Apocalyptic Hero System

: Section 70 Da Vinci's Dog

Li Yuanhong killed the giant zombie leader, and then quickly ran to the place where the cavemen fought with the zombies, because at this time some zombies began to chase here, Li Yuanhong did not want to be entangled with these ordinary zombies, he now has more important things Things need to be busy.

Li Yuanhong soon came to the place where the zombies fought with the cavemen. It has now become a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Li Yuanhong also ignored the dirt and walked through the piles of corpses. From time to time, he put his hands on some corpses. Disappearing, Li Yuanhong was taking the corpses of high-level zombies and cavemen. These could not be given to Russia. Otherwise, Russia would get these corpses, and it is estimated that the strength would skyrocket, and he would be in trouble.

Li Yuanhong constantly shuttled through the pile of corpses, and soon the space was filled with him. As a last resort, Li Yuanhong summoned down the airship. There were only fat people on this airship, and Agatahi was assigned to another airship by him. He said "I have an important task entrusted to you", so Li Yuanhong got rid of Agatahi's sight.

"Fatty, hurry up, dispose of these corpses, take out the crystal cores, hide the corpses, and don't let anyone discover them." Li Yuanhong quickly vacated the corpses in the space and told Fatty Lu.

"Okay, Brother Li, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this little thing for you." Fatty Lu rubbed his hands and said happily because Fatty Lu could see that these corpses are the corpses of senior zombies and cavemen. It is a lot of wealth.

After Li Yuanhong emptied the space, he returned to the corpse pile again and began to search the giant zombies and the corpses of cavemen in the corpse pile again. After working for more than an hour, Li Yuanhong stopped. At this time, Li Yuanhong had been transported on the ship five or six times, and Li Yuanhong also knew that it was impossible to remove all the corpses of high-level zombies, only the highest zombies could be picked. Li Yuanhong never let go of the giant zombies and the body of the caveman squadron who fought hard with the caveman squadron leader, and the caveman squadron’s weapon and a good dragon mouth cannon were also searched by Li Yuanhong. .

Seeing that the search was almost done, Li Yuanhong stopped and saw an airship slowly flying in the distance. Li Yuanhong returned to the airship, and then told Fat Lu: "Go, send some people to the cannons, don’t need more, move two. The door will do!"

"Brother Li, what are we doing with the broken cannons?" Fatty Lu asked inwardly.

"If you let you move, you just move, there is so much nonsense!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Yes!" Fatty Lu could only agree.

So the airship landed, and many soldiers came down and began to carry the Longkou Cannon. This cannon was pulled by a four-wheeled artillery cart. At that time, it was the artillery cart that broke down. So now to carry the cannon, people can only carry it. The cannon, to say nothing, is almost a meal. Dozens of strong men stand in two rows, then tie the cannons with ropes, and then use the rods to thread the ropes. The soldiers then carry the rods on their shoulders and shout slogans. Lift the spaceship.

When finally lifting the cannon to the hatch, a woman's voice rang: "Put it down for me, don't lift it!"

When everyone turned their heads, they saw a pretty figure, who had stepped down from another airship, it was Agatahi.

At this time the fat man came over: "I said A girl..."

"I don't have a surname!" Agatahi corrected it immediately.

"Well, I have to say my full name, it's a circumstance. I said, Girl Agatahi, why don't you let it go!"

"The agreement says that all the spoils on this battlefield belong to us, and you can't take it either!"

"Huh? Why don't I know about this?" The fat man asked in surprise, and now he somewhat understood Li Yuanhong's hurried behavior just now.

"How can he not know that you Li signed with us! I think he did it on purpose!" Agatahi accused.

"Our agreement only says that we can't move the victorious item in the battle with the zombies. It doesn't say that we can't move the cavemen's spoils. These cannons belong to the cavemen and have nothing to do with the zombies. Besides, we only took two cannons. , There are still so many cannons that I haven't taken, or I will take the other cannons too!" Li Yuanhong appeared at the door of the airship at this time and said to Agatahi.

"You don't talk about integrity!"

"I don't talk about integrity anymore, but I follow the agreement. If it weren't for our friendship, I don't want to leave these cannons to you!" Li Yuanhong said.

Agatahi intends to continue arguing with Li Yuanhong. At this time, Li Yuanhong said: "I said Agatahi, you have time to argue with me here. You might as well rush back as soon as possible and tell President Peter to send troops over. It's late, but not only a few cannons are gone, the crystal nuclei of these zombies may have been eaten by wild beasts!" Li Yuanhong said.

Agatahi was shocked. This is a wasteland. Since the end of the world, animals in nature have reproduced rapidly. Now the world is full of animals. This crystal nucleus can be helpful to animal evolution. If you don’t hurry, this The crystal nucleus may have really been divided by the animal. Just now, more than 100,000 mice ran away around here. Those mice steal the crystal nucleus, but every minute.

So Agatahi hurriedly returned to the spacecraft and walked to the door of the spacecraft. Agatahi suddenly turned his head and said to Li Yuanhong: "You have taken good care of me. You are not allowed to take another thing or put other creatures in to steal things. "After speaking, Agata Xi gave Li Yuanhong a fierce look, and then got on the spaceship with a little groan.

Seeing why the airship was flying far away, Li Yuanhong breathed a sigh of relief. At this time Fatty Lu came over and said, "Brother Li, why did you raise the gun to let this Agataxi see it, can't we move it privately?" The fat man asked in confusion.

"I just let him see."

"Why?" The fat man became more confused.

"You know that when Leonardo was painting the Last Supper, he always painted an unrelated puppy on the painting. Because of this dog, Leonardo often quarreled with the priest Jiansi, and every time Da Vinci made concessions, do you know why?!" Li Yuanhong said.

"Why?" The fat man asked cooperatively.

"This is Da Vinci's strategy. He is diverting the attention of the monastery. The monastery is a very picky person. Even if there is no problem, he has to find something wrong, so Da Vinci simply gave him one. Let him pick the problem, so that he can ensure that his paintings are not destroyed by this prison temple! Do you understand this time?" Li Yuanhong smiled.

"Divert his attention?" The fat man thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: "Gao, or Li Ge Gao!"

The battle is not completely over. After all, there are more than 200,000 zombies that have not been wiped out. This is what Li Yuanhong left specially for the Russians. You can’t let these Russians not kill any zombies and eat the ready-made ones. Once the zombies were cleaned up, he couldn't compete with the Russians.

When Agatahi came back again, he returned with a lot of soldiers, and there was a large army behind. Seeing that the crisis had been resolved, Li Yuanhong and Agatahi said goodbye. Agatahi said with some dismay:" I said Li, can't you stay for a while?"

"No, I still have very important things to do." Li Yuanhong categorically refused.

"Then, can you stay one more day for me?" Agatahi blushed.

"This... still doesn't work. If I stay today, I probably won't be able to leave!" Li Yuanhong said with a pun.

"Okay... Then I hope you can come and see us often in the future!" Agatahi reluctantly said.

"If there is time, I will!" After speaking, Li Yuanhong turned around and returned to the airship.

The four airships slowly lifted into the sky and slowly disappeared into the sky to the southeast. Agatahi looked at the sky for a long time, with a look of loss.

At this time, Peter came with troops. He walked behind Agatahi and asked, "Daughter, why did he go?"

"Well, he's gone! Dad, do you think he will come back?" Agatahi asked with some expectation.

"It's not easy to say, I think you should forget him!" Peter said with some feeling.

Agatahi still looked at the sky, without answering for a long time.

Li Yuanhong was sitting in the airship at this time, checking his harvest this time. In addition to the few cannons, Li Yuanhong also brought the corpses of the caveman squadron leader and the squad leader, as well as the giant zombie leader and many others. There are at least three or four hundred high-level zombies. Although this number is nothing compared to the number of millions of zombies, Li Yuanhong knows that these are corpses of top combat power. These zombies and The caveman's crystal nucleus is enough to raise himself and the base to a level.

"Brother Li, why don't you stay one more day?" The fat man walked over again at this time and asked jokingly.

"If I stay, it will probably be very difficult to leave!"

"Could that Peter embarrass us not?" Fatty Lu asked puzzled.

"It's hard to say, but what would you do if Peter said to marry you his daughter?"

"Cut it, I don't want it! In case her daughter has that beer barrel body shape, I won't be uncomfortable for a lifetime!" Fatty Lu immediately refused, and a female man with a thick back and a thick back appeared carrying a log. , The thought of this fat man shocked himself, and he thought of Buddha secretly in his heart!

"If it's a girl like Agatahi, would you like it?" Li Yuanhong asked.

"Agatahi? Impossible, absolutely impossible, it's absolutely impossible for someone with a thick line like Peter to give birth to a slender daughter like Agatahi!" Fatty Lu kept shaking his head.

Li Yuanhong didn't say anything when he saw that Fatty Lu looked like that.

After being interrupted by Li Yuanhong, Fat Lu didn't understand why Li Yuanhong left Russia in a hurry. But Fatty Lu didn’t care about it. After all, Fatty Lu would be very happy to see Cuihua. Although he was trained by Cuihua every time, every time he left for a long time, Fat Lu still missed her very much. Fatty Shi Lu was smiling silly with a Russian headdress in his hand.

It took the airship three days to return to Huaxia. Li Yuanhong did not directly return to Spring City, but went to Uncle Wula in Mongolian province.

When the four huge airships descended outside the city of Uncle Ula, the whole city was a sensation. Many children broke away from their parents and ran under the airships, curiously looking up at these huge flying machines. There were several A naughty bag, trying to climb on the airship, but fortunately, the guards were quick-eyed and dragged these naughty bags down, otherwise these bear kids might not cause any trouble.

Li Yuanhong walked out of the airship, Wang Jingrong and Uncle Wula came over together: "Oh, we are still thinking about who this is, it turns out to be Brother Li!" Uncle Wula said with emotion.

"Haha, didn't you scare you!" Li Yuanhong joked.

"Hahaha, I'm not that timid yet. Although this airship has never seen the real thing, how can I see it on the Internet? This still doesn't scare me!"

"Uncle Wula, let's go to the city to say a few words, it's windy here!" Wang Jingrong said from the side.

"Yes, yes, let's go to the stockade to talk!" Uncle Wula let everyone go to the stockade together.

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