't want to be cold and can move forward. What do you think?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"If it is me, find a car, turn on the air conditioner, everything will be solved!"

"It's a pity that zombies can't drive, nor can they make fires! If there is a moving house, I guess he will bring it inside!" Li Yuanhong said with emotion.

"Are you talking about this kind of house?" Agatahi pointed to the screen and said.

Li Yuanhong hurriedly looked at the monitor and saw that on the monitor screen, a few giant zombies were pulling a car with a small white yurt on the car. Li Yuanhong finally knew why he didn't find the cavemen. These cavemen were all hiding in the yurt because the yurt was white, so Li Yuanhong ignored it.

"Hehe, I finally found it. Fatty, what are you still doing? Hurry up and prepare a warm gift for our guests!"

"Oh? Ah! Alright!" The fat man just came back, listening to his pregnant belly, and rushed downstairs quickly, preparing for shelling.

"I didn't expect him to be so fat and so dexterous!" Agatahi joked, looking at the fat man's back.

"Don't underestimate him, he is a seventh-level evolutionary, and he will fight hard against the eighth-level fat zombies. He will not lose, and his movements are not flexible. How can he fight!" Li Yuanhong said.

"I really didn't see it! What level are you now?" Agatahi asked curiously.

Li Yuanhong smiled without saying a word.

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