Apocalyptic Hero System

: The 65th section

"Why? Still secret?" Agatahi asked with curiosity.

"It's confidential!" Li Yuanhong said.

Just when Agatahi wanted to ask a few more questions, the roar of gunfire sounded, and the two quickly turned their attention to the monitor. As the fierce gunfire continued to spread, the yurt below was completely covered by magical energy. Tear to powder, the creatures inside were not spared either. And within a 300-meter radius around the yurt, all the zombies were also killed by magic, leaving no living creatures behind.

As the yurt was destroyed, the entire group of corpses suddenly lost order and began to chaos. The zombies kept roaring. The fat zombies were still carrying baskets, but they were also thrown on the ground at this time, and they started to start aimlessly. Wandering.

When Li Yuanhong saw the movement of the corpse group below, he was very puzzled. Could it be that in the yurt just now, it was not the caveman, but the giant zombie leader? In the past, only when the leader of the zombie was killed, the zombie would have this kind of out of control phenomenon. But whether it is the leader of the zombie or the caveman, as long as the zombie has no command, it is a good thing.

Li Yuanhong didn't stay too much, and directly ordered the fat man to adjust his direction and set off for the next group of corpses.

In fact, Li Yuanhong didn’t know that there were only cavemen in the yurt. The reason why the corpse group changed was that there was a crack between the cavemen and the zombies, so the cavemen were afraid that the zombies would stabb them in the back. The group of zombies was separated, which caused the death of cave people and the phenomenon that the group of zombies lost control.

Not long after, a few tall giant zombies came outside the group of zombies. When they saw the group of corpses in chaos, they quickly yelled at the group of corpses. Hearing the voice of the leader, the corpse group slowly restored order, but in this riot, many zombies' equipment were thrown away, and some zombies ran away, and the giant zombies could not be gathered for a while.

These are not what the giant zombies are most concerned about. What the giant zombies care about now is how the cavemen died. You know, the cavemen are in the center of the team. There are zombies guards on both sides, and there are no traces of enemies around. This cave The death of a person made it impossible for the giant zombies to explain. What's worse, the corpse of the caveman was blown up and couldn't be found at all. That is to say, the death was inconsistent and the giant zombies had a headache.

Next, Li Yuanhong came to several groups of zombies that were moving, and named the cavemen in these groups. When Li Yuanhong returned to the human gathering place, it was already three days later. When he stepped off the steamboat, Peter was enthusiastic. Welcoming: "My heroes, you are back!"

"Mr. Peter, we are back, how is the battle ahead now?" Li Yuanhong urgently needs to know the battle on the front line.

"Hahaha, those zombies have retreated!" Peter said happily.

"Retreated?" This result surprised Li Yuanhong.

"Well, I retreated. Now there is no zombie under our fence." Peter said heartily.

When Li Yuanhong heard this, his brows wrinkled, which was too incompatible with the characteristics of a zombie. If the zombie loses the leader, it will not retreat, but it will become unorganized, and the attack will become brainless, but at this time, it can only be said that the zombie still has someone to command.

"Let's go, go for a drink with me to celebrate our victory!" Peter ignored this. The feat of zombie retreat was enough to make his presidential throne more stable. As for the future, we will wait until we drink it.

At this time, the giants and zombie leaders of several groups are gathering together and discussing.

"Why did you also withdraw?" one of the giant zombie leaders asked.

"The commander sent by my caveman is dead!" Several giant zombies said almost in unison.

As soon as this sentence was uttered, all the giant zombies were taken aback. What happened? How could all the cavemen die? If giant zombies were killed in battle, it would be easy to handle. After all, death is inevitable in war, but if only cavemen are killed, there is no way to explain, especially to cavemen.

The giants and zombies expressed their opinions one after another. The giant zombies roared constantly at the scene, but the result of the discussion was no result. The cavemen were very wary of zombies before, so when leading the team, they all transferred the giant zombies out of the group. At this time, all the cavemen were wiped out, and these giant zombies really couldn't explain it. In the end, there was no alternative. The giant zombies could only send low-level zombies to inform the cavemen. As for the result, they had no choice but to resign.

Li Yuanhong accidentally worsened the relationship between the zombies and the cavemen, which he did not expect. Now Li Yuanhong is most concerned about how to completely solve the threat of the zombies. After all, the zombies have retreated in a short time, but it does not mean that the zombies are ineffective. Now, if Li Yuanhong wants to complete the agreement with Peter, he must eliminate most of the zombies, so that he can truly take back the ancestral land south of Waixing'anling.

Li Yuanhong looked at the map, looking for a place where the zombies could be nested. The Russian base is located on the Yamal Peninsula. The terrain is too dangerous to guard. There are plains everywhere, with few rivers, and the winter here lasts for eight months. , Some rivers were also frozen into ice. Li Yuanhong felt that the hair on his head was almost gone.

At this time the fat man walked in: "I'm freezing to death, this **** weather, it's snowing again, and my precious airship is almost frozen into ice!"

"Is it cold outside? It's March now!" Li Yuanhong asked casually.

"You go out and try, I won't be surnamed Lu if I don't get frozen into a popsicle!" The fat man said vowedly.

Li Yuanhong looked up and looked out. I don't know when it started to snow, and the outside world became white, and even the air turned white.

Li Yuanhong thought for a moment: "Fatty, do you think zombies will be frozen in this weather?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"It's really hard to say! But they definitely can't move faster!" said the fat man.

"Maybe this weather is a natural trap!" Li Yuanhong lowered his head and said.

"I guess they won't be killed by freezing them!" said the fat man.

"Although nature can't freeze them to death, we can add something to them so that they can freeze to death!" Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"What are you going to do?" the fat man asked.

"Have you been exposed to the rain outside in winter?"

The fat man looked at Li Yuanhong with a foolish look. At this moment, Agataxi just walked in and heard Li Yuanhong say to take a shower: "Why, Li, do you like winter swimming too? I happen to be participating in a winter swimming competition tomorrow, you can come together!" Agataxi was enthusiastic. Inviting.

As a result, Li Yuanhong's face became a little dark, and Fat Lu's eyes were emitting wretched rays of light, and it was obvious that Fat Lu was thinking about something lustful.

"Hehe, we didn't talk about winter swimming, we talked about **** zombies."

"Don't you have magic cannons, just don't bomb them!" Agatahi said for granted.

"I said, Miss, you don't look at how many empty boats we have here. If you rely on these empty boats, I don't think you can blow up these zombies in a few years." Li Yuanhong's face became darker.

"Then what are you going to do?" Agatahi asked Li Yuanhong curiously.

"I plan to bathe the zombies! Natural bath!" Li Yuanhong said.

"How to wash?" Agatahi asked curiously again.

"Before answering this question, let me ask you a question."

"You ask, you must answer if you have any questions!" Agatahi held up her proud chest.

"Can your plane take off in this weather?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"This little snowflake, absolutely no problem!" Agatahi said proudly.

Li Yuanhong's mouth was crooked. Seeing that the snow is not much smaller than goose feathers, it is all small snowflakes, so what kind of snowflakes are big enough!

"Then how much of your plane can be used now?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"This seems to be a new question again!" Agatahi asked Li Yuanhong with a smile.

"Forget it, not for it! Okay, don't worry about these unimportant summaries!"

"Well, let's not worry about your pigtails! Now that there are not many planes, there are three passenger planes, and there are more fighters. There are more than 20."

"Although it's a bit small, it's barely enough." Li Yuanhong said.

"Next is the point, I need balloons and condoms!" Li Yuanhong said.

"What!" Agataxi and Fatty both looked at Li Yuanhong with strange eyes, and Fatty's eyes flashed wretchedly, which meant "Brother Li is indeed a fellow."

"What are you doing in a daze? Find all the condoms and balloons you can find. I have a great use!" Li Yuanhong repeated.

This time the two people set off. It was obvious that Li Yuanhong wanted these things, and he was definitely not doing anything trivial. Otherwise, he wouldn't even let the balloons go.

In the next few days, Li Yuanhong was so busy that many people didn't know what Li Yuanhong was doing. It was not until the heavy snow stopped that Li Yuanhong did the preparations.

Next, the airport began to get busy. Li Yuanhong loaded the special "bombs" he had prepared on the plane and airship. Then Li Yuanhong drove the airship into the air and flew towards the group of corpses. After flying for about 100 kilometers, Li Yuanhong found the corpse group on the bank of the Ob River. There is a small town with a population of less than 50,000. But now the whole town is crowded with zombies, and even more zombies are in the open air. Many zombies buried themselves in the snowdrift, only showing two holes in the nose. So a strange scene appeared on the earth, snow tombs piled on the earth, like snowmen made by children.

If it hadn't been for Li Yuanhong's use of airships to detect, these zombies would have been missed. At high altitudes, the snowdrifts and the white world merged into one, and it was really difficult to distinguish. Having determined the location of the zombies, Li Yuanhong knew it was time to implement his plan. So Li Yuanhong said to Fat Lu: "Notify Agataxi that he can act, report her location, and the bombing will begin."

Following Li Yuanhong’s order, the roar of the plane soon came from the sky in the distance. The sound that had been around for almost two years reverberated in the sky again. As the plane approached, the bombing bay of the plane opened and a string of charges were charged. The balloons and condoms that got up fell from the air to the corpse group. These balloons and condoms burst open after landing. Water splashed from the inside. The water melted the snow, and some of them quickly froze. The snow packs quickly turned into ice sculptures.

The plane went back and forth more than a dozen times, and did not stop until night fell. At this time, the snow bags on the ground had basically turned into ice sculptures, and these zombies seemed to be asleep without any reaction at all. Li Yuanhong wondered if these zombies were already He died, so Li Yuanhong planned to go down and see if his plan was successful.

So Li Yuanhong told the fat man: "Fat man, the airship drives to the corpse group, I will go down and see what these zombies have become!"

"Ah? Brother Li is too dangerous." The fat man said worriedly.

"It's okay, I have life-saving skills. Have I ever run if I can't beat it!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Ok... OK!" The fat man reluctantly agreed.

Therefore, Li Yuanhong was ready to get off the airship to break into the group of zombies.

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