Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 69 Benefits of Fishermen

At this time, the cave people can be said to be precarious, if there is no foreign aid, it can be that failure is doomed.

At this moment, something dark suddenly appeared behind the group of corpses. These things were quickly approaching the group of corpses. Due to the attention of the giant zombie commander, they were always in front, so when they found these approaching creatures, both sides It was very close, when the zombies discovered that it was a group of mice.

These rats rushed into the back of the corpse group and began to fight and fight with the corpse group. The group of rats is not very large, it is less than one million, but it is also a black one, and now the rats are not too small. The fighting power of the mouse has doubled, so when it comes into contact with the corpse group, the defense behind the corpse group suddenly shows signs of collapse.

The giant zombie leader was suddenly attacked by a group of rats behind him. He was caught off guard and yelled angrily. In his cognition, this should be the work of those despicable cavemen, because the cavemen and mice are both underground. Creatures, cavemen, control the mice, it should be a breeze.

After being attacked by the rat group, the giant zombie leader hurriedly dispatched his troops and summoned the zombies who were about to be sent to the front line, and let these zombies support the back, so the group of zombies was divided into two sections, and the front and back were fighting at the same time. Within a range of tens of kilometers for a time, there were shouts of killing, the roar of zombies, and the screams of mice one after another, all in chaos. The white earth became bloody, and Bai Xue was also filthy with blood and fly ash.

Due to the sudden attack by the rat group, the attack force in front of the corpse group was also slowed down, which relieved the cavemen’s precarious line of defense. At this time, several cavemen squad captains slowed down and began to support the squadron captain. The squadron leader, who felt the pressure, was also relieved.

Although the caveman squadron leader doesn't know what happened to the corpse group, the caveman knows that he should take advantage of the situation to fight back, otherwise, once the zombie is relieved, it will be difficult for him to turn over. So the caveman squadron leader suddenly threw out his short spear, and a giant zombie who was fighting with the caveman squad leader was directly penetrated by the short spear and fell to the ground. As for the caveman squadron leader, he bowed himself and slammed into the giant zombie opposite him.

The giant zombies on the front did not expect that the squadron leader would use this attack method. The two claws were still attacking, passing by the squadron leader's back, and their abdomen was exposed to the squadron leader's back. Only hearing a "boom", the giant zombie was hit hard, and then the giant zombie was knocked out. But before the other giant zombies had time to rescue, the attack circle of the giant zombies was torn open.

The caveman squadron leader took advantage of this neutral block and began to destroy the giant zombies. For a while, the giant zombies suffered casualties. The original tight attack circle was also torn apart by the squadron leader. After the squadron leader got out of the trap, he quickly ran to that one. In front of the giant zombies killed by the short spear, pull out the short spear, turn around and kill the giant zombies again, this time the caveman squadron leader's combat power is fully utilized.

The front attack was frustrated, and the rear defense was not smooth. Since the attack of the zombie group was focused on the front, the main force was also in the front, and the rear defense was very weak. The zombies were hurriedly attacked by the rat swarms for a while, and the zombies hurriedly deployed troops to support, but the effect was not ideal, but the giant zombies did not want to withdraw too much force. In the knowledge of the giant zombies, once they defeated the cavemen, then These timid rats will retreat without a fight, but this strategy has cost them a painful price.

The battle ahead is still very fierce. Although the caveman squadron has won a partial victory, the overall battle situation is not optimistic at this time. The caveman has already killed more than half of the battle, and the Longkou Cannon has also been destroyed by zombies. It had to retreat to prevent it from being destroyed again, which caused the overall combat power to weaken.

Although the support team of the zombies could not come up for a while, the number of zombies fighting with the cavemen reached nearly one million. Surrounded by layers of zombies, waves of corpses continued to impact the cavemen’s defense line, and there were always there. The cave man fell down injured. When the caveman squadron leader saw this, his heart was dripping blood, which even more stabbed his fierceness. It stimulated all his potential. By his side, nearly ten giant zombies had fallen. In this battle, Even if the zombie wins, it is a tragic victory, not to mention the variables behind the rat group have not been resolved.

After another hour, the caveman's defense line had completely collapsed. By the caveman squadron leader, except for five squadrons and less than a hundred soldiers, everyone else had died in the battle. The caveman squadron leader knew he was defeated. Up. So he told a small team leader next to him: "I will rush out with all my strength for a while and send you out. You must report the situation here to Your Excellency Uka. You can't let the hero caveman warrior die in vain!"

"Squadron Captain, you should go, I will stay!" The squadron leader said sadly.

"No, you can't stop them. Moreover, this battle was a failure caused by my carelessness. I should apologize with death!" The caveman squadron leader said angrily.

"Squadron Captain..." The squadron leader wanted to argue, but was immediately interrupted by the squadron leader.

"Don't fight, this is an order!" The squadron leader said decisively.

At first it was an order, and the team leader was no longer arguing and could only obey.

So the cave people surrounded by the corpse group began to break through with all their strength. At this time, the squadron leader was already at the end of the squadron, but still gritted his teeth and took the lead to rush out. At this time, the group of zombies has also been greatly weakened, and the number is no more than six One hundred thousand, especially those Longkou Cannons, caused too many casualties, so the zombies destroyed these cannons the first time.

Under the leadership of the caveman squadron leader, the caveman finally rushed out of the encirclement of the corpse group, but there were no more than ten people in the cave who rushed out of the corpse group, and everyone was injured.

"Hurry up, I'll block them!" The squadron leader said to the team leader next to him.

"Okay! Captain, take care!" The small captain said lowly, and then ran towards his lair without looking back.

As for the squadron leader, the pair of sky roared and killed the corpse again, and the cave people beside it also graciously went to death and killed the corpse. This last battle ended in less than ten minutes. The grieving roar was gradually covered by the roar of the corpses, and finally disappeared among the corpses.

With the death of the cavemen, the leader of the giant zombie breathed a sigh of relief. In its knowledge, the war should be over and the rats should have dispersed. But unexpectedly, the rats did not retreat, but instead The offensive was even more fierce, causing heavy casualties to the corpses behind.

Seeing that things were not going well, the giant zombies hurriedly transferred the corpse group in front, but it was too late. The corpse group behind was almost wiped out at this time, and many of the corpse groups who retreated in front were also injured. , At this time, the corpse group can no longer crush the rat group. So the two sides fought a war of attrition.

The battle lasted for more than an hour. The group of corpses was less than 200,000, and the group of rats was still more than 100,000. At this time, the zombies finally gained the upper hand, but this advantage is of little significance. It is less than 200,000. Of the zombies, it is estimated that even a larger gathering place for humans is difficult to take.

The giant zombies were furiously furious. At this time, he completely didn’t understand where these rats came from. How dare these usually timid guys dared to attack him today, and even after the cavemen died, they insisted on Attacking by yourself is completely incompatible with the nature of a mouse.

When the giant zombies were furious, a fireball suddenly flew over his head. These fireballs exploded beside the giant zombies. The guards around him were caught off guard. Many guards were bombed into flying ash before they could make defensive actions. .

The giant zombie turned on magic protection the first time it was attacked and survived, but after the gunfire, there were no guards around him, only a zombie was left. At this moment, a figure appeared from behind it. It was a human being. He was wearing a battle armor and holding a cold knife in his hand, step by step approaching him. At this time, the giant zombies understood that the artillery fire just now was of this type, and the artillery fire just now reminded it of the cavemen killed by the fireball that fell from the sky two days ago. At this time, the giant zombies understood. This class.

Knowing this, the leader of the giant zombie was furious and raised the steel rod in his hand to rush towards Li Yuanhong. This giant zombie is an eleventh-level zombie, and it is known for its defensive metal properties. The giant zombie is confident and easy to cut. Kill this human being behind the scenes.

As the two sides approached, the giant zombie stick swept out, and this stick carried all the snow on the ground up, exposing a large area of ​​black land. However, as the big stick swept past, the hateful human was gone, and at this moment, the giant zombie felt that his left leg made a "cock", and a steel knife slashed on its left. Lap. Because of the "Steel Body" magic shield, this knife only cut a small gap in the left leg, but for giant zombies, this small gap is equivalent to being chopped off a vellus hair.

The giant zombies roared, and the big stick swept past again, but the human rolled awkwardly, avoiding his big stick again, and the steel knife continued to cut at his left leg. So the giant zombies and Li Yuanhong burst into iron-like sounds, and the two sides kept attacking each other. Although the giant zombies were powerful, Li Yuanhong always used his agility to find a way to escape in the gap of the opponent's attack. Turning danger to a breeze, attacking its left leg from time to time.

Regarding Li Yuanhong's attack, the giant zombie leader didn't care, he was confident in his own defense, so the giant zombie only attacked but not defended, allowing Li Yuanhong to constantly strike iron on his left leg. But after Li Yuanhong attacked more than a dozen times, when Li Yuanhong attacked again, he heard that the attack was not the sound of metal hitting, but the sound of "clicking" like glass breaking. Then, the left calf of the giant zombie, Like glass that had been smashed by a heavy blow, it began to shatter. The giant zombie lost its center of gravity and fell to the snow.

Naturally, Li Yuanhong would not let go of this opportunity, jumped near the head of the giant zombie, raised the steel knife and slashed down. Although the giant zombie fell, but the arm can still move, he quickly raised his arm to block, just listen " With a bang, the attack was blocked. However, Li Yuanhong didn't give up, and kept waving the steel knife at the giant zombies, so the giant zombies could only hold back their arms to resist.

After a few moments, the giant zombie finally understood what happened to his left leg. The place where he was chopped was slowly frozen by ice, and then the place where it was frozen made its metal armor fragile, and then it was like glass. It was broken by Li Yuanhong, then turned into fragments and fell on the snow. At this time, the giant zombies completely lost their defense.

At this time, the giant zombies were frightened and hurriedly called for help from the corpse group, but just as he roared, Li Yuanhong's steel knife arrived, and its neck was directly chopped by Li Yuanhong, and he died without making a sound. So the whole group of corpses was completely messed up, and the group of rats fighting with the group of corpses suddenly collapsed and fled.

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